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Baris 31:
== Kehidupan pribadi ==
Ia menikah dan memiliki dua orang putra.
== Beberapa karya ==
* (2009), "How Many U.S. Jobs Might Be Offshorable," ''World Economics'', April–June 2009, 10(2): 41-78.
* (2009), "Making Monetary Policy by Committee,” ''International Finance'', Summer 2009, 12(2): 171-194.
* (2008), "Do Monetary Policy Committees Need Leaders? A Report on an Experiment," ''American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)'', May 2008, pp. 224–229.
* (2006), "Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution?" Foreign Affairs", March/April 2006, pp. 113–128. (A longer version with footnotes and references is "Fear of Offshoring," CEPS Working Paper No. 119, December 2005).
* (2006), "The Case Against the Case Against Discretionary Fiscal Policy," in R. Kopcke, G. Tootell, and R. Triest (eds.), The Macroeconomics of Fiscal Policy, MIT Press, 2006, forthcoming, pp. 25–61.
* (2004), ''The Quiet Revolution'', Yale University Press
* (2001, with [[William Baumol]] and Edward N. Wolff), ''Downsizing in America: Reality, Causes, And Consequences'', Russell Sage Foundation
* (2001, with [[Janet Yellen]]), ''The Fabulous Decade: Macroeconomic Lessons from the 1990s'', New York: The Century Foundation Press
* (1998, with E. Canetti, D. Lebow, and J. Rudd), ''Asking About Prices: A New Approach to Understanding Price Stickiness'', Russell Sage Foundation
* (1998), ''Central Banking in Theory and Practice'', MIT Press
* (1991), ''Growing Together: An Alternative Economic Strategy for the 1990s'', Whittle
* (1990, ed.), ''Paying for Productivity'', Brookings
* (1989), ''Macroeconomics Under Debate'', Harvester-Wheatsheaf
* (1989), ''Inventory Theory and Consumer Behavior'', Harvester-Wheatsheaf
* (1987), ''Hard Heads, Soft Hearts: Tough‑Minded Economics for a Just Society'', Addison-Wesley
* (1983), ''Economic Opinion, Private Pensions and Public Pensions: Theory and Fact''. The University of Michigan
* (1979, with [[William Baumol]]), ''Economics: Principles and Policy'' - textbook
* (1979), ''Economic Policy and the Great Stagflation''. New York: Academic Press
* (co-edited with Philip Friedman, 1977), ''Natural Resources, Uncertainty and General Equilibrium Systems: Essays in Memory of [[Rafael Lusky]]'', New York: Academic Press
* (1974), ''Toward an Economic Theory of Income Distribution'', MIT Press