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Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib)
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Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 32:
*{{cite book | last = Peebles | first = Curtis | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Watch the Skies: A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth | publisher = Berkley Books | date = 1995 | location = New York | pages = 29–31 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 0-425-15117-4}}
*{{cite book | last = Ruppelt | first = Edward J. | authorlink = Edward J. Ruppelt | coauthors = | title = The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects | publisher = Doubleday & Company | date = 1956 | location = Garden City, New York | pages = 30–31 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = }}
[[Category:1948 di Dakota Utara]]
[[Category:Insiden di 1948]]
[[Category:Sejarah Dakota Utara]]
[[Category:Penampakan UFO]]