Ceres: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox Planetplanet
| bgcolour = #FFFFC0
| name = Ceres
| symbol= [[Berkas:Ceres symbol.svg|25px]]
| image = [[Berkas:Ceres optimized.jpg|240px250px]]
| caption = Ceres dilihat oleh [[teleskop luar angkasa Hubble]] ([[AdvancedACS).<ref Cameraname="HSTColorImage">{{cite forweb|url=http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/pr2005027d/|title=Color SurveysView of Ceres|ACS]])author=Parker, J.; Thomas, P.; McFadden, L.; Mutchler, M. and Levay, Z. |publisher=NASA}}</ref> Kontrasnya telah diperkaya untuk memperlihatkan detail.
| discovery = yes
| discovery_ref = <ref>{{cite book | last=Schmadel | first=Lutz | authorlink=Lutz D. Schmadel | title=Dictionary of minor planet names | url=http://books.google.com/books?id=KWrB1jPCa8AC&pg=PA15 | accessdate=2008-12-30 | edition=fifth5th | year=2003 | publisher=Springer | location=Germany | isbn=978-3-540-00238-3 | page=15 }} </ref>
| discoverer = [[Giuseppe Piazzi]]
| discovered = 1 Januari 1801
| designations = yes
| mp_name = '''1 Ceres'''
| pronounced = {{IPAc-en|ˈ|s|ɪər|iː|z}} {{respell|SEER|eez}}<ref>{{cite web|title=Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)|work=Random House, Inc.|url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ceres|accessdate=2007-09-26| archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/62D65VxlL | archivedate = 2011-10-05| deadurl=no}}</ref>
| named_after = [[Ceres (mitologi)|Cerēs]]
| alt_names = A899 OF; 1943 XB
| adjectives = Cererian {{IPA|/sɨˈrɪəri.ən/}}<ref name="Simpson1979">{{cite book | last = Simpson | first = D. P. | title = Cassell's Latin Dictionary | publisher = Cassell Ltd | year = 1979 | edition = 5th | location = London | isbn = 978-0-304-52257-6 | page = 883}}</ref>
| mp_category = [[planet katai]]{{<br}}>[[sabuk utama]]
| orbit_ref = <ref name="jpl_sbdb">{{cite web
| last=Yeomans | first=Donald K. | date= 5 July 5, 2007
| url=http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=Ceres;orb=1
| title=1 Ceres | publisher=JPL Small-Body Database Browser
| accessdate=2003-08-29 | accessdatearchiveurl =2009 http://www.webcitation.org/69fuVB1N8 |archivedate = 2012-0408-1004| deadurl=no}}—The listed values were rounded at the magnitude of uncertainty (1-sigma).</ref>
| epoch = 18 Juni 2009{{<br}}>([[Hari Julian]] 2455000.,5)
| aphelion = 446.669.320&nbsp;km{{br}}2,9858&nbsp;[[Satuan Astronomi|SA]]
| aphelion = {{convert|446669320|km|AU|4|abbr=on|disp=flip}}
| perihelion = 380.995.855&nbsp;km{{br}}2,5468&nbsp;SA
| perihelion = {{convert|380995855|km|AU|4|abbr=on|disp=flip}}
| semimajor = 413.832.587&nbsp;km{{br}}2,7663&nbsp;SA<ref name="jpl_sbdb" />
| semimajor = {{convert|413690604|km|AU|4|abbr=on|disp=flip}}
| eccentricity = 0,07934<ref name="jpl_sbdb" />079138
| period = 1680,5&nbsp;[[hari]]{{br}}4.60&nbsp;[[tahun julian (astronomi)|tahun]]
| period = 4,60&nbsp;[[Tahun Julian|tahun]]<br>1679,67&nbsp;hari
| avg_speed = 17,882&nbsp;km/s
| mean_anomaly = 27113,448410°
| inclination = 10,585587°<ref name="jpl_sbdb" /> ke [[Ekliptikaekliptik]]{{<br}}>9,20° ke [[bidang Invariabelinvariabel]]<ref name=meanplane>{{cite web
|title=The MeanPlane (Invariable plane) of the Solar System passing through the barycenter
|accessdate=2009-04-10| archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/5glwILykY |archivedate = 2009-05-14| deadurl=no}} (dihasilkan melalui [http://chemistry.unina.it/~alvitagl/solex/ Solex 10] ditulis oleh Aldo Vitagliano; lihat jugapula [[bidang invariabel]])</ref>
