Papirus 49: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 85:
Susan Stephens gave a new and complete transcription of the codex in 1985.<ref name = Comfort/> Comfort and Barrett again gave a new reconstruction in 1999.<ref>{{Cite book | last = Comfort| first = Philip W. |author2 = David P. Barrett | title = The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts | publisher = Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated | place = Wheaton, Illinois | year = 2001 | pages = 355–361 | isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1 }}</ref>
Vittorio Bartoletti (1920–1990) was the first to note that Papyrus 49 and [[Papyrus 65]] were produced by the same scribe.<ref>Vittorio Bartoletti, ''Papiri greci e latini della Società Italiana'', vol. XIV, (1957), pp.&nbsp;5-7.</ref> This conclusion was confirmed by Bradford Welles, Comfort and Barrett, and other palaeographers.<ref name = Comfort358/> They are still catalogued as separate manuscripts on the [[INTF]]'s list.<ref name = INTF/><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title= Liste Handschriften|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=26 August 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>