== [[Mitologi Aztek]] ==
*[[Huitzilopochtli]], goddewa ofmatahari thedan sun and warperang
*[[Nanauatzin]], goddewa of the sunmatahari
*[[Teoyaomicqui]], goddewa ofmatahari, lostpencabut soulsnyawa, the sun and the sixthdan hourenam ofjam thedalam daysehari
*[[Tonatiuh]], goddewa ofmatahari thedan sunpenguasa and ruler of the heavenssurga
*[[Xiuhtecuhtli]], goddewa api, siang, dan panasgod of fire, day and heat
== [[Mitologi Baltik]] ==
**[[Saulė]], goddessdewi ofmatahari thedan sun and fertilitykesuburan
== [[Mitologi Basque]] ==
**[[Ekhi]], goddessdewi ofmatahari thedan sunpelindung andumat protector of humanitymanusia
== [[Mitologi Brazil]] ==
**[[Meri (mythologymitologi)|Meri]], [[folk hero]] and god of the sun
== [[Mitologi Kanaan]] ==
**[[Shapash (Canaanite goddessmitologi)|Shapash]], goddess of thedewi sunmatahari
== [[Mitologi Keltik]] ==
*[[Áine]], dewi cinta, musim panas, dan kedaulatan, yang berhubungan dengan matahari dan [[musim panas]] dalam [[mitologi Irlandia]]
*[[Áine]], [[Irish mythology|Irish]] goddess of love, summer, wealth and sovereignty, associated with the sun and [[midsummer]]
*[[Alaunus]], [[Gaulishdewa mythology|Gaulish]]matahari, godpenyembuhan, ofdan theperamalan sun,dalam healing[[mitologi and prophecyGaul]]
*[[Belenos]], dewa matahari dalam [[Gaulishmitologi mythology|GaulishGaul]] god of the sun
*[[Étaín]], Irishdewi sunmatahari goddessdalam [[mitologi Irlandia]]
*[[Grannus]], goddewa associatedyang withdiasosiasikan spasdengan spa, healingpenyembuhan thermalmata andair mineralpanas springs,dan andmineral, thedan sunmatahari
*[[Lugh]], IrishDewa deityIrlandia sometimeskadang-kadang regardeddianggap assebagai adewa sun godmatahari
*[[Mug Ruith]], Irishdewa deitybadai sometimesdan regardedmatahari asdalam a[[mitologi sunIrlandia]] or storm god
== [[Mitologi Mesir]] ==
*[[Bastet|Bast]], catdewa goddesskucing associatedyang withdiasosiasikan thedengan sunmatahari
*[[Horus]], god of the sky whose right eye was considered to be the sun and his left the moon
*[[Amun]], creator deity sometimes identified as a sun god
== [[Mitologi Mesopotamia]] ==
*[[Shamash]], Akkadiandewa godmatahari ofdan thekeadilan sundalam and justice[[Akkadia]]
*[[Utu]], Sumeriandewa godmatahari ofdan thekeadilan sundalam and justice[[Sumeria]]
== [[Mitologi Amerika]] ==
*[[Wi (mythologymitologi)|Wi]], dewa matahari dalam [[Lakotamitologi mythology|Lakota]] god of the sun
== [[Mitologi Norse]]==
*[[Baldr]], goddewa associatedyang withdiasosiasikan lightdengan terang, beautykecantikan, lovecinta, anddan happinesskesenangan
*[[Dagr]], personificationpersonifikasi ofsiang the daytimehari
*[[Freyr]], goddewa ofkesuburan, fertilityseksualitas, sexualitykedamaian, peacedan andterang sunlightmatahari
== [[Mitologi Persia]] ==
*[[Nahundi]], goddewa ofmatahari thedan sun and lawhukum
== [[Mitologi Polinesia]]==
*[[Atanua]], dewi fajar di [[MarquesasKepulauan Islands|MarquesanMarquesa]] goddess of the dawn
*[[Atarapa]], goddessdewi of the dawnfajar
== [[Mitologi Sami]] ==
* [[Beiwe]], goddessdewi ofmusim thesemi sun, springkesuburan, fertility anddan sanitymatahari.
== [[Mitologi Slavik]] ==
*[[Belobog]], dewa matahari
*[[Belobog]], reconstructed deity of light and the sun who may or may not have been worshipped by pagan Slavs
*[[Dažbog]], goddewa of the sunmatahari
*[[Hors]], goddewa of the sunmatahari
*[[Radegast (godmitologi)|Radegast]], god of hospitality, fertility and crops, associated with war and the sun, who may or may not have been worshipped by pagan Slavs
*[[Zorya]], twodua daughters ofputri Dažbog
**''Zorya Utrennyaya'', thebintang morning starpagi, whoyang openesmembuka thegerbang palaceistana gatessetiap eachfajar dawnuntuk forkeberangkatan thekereta sun-chariot'smatahari departure
**''Zorya Vechernyaya'', thebintang evening starsenja, whoyang closesmenutup thegerbang palaceistana gatessetiap eachsenja nightuntuk afterkepulangan thekereta sun-chariot'smatahari
== [[Mitologi Turki]] ==
*[[Koyash]], goddewa of the sunmatahari
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