| arg_peri = 72,5898°
| asc_node = 80,399°<ref name="jpl_sbdb" />
| asc_node = 80,3932°
| arg_peri = 72,825°<ref name="jpl_sbdb" />
| p_orbit_ref =<ref name=Ceres-POE>{{cite web
|title=AstDyS-2 Ceres Synthetic Proper Orbital Elements
|publisher=Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy
|accessdate=2011-10-01| archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/62D4xP3TU |archivedate = 2011-10-05| deadurl=no}}</ref>
| p_semimajor = 2,7670962
| p_eccentricity = 0,1161977
| p_inclination = 9,6474122°
| p_mean_motion = 78.,193318
| perihelion_rate = 54,070272
| node_rate = −59,170034
| physical_characteristics = yes
| abs_magnitudeequatorial_radius =3 487,363&nbsp;±&nbsp;01,028&nbsp;km<ref name="Li2006Thomas2005" />
| equatorial_radius = 487,3&nbsp;±&nbsp;1,8&nbsp;km<ref name="Thomas2005">{{cite journal | author = Thomas, P. C.; Parker, J. Wm.; McFadden, L. A.; et al. | year = 2005 | title = Differentiation of the asteroid Ceres as revealed by its shape | pages = Nature 437: 224-226 | doi =10.1038/nature03938 | url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005Natur.437..224T | accessdate = 2007-12-09}}</ref>
| polar_radiusequatorial_diameter = 454975,76&nbsp;±&nbsp;1,68&nbsp;km<ref name="Thomas2005" />
| declinationpolar_radius = 59°454,7&nbsp;±&nbsp;1,6&nbsp;km<ref name="Thomas2005" />
| mass=9,43&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,07{{e|20}}&nbsp;kg<ref name="Carry2008">{{cite book | last = Carry, Benoit; et al. | title =Near-Infrared Mapping and Physical Properties of the Dwarf-Planet Ceres | year =November 2007 | url =http://www2.keck.hawaii.edu/inst/people/conrad/nsfGrantRef/2007-arXiv-Benoit.Carry.pdf | format =PDF | publisher =Astronomy & Astrophysics 478: 235-244. | doi =10.1051/0004-6361:20078166 }}</ref><br>
| surface_area = 2.850.000 km<sup>2</sup>
0.00015 [[Massa bumi|Bumi]]<br>0.0128 [[Bulan]]
| densitymass=29,07743&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,03607{{e|20}}&nbsp;g/cm³kg<ref name="Thomas2005Carry2008" /><br>
0.,00015 [[Bumi|Massa bumi|Bumi]]<br>0.,0128 [[Bulan]]
|surface_grav = 0,27 [[Percepatan|m/s²]]{{br}}0,028 ''[[gaya-g|g]]''<ref name="fact2">Dihitung berdasarkan parameter yang diketahui</ref>
| escape_velocitydensity=2,077&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,51036&nbsp;kmg/scm<sup>3</sup><ref name="fact2Thomas2005" />
|surface_grav = 0,27 [[Percepatanpercepatan|m/s²<sup>2</sup>]]{{<br}}>0,028 ''[[gaya- g|''g]]'']]<ref name="fact2">Dihitung berdasarkan parameter yang diketahui</ref>
| sidereal_day = 0,3781&nbsp;hari{{br}}9,074170&nbsp;jam<ref name="NSSDC">Williams, David R. (2004)[http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/asteroidfact.html Asteroid Fact Sheet]</ref><ref name="Chamberlain2007">{{cite journal |last=Chamberlain |first=Matthew A. |coauthors=Sykes, Mark V.; Esquerdo, Gilbert A. |title=Ceres lightcurve analysis – Period determination |journal=Icarus|volume=188|pages=451–456|year=2007 |doi=10.1016/j.icarus.2006.11.025 |url=http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007Icar..188..451C }}</ref>
| right_asc_north_pole escape_velocity= 19 jam 24 men {{br}}291°0,51&nbsp;km/s<ref name="Thomas2005fact2" />
| sidereal_day = 0,3781&nbsp;hari<br>9,074170&nbsp;jam<ref name="NSSDC"/><ref name="Chamberlain2007">{{cite journal
| declination = 59°<ref name="Thomas2005" />
|last=Chamberlain |first=Matthew A.
| axial_tilt = sekitar 3°<ref name="Thomas2005" />
|coauthors=Sykes, Mark V.; Esquerdo, Gilbert A.
