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Baris 4:
Para penerjemah [[bahasa Aram]] dan komentari [[Yudaisme]] mengidentifikasikannya dengan [[sungai Nil]] atau tepatnya cabang sungai Nil yang menuju [[Pelusium]], yang dulu menjadi batas [[Mesir kuno]], tetapi sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi. Penelitian arkeologi modern menunjukkan bahwa aliran sungai Nil berubah-ubah sepanjang waktu. ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' juga dianggap sebagai cabang sungai paling timur pada zaman kuno yang jalurnya berbeda dengan cabang Pelusian yang kemudian.
Istilah yang berkaitan adalah ''Nahar Mitzrayim'', hanya digunakan dalam [[Kitab Kejadian]] ({{Alkitab|Kejadian 15:18}}). Artinya juga "sungai Mesir". Ini sering dianggap sebagai [[sungai Nil]], atau cabang paling timurnya.<ref>{{Alkitab|2 Tawarikh 9:26}}<?/ref>
{{Location map+
Baris 57:
# Yesaya 27:12: ''Maka pada waktu itu TUHAN akan mengirik mulai dari sungai Efrat sampai '''sungai Mesir''', dan kamu ini akan dikumpulkan satu demi satu, hai orang Israel!''
# Yehezkiel 47:19: ''Di sebelah selatan: perbatasan mulai dari Tamar sampai mata air Meriba dekat Kadesh, terus ke '''sungai Mesir''', terus ke laut besar. Itulah di sebelah selatan perbatasan dengan Tanah Negeb.''
# Yehezkiel 48:28: ''Perbatasan wilayah Gad di sebelah selatan ialah dari Tamar sampai mata air Meriba dekat Kadesh, terus ke '''sungai Mesir''', terus ke laut besar.''
# Amos 8:8: ''Tidakkah akan gemetar bumi karena hal itu, sehingga setiap penduduknya berkabung? Tidakkah itu seluruhnya akan naik seperti sungai Nil, diombang-ambingkan dan surut seperti '''sungai Mesir'''?"''
# Amos 9:5: ''Tuhan ALLAH semesta alamlah yang menyentuh bumi, sehingga bergoyang, dan semua penduduknya berkabung, dan seluruhnya naik seperti sungai Nil, dan surut seperti '''sungai Mesir'''.''
Kata "sungai Mesir" umumnya diterjemahkan dari bahasa Ibrani ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' (atau ''Nakhal Mizraim''), kecuali pada {{Alkitab|Kejadian 15:18}}, kata Ibrani yang dipakai adalah ''Nahar Mitzrayim''. Sedangkan pada kitab Amos ({{Alkitab|Amos 8:8; 9:5}}) dipakai kata ''Ye'or Mitzrayim'', sedangkan untuk [[sungai Nil]] dipakai kata "''Ye'or''" saja.
=== Septuaginta ===
''Nachal Mitzrayim'' in [[Book of Numbers|Numbers]] 34:5; [[Book of Joshua|Joshua]] 15:47 and [[Books of Kings|2 Kings]] 24:7 are translated ''Cheimarros Aigyptou'' ("Torrent of Egypt") in the [[Septuagint]]. This translation sheds no light on the identity of ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' being applicable to both the seasonally flooding Nile and seasonal wadis. The translation ''Pharangos Aigyptou'' ("Channel of Egypt") in [[Book of Joshua|Joshua]] 15:4 is similarly inconclusive. However, ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' in [[Books of Kings|1 Kings]] 8:65, together with ''Nahar Mitzrayim'' in [[Book of Genesis|Genesis]] 15:18 and ''Ye'or Mitzrayim'' in [[Book of Amos|Amos]] 8:8, 9:5 are all translated ''Potamos Aigyptou'' ("River of Egypt") indicating that they were all understood to be the same. As mentioned ''Ye'or'' undisputedly refers to the Nile and in addition, ''potamos'' is only used for larger rivers not wadis, whence ''Potamos Aigyptou'' conclusively refers to the Nile. The proper noun ''Rhinokoroura'' (Rhinocorura) in the translation of [[Book of Isaiah|Isaiah]] 27:12 can thus be understood as the designation of the Pelusian arm of the Nile.
