Jerman: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 67:
{{utama|Agama di Jerman}}
[[Image:Luther46c.jpg|thumb|right|250px|[[Martin Luther]], Bapak Reformasi Jerman dan pereform bahasa Jerman, 1529]]
Germany is the home of the [[Protestant Reformation|Reformation]] launched by [[Martin Luther]] in the early 16th century. Today, [[Protestantism|Protestants]] (particularly in the north and east) comprise about 33% of the population and [[Catholicism|Catholics]] (particularly in the south and west) also 33%. In total more than 55 million people officially belong to a Christian denomination. Most German Protestants are members of the [[Evangelical Church in Germany]]. [[Free churches]] exist in all larger towns and many smaller ones, but most such churches are small. The current pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, [[Pope Benedict XVI]], is German.
Jerman merupakan rumah dari [[Reformasi Protestan|Reformasi]] yang diluncurkan oleh [[Marin Luther]] pada awal [[abad ke-16]]. Sekarang ini, [[Protestanisme|Protestan]] (terutama di utara dan timur) terdiri dari 33% populasi dan [[Katolik]] (terutama di selatan dan barat) juga 33%. Totalnya ada sekitar 55 juta orang beragama Kristen. Kebanyakan Protestan Jerman merupakan anggota dari [[Gereja Evangelikal Jerman]]. [[Gereja Bebas]] ada dalam kota besar maupun kecil. Paus Katholik Roma sekarang ini adalah orang Jerman, [[Paus Benedict XVI]].
Besides this there are several hundred thousand [[Orthodox Church|Orthodox Christians]] (mostly [[Greece|Greeks]] and [[Serbia|Serbs]]), 400,000 [[New Apostolic Church|New Apostolic Christians]], more than 150,000 [[Jehovah's Witnesses]], and numerous other small groups. The highest numbers of members of these denominations in Germany has the Greek Orthodox Church, the [[Serb Orthodox Church]] coming fourth.
Selain itu ada beberapa ratus ribu [[Gereja Ortodooks]] (terutama [[Yunani]] dan [[Serbia]], 400.000 [[Gereja Apostolik Baru]], lebih dari 150.000 [[Saksi Yehova]], dan beberapa grup kecil lainnya.
[[Islam in Germany|Approximately 3.7 million Muslims]] (mostly of [[Turkey|Turkish]] descent) live in Germany.
Dan ada sekitar 3,7 juta [[Muslim di Jerman]] (terutama keturunan [[Turki]]).
Germany now has Europe's third-largest [[Jew|Jewish]] population. In [[2004]], twice as many Jews from former [[Soviet Union|Soviet]] republics settled in Germany as in [[Israel]], bringing the total influx to more than 200,000 since [[1991]]. About half joined a settled Jewish community, of which there are now more than 100, with a total of 100,000 members&mdash;up from 30,000 before unification. Some German cities have seen a revival of Jewish culture, particularly in [[Berlin]], where there are also 3,000 Israelis. Jews have a voice in German public life through the [[Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland]].
Jerman sekarang memiliki populasi [[Yahudi]] terbesar ke-3 di Eropa. Pada [[2004]], Ada dua kali lipat jumlah Yahudi bekas [[Uni Soviet]] tinggal di [[Jerman]] dibanding dengan yang tinggal di [[Israel]], membuat total pertumbuhan lebih dari 200.000 sejak [[1991]]. Sekitar setengahnya tinggal di pemukiman Yahudi, yang sekarang ini ada lebih dari 100, dengan jumlah anggota 100.000 lebih; naik dari 30.000 sebelum penyatuan. Beberapa kota di Jerman telah melihat kembalinya budaya Yahudi, terutama di [[Berlin]]. Orang Yahudi memiliki suara dalam kehidupan publik Jerman melalui [[Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland]].
In the territory of the former East Germany, there is much less religious feeling than in the West. Only 5% attend a mass at least once per week, compared with 14% in the West according to a recent [ study]. About 30% of the total population are officially religiously unaffiliated. In the East this number is considerably higher.
Di wilayah bekas Jerman Timur, kehidupan keagamaan jauh lebih sedikit dibanding dengan di Barat. Hanya 5% menghadiri misa paling tidak sat minggu sekali, dibanding dengan 14% di Barat menurut [ survey] belakangan ini. Sekitar 30% dari populasi tidak memiliki agama. Di Timur angka ini mungkin lebih tinggi.
Gereja dan negara terpisah, tetapi ada kerja sama di banyak bidang, terutama dalam bidang sosial, Gereja dan komunitas keagamaan, bila mereka besar, stabil dan setia kepada konstitusi, dapat mendapat status khusus dari negara sebagai "perusahaan di bawah hukum publik" yang mengijinkan gereja untuk mengadakan pajak kepada anggota yang disebut''Kirchensteuer'' (pajak gereja). Pendapatan ini dikumpulkan oleh negara sebagai pengganti biaya koleksi. Lihat [[Status kebebasan agama di Jerman]] dan [[Pemisahan gereja dan negara]].
Church and state are separate, but there is cooperation in many fields, most importantly in the social sector. Churches and religious communities, if they are large, stable and loyal to the constitution, can get special status from the state as a "corporation under public law" which allows the churches to levy taxes called ''Kirchensteuer'' (church tax) on their members. This revenue is collected by the state in return for a collection fee. See [[Status of religious freedom in Germany]] and [[Separation_of_church_and_state#Germany|Separation of church and state in Germany]].
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar Negara Bagian Jerman]]