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Baris 41:
===Chi Rho ===
{{main|Chi Rho}}
Simbol '''Chi Rho''' [[File:Christliche Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 1.jpg|15px20px]] tersusun dari penumpangtindihan dua huruf pertama (dalam bentuk huruf besar) [[Chi]] dan [[Rho]] ('''ΧΡ''') dari kata Yunani "'''ΧΡ'''ΙΣΤΟΣ" '' = [[Kristus]]'' sedemikian sehingga membentuk suatu [[monogram]]. <!--WidespreadPenggunaan inmeluas ancientdi Christianity,kalangan itmasyarakat was[[Kristen]] thekuno symbolsejak usedtanda byitu thedigunakan oleh [[RomanKaisar Emperors|Roman emperorRomawi]] [[Constantine I (emperor)|ConstantineKonstantinus I]] assebagai lambang kerajaan (''[[vexillum]]'' (named dan dinamakan [[Labarum]]).
===IH Monogram ===
[[File:IH Monogram with iota and eta superimposed.jpg|20px]] merupakan inisial nama [[Yesus]] dalam bahasa Yunani Koine.<!--The initials of the name of [[Jesus]] in [[Koine Greek|Greek]], [[iota (letter)|iota]] ('''Ι''') and [[eta (letter)|eta]] ('''Η'''), sometime superimposed one on the other, or their [[Greek numerals|numeric value]] 18, was a well known and very early way to represent Christ.<ref>{{cite book | last = Hurtado | first = Larry | title = The earliest Christian artifacts : manuscripts and Christian origins | publisher = William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | year = 2006 | isbn = 978-0-8028-2895-8 | pages=114–115}}</ref> This symbol was already explained in the [[Epistle of Barnabas]] and by [[Clement of Alexandria]].<ref name="CA"/> For other christograms such as IHS, see Article [[Christogram]].
===IX Monogram [[File:ChristlicheIH Symbolik (Menzel) I 193 4.jpg|20px]]===
'''Monogram IH'''[[File:IH Monogram with iota and eta superimposed.jpg|20px]] merupakandiambil dari inisial nama [[Yesus]] ("''IHSOUS''" dalam [[bahasa Yunani Koine]]).<!--The initialsDua ofhuruf thepertama namenama ofitu [[Jesus]] inadalah [[Koine Greek|Greek]], [[iota (letter)|iotaIota]] ('''Ι''') anddan [[eta (letter)|etaEta]] ('''Η'''), sometimeditulis superimposed one on thetumpang othertindih, oratau theirjumlah [[Greeknilai numerals|numeric value]]huruf-huruf 18itu, wassangat aterkenal welldan knownmerupakan andcara veryawal earlyuntuk waymelambangkan to represent Christ[[Kristus]].<ref>{{cite book | last = Hurtado | first = Larry | title = The earliest Christian artifacts : manuscripts and Christian origins | publisher = William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co | year = 2006 | isbn = 978-0-8028-2895-8 | pages=114–115}}</ref> ThisSimbol symbolini wasdiberi alreadypenjelasan explained in thedalam [[Epistle ofSurat Barnabas]] anddan byoleh [[ClementKlemens ofdari Alexandria]].<ref name="CA"/> ForDari othernama christograms[[Yesus]] suchdan as[[Kristus]] IHS,dalam bahasa Yunani seemuncul Articlesejumlah [[Christogram]]. antara lain seperti IHS.
An early form of the monogram of Christ, found in early Christian [[ossuaries]] in [[Palestine|Palestinia]], was formed by superimposing the first (capital) letters of the Greek words for [[Jesus]] and [[Christ]], i.e. [[iota (letter)|iota]] '''Ι''' and [[chi (letter)|chi]] '''Χ''', so that this [[monogram]] means "Jesus Christ".<ref name="Bagatti">{{cite book |title=The church from the circumcision: history and archaeology of the Judaeo-Christians |last=Bagatti |first=Bellarmino |authorlink= Bellarmino Bagatti |year=1984 |series=Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor, n.2 |location=Jerusalem}}</ref>{{rp|166}} Another more complicated explanation of this monogram was given by [[Ireneaus]]<ref>Ireneaus, Adv Haer, 1.15.2</ref> and [[Pachomius]]: because the [[Greek numerals|numeric value]] of iota is 10 and the chi is the initial of the word "Christ" ({{lang-el|XPEIΣTOΣ}}) which has 8 letters, these [[Father of the Church|early fathers]] calculate 888 ((10*8)*10)+((10*8)+8) which was a number already known to represent Jesus, being the sum of the value of the letters of the name "Jesus" ({{lang-el|IHΣΟΥΣ}}) (10+8+200+70+400+200).<ref name="Bagatti"/>{{rp|169-170}}
==Other= ChristianMonogram symbolsIX ===
An'''Monogram earlyIX''' form[[File:Christliche ofSymbolik the(Menzel) monogramI of193 Christ,4.jpg|20px]] foundadalah inbentuk earlymonogram awal dari Christiannama [[ossuariesYesus]] in [[Palestine|PalestiniaKristus]], wasyang formedditemukan bydalam superimposingpeti-peti the firstmayat (capital''[[ossuary]]'') lettersorang-orang of[[Kristen]] thedi Greek[[Palestina|Palestinia]]. wordsTersusun fordari tumpang tindih huruf-huruf pertama Yunani dari [[JesusYesus]] and("IHSOUS") dan [[ChristKristus]] ("XPEIΣTOΣ"), i.e.yaitu [[iota (letter)|iotaIota]] '''Ι''' anddan [[chi (letter)|chiChi]] '''Χ''', so that thissehingga [[monogram]] meansini berarti "JesusYesus ChristKristus".<ref name="Bagatti">{{cite book |title=The church from the circumcision: history and archaeology of the Judaeo-Christians |last=Bagatti |first=Bellarmino |authorlink= Bellarmino Bagatti |year=1984 |series=Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collectio Minor, n.2 |location=Jerusalem}}</ref>{{rp|166}} AnotherPenjelasan moreyang complicatedlebih explanationkompleks of thisdari monogram wasini givendiberikan byoleh [[Ireneaus]]<ref>Ireneaus, Adv Haer, 1.15.2</ref> anddan [[Pachomius]]: becausekarena thenilai [[Greekhuruf numerals|numericIota value]] of iota isadalah 10 anddan thehuruf chiChi isadalah thehuruf initialdari ofkata the word[[Kristus]] ("ChristXPEIΣTOΣ" ({{lang-el|XPEIΣTOΣ}}) whichyang hasterdiri dari 8 lettershuruf, thesemaka para [[Fatherbapa ofgereja]] theini Church|earlymenggunakan fathers]]angka-angka tersebut untuk mendapatkan calculatenilai 888 ((10*8)*10)+((10*8)+8) whichyang wassudah adikenal numbermelambangkan already known to represent Jesus[[Yesus]], beingmengingat thejumlah sumnilai ofhuruf-huruf theYunaninya valueadalah of the letters of the name "Jesus"888 ({{lang-el|IHΣΟΥΣ}}): (10+8+200+70+400+200).<ref name="Bagatti"/>{{rp|169-170}}
== Simbol Kristen lain==
===The Good Shepherd===