(''Ye'or'' dalam {{Alkitab|Kejadian 41:1-18; Keluaran 1:22, 2:3-5, 4:9, 7:15-25, 8:3-11, 17:5; Yehezkiel 29:3-9; Daniel 12:5-7; Yesaya 19:7-8; Yeremia 46:7-8}} dan {{Alkitab|Zakharia 10:11}} semua diterjemahkan sebagai ''potomos'' ("sungai"). [[Book of Isaiah|Isaiah]] 23:3-10 is not translated verbatim in the Septuagint which contains no direct translation of the occurrence of ''Ye'or'' in these verses. Similarly it contains no direct translation of the occurrences of ''Nachal'' in [[Book of Ezekiel|Ezekiel]] 47:19.)
Baris 70 ⟶ 72:
Kata ''Sikhor'' di bagian lain tidak diterjemahkan langsung, misalnya {{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 13:5}} menyebutkan ''orion Aigyptou'' ("batas Mesir") yang sebenarnya menguatkan bahwa ''Sikhor'' dipahami sama dengan ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' dan ''Nahar Miztrayim'' yang secara eksplisit disebut sebagai batas Mesir. Demikian pula pada {{Alkitab|Yesaya 23:3}} ditulis sebagai ''metabolē'' ("tempat penyeberangan [perbatasan]]"; {{lang-en|"[border] crossing"}}).
== Identifikasi ==
=== Sungai Nil ===
[[File:Nile 8 977.PNG|thumb|right|200px|The "Brook of Egypt" is traditionally identified with the [[Nile]].]]
Baris 77 ⟶ 80:
"FromDari the(sungai) ShihorSikhor: thatyaitu is(sungai) theNil, Nileyang thesama same asdengan Nachal Mizraim."
Baris 93 ⟶ 96:
The translation of the term ''nachal'' as "brook" in English, a word implying a small stream, also influenced the interpretation amongst later commentators.{{Who|date=March 2011}} This translation is generally regarded as erroneous however,{{By whom|date=March 2011}} for although in later Hebrew the term ''nachal'' tended to be used for small rivers, in Biblical Hebrew, the word could be used for any flowing stream. Its usage, even in modern Hebrew, does not match that of the [[Arabic language|Arabic]] [[wadi]].
The identification with the Wadi El-Arish is still widely accepted in popular literature buttetapi hastidak beensecara generallyluas rejectedoleh bypara archaeologistsarkeolog.{{Citation<ref>[ Wadi El Arish as needed|date=MarchEgyptian 2011}}border]</ref>
==Identification based on archaeological and geographical evidence==
Baris 99 ⟶ 102:
The account of the [[The Exodus|Exodus]] of the Israelites from Egypt is also consistent with the identification of ''Nachal Mitzarayim'' with the Pelusian arm and not the Wadi El-Arish. The crossing of the [[Red Sea]] is the departure from Egypt according to [[Book of Exodus|Exodus]] 13:18 and is understood to have taken place at the section of the [[Red Sea]] which lay south of the Pelusian arm (known today as the [[Gulf of Suez]]). The Red Sea, like the ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' is described as part of the border of the Land of Israel ([[Book of Exodus|Exodus]] 23:31). Following the crossing, the Israelites were in the wilderness of [[Shur (Bible)|Shur]] ([[Book of Exodus|Exodus]] 15:22) which is identified as lying west of the Wadi El-Arish.
Naskah [[AssyriaAsyur]]n textsyang describingmenggambarkan serangan [[SennacheribSanherib]]'s invasionatas of the region ofwilayah Pelusium mentionmenyebutkan ''Nahal Musri'' (asuatu cognatebentuk ofejaan yang sama artinya dengan ''Nachal Mitzrayim'' dalam bahasa Ibrani).<ref>Na'aman, N., ''The Brook of Egypt and Assyrian policy on the border of Egypt'', ''Tel Aviv'' 6, 68-90 (1979)</ref> Inskripsi Mesir dari dinasti ke-19 menunjukkan bahwa cabang ''Pelusian'' (bermuara di Pelusium) dari sungai Nil dianggap sebagai batas timur Mesir.<ref>''The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia'' vol. 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1979) p. 549-550.
</ref> Egyptian inscriptions from the 19th Dynasty show that the Pelusian arm of the Nile was considered to be the eastern border of Egypt.<ref>''The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia'' vol. 1 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1979) p. 549-550.
== Referensi ==