[[Kategori:Tim Major League Baseball]]
[[ca:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[cs:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[da:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[de:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[en:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[eo:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[es:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[fi:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[fr:Angels de Los Angeles d'Anaheim]]
[[he:לוס אנג'לס איינג'לס מאנהיים]]
[[it:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[ko:로스앤젤레스 에인절스 오브 애너하임]]
[[nl:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[pl:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[pt:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[ru:Лос-Анджелес Энджелс из Анахайма]]
[[simple:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[sr:Лос Анђелес ејнџелс из Анахајма]]
[[sv:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[tr:Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim]]
[[uk:Лос-Анджелес Ейнджелс-оф-Анахайм]]