Sinode Hippo: Perbedaan antara revisi

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'''Sinode Hippo''' atau '''Konsili Hippo''' ({{lang-en|Synod of Hippo}}) merujuk kepada pertemuan [[sinode]] pada tahun 393 yang bertempat di kota [[Hippo Regius]] di [[Afrika Utara]] (sekarang di wilayah [[Aljazair]]) pada zaman gereja [[Kristen]] perdana. Pertemuan-pertemuan berikutnya dilaksanakan pada tahun-tahun 394, 397, 401 danddan 426. SomeBeberapa weredi attendedantaranya bydihadiri oleh [[AugustineAugustinus ofdari Hippo]].
The synod of 393 is best known for two distinct acts. First, for the first time a council of bishops listed and approved a [[Development of the Christian biblical canon|Christian Biblical canon]] that corresponds to the modern [[Roman Catholic]] canon while falling short of the [[Orthodox Church|Orthodox]] [[Biblical canon|canon]] (including the books classed by Roman Catholics as [[deuterocanonical books]] and by Protestants as [[Biblical apocrypha|Apocrypha]]). The canon was later approved at the [[Council of Carthage]] pending ratification by the "[[See of Rome|Church across the sea]]", that is, Rome.<ref>{{citation|last=Francis|first=Havey|contribution=African Synods|title=The Catholic Encyclopedia|publisher=Robert Appleton Company|location=New York|year=1907|url=|accessdate=2013-03-01}}</ref> Previous councils had approved similar, but slightly different, canons. The council also reaffirmed the [[Ius (Canon Law)|apostolic origin]] of the requirement of [[Clerical celibacy|clerical continence]] and reasserted it as a requirement for all the ordained, in addition requiring that all members of a person's household must be Christian before that person can be ordained.<ref>{{citation|last1=Schaff|first1=Philip|authorlink1=Philip Schaff|last2=Wace|first2=Henry|authorlink2=Henry Wace|title=The Seven Ecumenical Councils|url=|series=Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Second Series|volume=XIV|publisher=William B Eerdmans Publishing Company|location=Grand Rapids|chapter=Cannon XXXVI|accessdate=2013-03-01}}</ref><ref>{{citation|last=Schrader|first=Charles|date=October 1936|title=The Historical Development of the Papal Monarchy|journal=The Catholic Historical Review|publisher=Catholic University of America Press|volume=22|issue=3|pages=259–282|issn=0008-8080|jstor=25013503}}</ref>