| albedo=0,090&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,0033&nbsp;([[albedo geometrik|geometrik pita-V]])<ref name="Li2006">{{cite journal | last =Li, Jian-Yang; McFadden, Lucy A.; Parker, Joel Wm. | year =2006 | title =Photometric analysis of 1 Ceres and surface mapping from HST observations | pages =Icarus 185: 563-567 | doi =10.1016/j.icarus.2005.12.012 | url =http://www.astro.umd.edu/~jyli/publications/2006.Icar.182.143.pdf | format =PDF | accessdate =2007-12-08 }}</ref>
|title=Ceres lightcurve analysis – Period determination
|volume=188 |issue=2 |pages=451–456
| right_asc_north_pole = 19 jam 24&nbsp;menit <br>291°<ref name="Thomas2005"/>
| asc_nodedeclination = 80,39959°<ref name="jpl_sbdbThomas2005" />
| arg_periaxial_tilt = 72,825about 3°<ref name="jpl_sbdbThomas2005" />
| albedo=0,090&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,0033&nbsp;([[albedo geometrik]])<ref name="Li2006"/>
| temperatures = yes
| temp_name1 = [[Kelvin]]
| min_temp_1 = ?
| mean_temp_1 = ~168&nbsp;K<ref>{{cite book|author=Angelo, Joseph A., Jr|year=2006|title=Encyclopedia of Space and Astronomy|publisher=Infobase|location=New York|isbn=0-8160-5330-8|page=122}}</ref>
| mean_temp_1max_temp_1 = ~167235&nbsp;K<ref name="Saint-Pe1993"/>{{cite journal
|last= Saint-Pé|first=O.
| spectral_type=[[Asteroid tipe C|C]]<ref name="Rivkin2006"/>
|coauthors=Combes, N.; Rigaut F.
| magnitude = 6,64<ref name="Pasachoff1983"/> hingga 9,34<ref name="fact3"/>
|title=Ceres surface properties by high-resolution imaging from Earth
| abs_magnitude =3,36&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,02<ref name="Li2006"/>
| angular_size = 0,854" <!-- Horizons 1636-Feb-11 --> hingga 0,339"
|url=http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1993Icar..105..271S }}</ref>
| max_temp_1 = 239&nbsp;K<ref name="Saint-Pe1993" />
| spectral_type=[[asteroid tipe-C|C]]<ref name="Rivkin2006">{{cite journal | author =Rivkin, A. S.; Volquardsen, E. L.; Clark, B. E. | year =2006 | title ="The surface composition of Ceres:Discovery of carbonates and iron-rich clays | pages =Icarus 185: 563-567 | doi =10.1016/j.icarus.2006.08.022 | url =http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~elv/icarus185.563.pdf | format =PDF | accessdate =2007-12-08 }}</ref>
| magnitude = 6,7<ref name="Pasachoff1983"> {{cite book | last = Menzel | first =Donald H. | coauthors =and Pasachoff, Jay M | title = A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets | edition =(2nd edition) | year =1983 | publisher =Houghton Mifflin | location =Boston, MA | language = | pages =p. 391 | quote =ISBN 0-395-34835-8. }}</ref>sampai 9,32<ref name="fact3">APmag and AngSize generated with [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=sb&sstr=1 Horizons] (Ephemeris: Observer Table: Quantities = 9,13,20,29)</ref>
| abs_magnitude =3,36&nbsp;±&nbsp;0,02<ref name="Li2006" />
| angular_size = 0,84"<ref>Ceres Angular Size @ Feb 2009 Opposition: 974 km diam. / (1.58319 AU * 149 597 870 km) * 206265 = 0.84"</ref> to 0.33"<ref name="fact2" />
| adjectives = Cererian, Cerian
'''1 Ceres''' adalah sebuah [[planet katai]] yang terletak di [[Sabuk Asteroid]]. Ceres ditemukan pada [[1 Januari]] [[1801]] oleh [[Giuseppe Piazzi]]. Awalnya saat ditemukan Ceres dianggap sebagai sebuah [[planet]], namun setengah abad kemudian dan selama 150 tahun selanjutnya, Ceres diklasifikasikan sebagai sebuah [[asteroid]]. Pada [[24 Agustus]] [[2006]], [[Persatuan Astronomi Internasional]] memutuskan untuk mengubah status Ceres menjadi "planet katai".