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'''Chiara Lubich''' (lahir pada [[1920]]) merupakan seorang pendiri [[Gerakan Focolare]]. Dia lahir pada masa [[fascisme]] di [[Trent]], [[Italia]] di mana dia tinggal dalam [[kemiskinan]] yang parah. Ayahnya seorang [[sosialisme|sosialis]] kehilangan pekerjaannya karena hukuman lawan politiknya. Untuk membiayai sekolahnya dia harus memberikan les pribadi.
Pada awal [[1940-an]], Chiara Lubich, kurang lebih 20 tahun, bekerja di sebuah [[sekolah dasar]] di Tren dan terdaftar dalam fakultas [[filosofi]] di [[Universitas Venice]]. Kemudian di puncak kebencian dan kekerasan dari [[Perang Dunia II]], dan kehancuran dari segalanya dari keteraturan dunia sebelumnya, terdorong oleh apa yang dia rasa sebagai rasa haus akan kebenaran, dia menemukan [[Tuhan]] sebagai hanya satu-satunya ideal. Tuhan, yang dia temukan penuh dengan [[cinta]], menerangi dan mengubahnya dan orang lainnya, dan menunjukan kepada mereka arti dari hidup: untuk bekerja sama untuk terjadinya apa yang dikatakan oleh [[Yesus]] "Bahwa semua akan menjadi satu".
Sejalan dengan waktu dia semakin menyadari bahwa proyek awal Tuhan pada dirinya, yang dia lihat, adalah untuk mengutarakan kata-kata berikut: untuk membawa bersama keluarga manusia dalam persatuan.
On [[December 7]], [[1943]], alone, she responded to God's call to give her whole life to God. In that same year, during the height of World War II and at 23 years of age, together with a small group of friends, she began an experience of rediscovery of the Gospel, resulting in an ever-growing movement. This is considered the birth of the [[Focolare Movement]]. Together with these friends, Chiara began examining the teachings of the Gospel and rediscovered its values. Thus began the Focolare Movement, now active in 180 countries and with about 100,000 members. These Focolare (small communities of lay volunteers) seek to contribute to peace and to achieve the evangelical unity of all people in every social environment. Its goal became a world living in unity, and its spirituality has helped dismantle centuries-old prejudices. Today its members and adherents are Catholic, [[Protestantism|Protestant]], [[Anglican Church|Anglican]], [[Eastern Orthodox Church|Orthodox]], [[Jewish]], [[Islam|Muslim]], [[Hinduism|Hindu]], [[Buddism|Buddhist]], [[Sikh]], as well as thousands of people who profess no particular [[religion]].
The [[May 13]], [[1944]] is remembered in her life as the night of one of the most violent bombings of Trent. Chiara's house was among the many houses destroyed. As her relatives fled into the nearby mountains to seek refuge, she decided to stay in Trent to help the new life that was being born around her. Amid the ruins of the city, she encountered a woman who had lost her senses through the suffering caused by the death of her four children. In their embrace, she heard the call to embrace the suffering of humanity. It was among the poor of Trent that that which Chiara often calls the "divine adventure" began.
From this experience the certainty that the [[Gospel]], when it is lived to the letter gives rise to the most powerful of social revolutions: here we find the first indications of the social commitment of the Movement.
In [[1948]] Chiara met Igino Giordani, [[Member of Parliament]], [[writer]], [[journalism|journalist]], pioneer in the field of [[ecumenism]], and father of four. This meeting took place in the Italian parliament. He was to be co-founder, together with Chiara, of the movement because of the contribution given by him in the context of the spirituality of unity's social incarnation, which gave rise to the New Families Movement and the New Humanity Movement.
The year [[1949]] marked the first encounter between Chiara and Pasquale Foresi, a young man who grew up in Catholic environments. Troubled by profound inner searching, he felt an intense need to couple Gospel and life in the Church. He was the first Focolarino to become a [[priest]], [[ordination|ordained]] in [[1954]]. Always at the side of the foundress, he contributed among other things, to giving life to the Movement's theological studies, to starting the Città Nuova Publishing House and to building the little town of Loppiano. Throughout the Movement's development, he has given a noteworthy contribution to concretizing its ecclesiastical and lay expressions. Along with Igino Giordani, he is considered to be a co-founder of the Movement.
In 1954 she met, in Vigo di Fassa (near Trent), with escapees from the forced labour camps in [[Eastern Europe]] and after [[1960]] the spirituality of unity and the Movement began to take shape clandestinely in those countries.
In [[1956]] there was the [[Soviet Union|Soviet]] invasion of [[Hungary]]. Faced with this dramatic development Chiara felt the urgency of bringing God back into society so that humanity could realise that it has its source of freedom and fraternity in Him. This marked the birth of the "volunteers", people who are committed in the most diverse fields of action: from politics to the economy, from art to education. They were to become the animators of New Humanity Movement
In [[Europe]] many of the wounds provoked by the violence and hate of the Second World War remained. In [[1959]], at the Mariapolis (summer gathering of the Movement) in the [[Dolomites|Dolomite Mountains]], Chiara addressed a group of politicians inviting them to go beyond the boundaries of their respective nations and to "love the nation of the other as you love your own". Indeed internationality soon becomes a hallmark of the Movement which rapidly spread, firstly in Italy; and then, since [[1952]] in Europe and since 1959 in the other continents. "Little towns" began to be born from [[1965]] on, with the birth of the first in Loppiano, together with international congresses, and the use of the media contribute to the formation of people who live for the ideal of a "united world".
In response to the growing crisis of the family in today's society, she founds the New Families Movement in [[1967]].
In the [[1960s]] young people started protesting in large numbers throughout much of the world. From [[1966]] Chiara Lubich proposed to the [[youth]] to live according to the [[radicalism]] of the Gospel as an answer to the profound desire for change claimed by young people everywhere. The Gen Movement was thus born (New Generation) which animates the wider "Young People for a United World"
From the very beginning there had been younger teenagers and children who made the spirituality of unity their own. The third generation of the Movement, those who animate the vaster "Youth for Unity" movement, was born in [[1970]].
== Pranala luar ==
* {{en}}[ biographybiografi]
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