Pembaptisan Yesus: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 28:
:"Dan [Naaman] menyelamkan diri ... tujuh kali di sungai Yordan" [2 Raja-raja 5:14]. Hal itu bukannya tidak berarti bagi Naaman pada zaman dahulu, ketika menderita penyakit kusta, dimurnikan pada saat dibaptis, tetapi [merupakan] sebagai indikasi kepada kita. Karena sebagaimana kita berpenyakit kusta dosa, kita dibuat menjadi bersih, dengan air kudus dan Firman Tuhan, dari pelanggaran-pelanggaran kita yang lama, dihidupkan kembali secara rohani sebagai bayi-bayi yang baru lahir, sebagaimana Tuhan menyatakan: "Kalau seorang tidak dilahirkan kembali melalui darah dan Roh, ia tidak dapat masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Sorga."
St. Klemens dari Alexandria, ThePengajaran Instructoruntuk of ChildrenAnak-anak 1:6:26:1 (sebelum 202 M)
:"When we are baptized, we are enlightened. Being enlightened, we are adopted as sons. Adopted as sons, we are made perfect. Made perfect, we become immortal...."and sons all of the Most High" [Psalm 82:6]. This work is variously called grace, illumination, perfection, and washing. It is a washing by which we are cleansed of sins; a gift of grace by which the punishments due our sins are remitted; an illumination by which we behold that holy light of salvation -- that is, by which we see God clearly; and we call that perfection which leaves nothing lacking. Indeed, if a man know God, what more does he need? Certainly it were out of place to call that which is not complete a true gift of God's grace. Because God is perfect, the gifts He bestows are perfect".
:"Sebelum Yohanes Pembaptis tidak ada sakramen pembaptisan, dan sebelum kedatangan Yesus, Yohanes hanya membaptis dengan air, namun seperti yang dinubuatkan oleh Yohanes bahwa setelah Yesus orang akan dibaptis dengan Roh. Pada saat orang percaya kepada Yesus, mengakui dosa-dosanya (kepada Yesus melalui imam yang tertahbis), dan dibaptis, maka orang tersebut telah menerima Roh/telah dibaptis oleh Roh."
''Didache'' (padapaling awal tahun 70 M)
:"Akuilah dosa-dosamu di gereja, dan jangan mengangkat doamu dengan kesadaran yang jahat. Inilah jalan kehidupan ... Pada Hari Tuhan berkumpul bersama, memecahkan roti, dan mengucapkan syukur, setelah mengakui pelanggaran-pelanggaranmu sehingga korbanmu menjadi murni." (4:14; 14:1)
Baris 39:
:''Sang rasul juga memberikan kesaksian dan berkata: ...."Barangsiapa makan roti dan minum cawan Tuhan dengan tidak pantas akan bersalah terhadap tubuh dan darah Tuhan" [1 Korintus 11:27]. Tetapi [the impenitent] spurn and despise all these warnings; before their sins are expiated, before they have made a confession of their crime, before their conscience has been purged in the ceremony and at the hand of the priest...they do violence to his body and blood, and with their hands and mouth they sin against the Lord more than when they denied him. (The Lapsed 15:1-3)
St. [[Athanasius]] dari [[Aleksandria]] (295 - 373 M)
:"Just as a man is enlightened by the Holy Spirit when he is baptized by a priest, so he who confesses his sins with a repentant heart obtains their remission from the priest." (Mengenai Injil [[Lukas 19]])
St. Augustinus dari Hippo (~ 354 - 430 M)
:"Let this be in the heart of the penitent: when you hear a man confessing his sins, he has already come to life again; when you hear a man lay bare his conscience in confessing, he has already come forth from the sepulchre; but he is not yet unbound. When is he unbound? By whom is he unbound? "Whatever you loose on earth," He says, "shall be loosed also in heaven" [MtMatius 16:19; 18:18; JnYohanes 20:23]. Rightly is the loosing of sins able to be given by the Church..." (Mazmur 101:2:3)
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