Boneka kaus kaki: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 3:
<!-- Before re-adding self-ref link to WP:SOCK, please discuss on talk page -->
[[File:Totally Socks Donkey.png|thumb|ASebuah sockboneka puppetkaus decoratedkaki withdihiasi eyes,dengan amata, mouthmulut anddan earstelinga.]]
A '''sockBoneka kaus puppetkaki''' isadalah asebuah [[puppetboneka]] made from a [[sock]] or similar garment. The puppeteer wears the sock on their hand and lower arm as if it were a glove, with the puppet's mouth being formed by the region between the sock's heel and toe, and the puppeteer's thumb acting as the [[jaw]]. The arrangement of the [[finger]]s naturally forms the shape of a mouth, which is sometimes padded with a hard piece of [[felt]], often with a [[tongue]] glued inside.
The sock is stretched out fully so that it is long enough to cover the puppeteer's wrist and part of the arm. Often, but not always, the puppeteer will hide behind a stand and raise their hand above it so that only the puppet is visible. Many sock puppeteers, however, stand in full view along with their puppets and will hold conversations with them using [[ventriloquism]].