Art Deco: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Gerakan awal ini disebut Style Moderne. Istilah ''Art Deco'' diambil dari [[Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes|Eksposisi 1925]], meskipun baru pada 1960-an istilah ini diciptakan, ketika terjadi kebangkitan kembali Art Deco.
== Sumber-sumber dan Atribut-atribut ==
<!--== Sources and attributes ==
[[Image:Beau Brownie.jpg|thumb|right|[[Walter Dorwin Teague]]'s "Beau Brownie" camera for [[Eastman Kodak]].]]
ItArt wasDeco widelysecara consideredumum todianggap besebagai ansuatu eclecticbentuk formeklektik ofdari elegantkeanggunan anddan stylishgaya modernismmodernisme, beingyang influenceddipengaruhi byberbagai a variety of sourcessumber. Among them were theDiantaranya "primitive"adalah artsseni oftradisional AfricaAfrika, EgyptMesir, oratau AztecAztek MexicoMeksiko, asdan well asjuga [[MachineAbad AgeMesin]] oratau teknologi [[Streamline]] technology such as modernseperti [[aviationpenerbangan]] moderen, electric [[lightingPenerangan]] listrik, the [[radio]], and thedan [[skyscraperbangunan pencakar langit]]. ThesePengaruh designdesain influencesini wereterlihat expressed inpada fractionated, crystalline, facetedbentuk formsfacet ofdari decorativedekorasi [[CubismKubisme]] anddan [[FuturismFuturisme (art)|Futurism]], indalam wadah [[FauvismFauvisme]]'s palette. OtherTema popularpopuler themeslain indalam artArt decoDeco wereadalah trapezoidalbentuk-bentuk bersifat trapezoid, zigzaggedzigzag, geometricgeometri, anddan jumbledbentuk shapespuzzle, which can beyang seenbanyak interlihat manypada earlykarya piecesmula-mula.
CorrespondingSejalan todengan thesepengaruh-pengaruh influencesini, Art Deco isdikarakterkan characterized by use ofdengan materialspenggunaan suchbahan-bahan asseperti [[aluminum]], [[stainless steel]], [[lacquer]] , inlaid wood, sharkskinkulit hiu ([[shagreen]]), anddan zebraskinkulit zebra. ThePenggunaan boldberani usedari ofbentuk stepped formsbertingkat, andsapuan sweeping curveskurva (unlike the sinuous, natural curves of the [[Art Nouveau]]), pola-pola [[Chevron (insignia)|chevron]] patterns, anddan themotif [[sunburstpancaran matahari]] motifadalah aretipikal typical ofdari Art Deco. SomeBeberapa ofdari thesemotif motifsini weresering ubiquitousmuncul pada forsaat exampleini— contohnya, sunburstmotif motifspancaran werematahari useddalam inberbagai suchkonteks variedseperti contextssepatu as ladies' shoeswanita, radiator grilles, the auditorium of thedari [[Radio City Music Hall]], anddan thepuncak spire of thedari [[ChryslerGedung BuildingChrysler]].
Corresponding to these influences, Art Deco is characterized by use of materials such as [[aluminum]], [[stainless steel]], lacquer, inlaid wood, sharkskin ([[shagreen]]), and zebraskin. The bold use of stepped forms, and sweeping curves (unlike the sinuous, natural curves of the [[Art Nouveau]]), [[Chevron (insignia)|chevron]] patterns, and the [[sunburst]] motif are typical of Art Deco. Some of these motifs were ubiquitous — for example, sunburst motifs were used in such varied contexts as ladies' shoes, radiator grilles, the auditorium of the [[Radio City Music Hall]], and the spire of the [[Chrysler Building]].
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Art Deco was an opulent style, and its lavishness is attributed to reaction to the forced austerity imposed by [[World War I]]. Its rich, festive character fitted it for "modern" contexts, including interiors of cinema theaters and [[ocean liner]]s such as the ''[[SS Ile de France|Ile de France]]'' and ''[[SS Normandie|Normandie]]''.
[[Image:Buffalo City Hall - 001.jpg|thumb|[[Buffalo, New York]] City Hall, an Art Deco masterpiece.]]