Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 122:
* [[Kitab Kidung Agung]]
* [[Kitab Kebijaksanaan]], dan
* [[Kitab Sirakh]].<ref>Würthwein Ernst (1988). ''Der Text des Alten Testaments'', Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, p. 85.</ref>
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Baris 200:
Revelation 1:5 – λουσαντι ημας εκ (''washed us from'') ] λυσαντι ημας εκ (''freed us from'') — as have manuscripts: [[Papyrus 18|P<sup>18</sup>]], [[Codex Sinaiticus|<big>א</big><sup>c</sup>]], [[Codex Alexandrinus|A]], [[Minuscule 2814|2814]], 2020, 2081.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 632.</ref>
== HistorySejarah ==
[[File:Tischendorf um 1841.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Tischendorf in 1841]]
Naskah ini mungkin dibuat di Mesir (atau Palestina)<ref name = Gregory41/> sebelum pertengahan abad ke-5. Ditulis paling sedikit oleh dua jurutulis; menurut [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]], ada tiga jurutulis (A, B, C). Teksnya dikoreksi oleh tiga orang korektor, diberi kode C<sup>1</sup>, C<sup>2</sup>, dan C<sup>3</sup> (Tischendorf memberi kode C*, C**, dan C***). Kadang kala diberi kode C<sup>a</sup>, C<sup>b</sup>, dan C<sup>c</sup>.<ref name = Aland/>
The manuscript was probably written in Egypt (or Palestine)<ref name = Gregory41/> before the middle of the fifth century. It was written by at least two scribes; according to [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]], there were three scribes (A, B, C). Its text had been corrected by three correctors, designated by C<sup>1</sup>, C<sup>2</sup>, and C<sup>3</sup> (Tischendorf designated them by C*, C**, and C***). Sometimes they are designated by C<sup>a</sup>, C<sup>b</sup>, and C<sup>c</sup>.<ref name = Aland/> The first corrector (C<sup>1</sup>) worked in [[scriptorium]], while the second corrector (C<sup>2</sup>) worked in Palestine in the sixth century. The latter's corrections are not numerous except in the [[Book of Sirach]].<ref name = Swete>{{Cite book | last = Swete | first = H. B. | title = An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek| location = Cambridge| year = 1902 | url =| pages = 128–129}}</ref> At that time, the manuscript was probably housed in the [[Theological Library of Caesarea Maritima|Caesarea library]], a famous theological library in ancient times.<ref>[[Bruce M. Metzger]], [[Bart D. Ehrman]], "The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration", ''[[Oxford University Press]]'' (New York – Oxford, 2005), p. 70.</ref>
The third and lastKorektor correctorpertama (C<sup>31</sup>) wrotebekerja indi the ninth century[[scriptorium]], possiblysedangkan inkorektor Constantinople.kedua He(C<sup>2</sup>) revisedbekerja readingsdi ofPalestina thepada codexabad to ecclesiastical use, inserting many accents, breathings, and vocal noteske-6. HeKoreksinya alsotidak added liturgical directions in the marginbanyak, andhanya workeddalam extensively[[Kitab on the codexSirakh]].<ref name = Scrivener123/> It was re-written in the twelfth century.<refSwete>{{Cite book | last = GregorySwete | first = CH. RB. | authorlink = Caspar René Gregory | title = CanonAn andIntroduction Text ofto the NewOld Testament | publisher = Charles Scribner's Sons | year = 1907in Greek| location = New York Cambridge| pageyear = 3481902 | url =| pages |accessdate= 2011-08-03 128–129}}</ref><ref>{{Cite bookSaat |last1=Metzgeritu, naskah tersebut |first1=Brucemungkin disimpan di perpustakaan M."Theological |authorlink1=Library of Caesarea Maritima" di kota [[Kaisarea]], suatu perpustakaan teologi yang terkenal pada zaman kuno.<ref>[[Bruce M. Metzger]], |last2=Ehrman |first2=Bart D. |authorlink2=[[Bart D. Ehrman]], |title="The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration", | edition = 4 |year=2005 |publisher=''[[Oxford University Press]]'' |location=(New York – Oxford, |url=2005), |isbn=978-0-19-516122-9 |page=p. 70 }}.</ref>
Korektor yang ketiga dan terakhir (C<sup>3</sup>) menulis pada abad ke-9, kemungkinan di kota [[Konstantinopel]]. Ia merevisi bacaan dalam codex untuk penggunaan gerejawi (''ecclesiastical''), menambahi tanda aksen, tanda nafas, dan catatan pembacaan. Ia juga menambahi petunjuk liturgis pada marjin, dan bekerja ekstensif pada codex.<ref name = Scrivener123/> It was re-written in the twelfth century.<ref>{{Cite book| last = Gregory | first = C. R. | authorlink = Caspar René Gregory | title = Canon and Text of the New Testament | publisher = Charles Scribner's Sons | year = 1907 | location = New York | page = 348 | url = |accessdate= 2011-08-03 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last1=Metzger |first1=Bruce M. |authorlink1=Bruce M. Metzger |last2=Ehrman |first2=Bart D. |authorlink2=Bart D. Ehrman |title=The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration | edition = 4 |year=2005 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=New York – Oxford |url= |isbn=978-0-19-516122-9 |page= 70 }}</ref>
After the [[fall of Constantinople]] in 1453, the ''codex'' was brought to Florence by an émigré scholar.<ref>[ ''Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus'' – ''Catholic Encyclopedia'']</ref> It belonged to Niccolo Ridolpho († 1550) Cardinal of Florence. After his death it was probably bought by [[Piero Strozzi]], an Italian military leader, for [[Catherine de' Medici]]. Catherine brought it to France as part of her dowry, and from the Bourbon royal library it came to rest in the [[Bibliothèque nationale de France]], Paris. The manuscript was bound in 1602.<ref name = Gregory42>{{Cite book
| last = Gregory
Baris 262 ⟶ 264:
According to Edward Miller (1886) codices "B and probably א were procured under the dark gloom of Asian ascendency; A and C in the light of the most intellectual period of the early Church" (B – Vaticanus, א – Sinaiticus, A – Alexandrinus, C – Ephraemi Rescriptus).<ref>Edward Miller, ''A Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament'', Dean Burgon Society Press, p. 27.</ref>
According toMenurut [[Frederic Kenyon]] "thenaskah originalaslinya manuscriptmemuat containedseluruh theAlkitab wholebahasa Greek BibleYunani, buttetapi onlyhanya scatteredlembaran-lembaran leavesyang ofterpisah ityang weredipakai usedoleh bypenyalin the scribe ofkarya St. Ephraem's works, and the restdan wassisanya probablymungkin destroyeddihancurkan".<ref name = Kenyon138>Frederic Kenyon, [ ''Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts''] (London 1896), 2nd edition, p. 138.</ref>
[[Henry Barclay Swete|Swete]] examined only the text of the Old Testament. According to him the original order of the Old Testament cannot be reconstructed; the scribe who converted the manuscript into a palimpsest used the leaves for his new text without regard to their original arrangement. The original manuscript was not a single volume.<ref name = Swete/>