Papirus 49: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 54:
Menurut Comfort, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> dan [[Papirus 65|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup>]] berasal dari naskah yang sama.<ref>Philip W. Comfort, ''Encountering the Manuscripts. An Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Textual Criticism'', Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005, p. 68-69.</ref> Kedua naskah manuscripts have the same measurements, and the same number of lines per page. Both were written by a documentary hand, both manifest the same formation of certain letters, such as titled [[lambda]], titled [[sigma]], extended [[iota]], and toiled [[ypsilon]]. The [[nomina sacra]] and abbreviations are written in the same rather unusual way.<ref name = Comfort358/> Bradford Welles remarks that "there is not a single case of difference in the letter shapes in the two papyri".<ref name = Comfort358/> Neither use [[Typographic ligature|ligatures]].<ref name = Wachtel>Klaus Wachtel, Klaus Witte, [ ''Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus: Gal., Eph., Phil., Kol., 1. u. 2. Thess., 1. u. 2 Tim., Tit., Phlm., Hebr''], Walter de Gruyter, 1994, p. LXI.</ref> The only difference is in the number of letters per line: <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup> has more letters per line (42).<ref name = Comfort358/> The same situation exists in [[Papyrus 75]]. The scribe of <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>75</sup> appears to have realized that he was running out of room in his codex and added three letters in each line and even added extra lines.<ref name = Comfort358/> The manuscript may be one of the earliest manuscripts to display a complete Pauline codex, along with [[Papyrus 13]], [[Papyrus 15]]/[[Papyrus 16]], [[Papyrus 30]], [[Papyrus 46]], and [[Papyrus 92]].<ref name = Comfort358/>
== Varian Tekstual ==
InPada Ephesians{{Alkitab|Efesus 4:23}}, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> hasmemuat thebacaan rareyang textualjarang readingdijumpai {{lang|grc|εν τω πνευματι}} (''indalam spiritroh'') insteadbukannya of the readingbacaan {{lang|grc|τω πνευματι}} (''spiritroh itu''). TheBacaan readingpada ofnaskah theini codexdidukung is supported byoleh [[Codex Vaticanus]], [[minuscule 33]], 1175, [[Minuscule 1739|1739]], 1881 anddan severalbeberapa othermanuskrip manuscriptslain.<ref name = NA510>{{Cite book | last = K. Aland (ed.)| first = E. Nestle, | title = Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. 26)| publisher = Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft | place = Stuttgart | page = 510 | year = 1991}}</ref>
InPada Ephesians{{Alkitab|Efesus 4:28}}, it hasterdapat thebacaan unusualtidak textual readinglazim ταις χερσιν το αγαθον, supportedhanya onlydidukung byoleh [[PapyrusPapirus 46|<math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>]], secondkorektor corrector of thekedua [[Codex Sinaiticus]], [[Codex Vaticanus]], Old-Latin[[Vetus Latina]] a, anddan vg<sup>st</sup>. The rest of the manuscripts haveManuskrip-manuskrip thelainnya readingsmemuat: το αγαθον ([[Codex Porphyrianus|Porphyrianus]], [[minuscule 6]], 33, 1739, 1881); το αγαθον ταις χερσιν ([[Codex Angelicus|Angelicus]], [[Codex Athous Lavrensis|Athous Lavrensis]], [[Minuscule 323|323]], [[Minuscule 326|326]], [[Minuscule 614|614]], [[Minuscule 630|630]], 945); το αγαθον ταις ιδιαις χερσιν ([[Codex Mosquensis I]], 2495); ταις ιδιαις χερσιν το αγαθον (Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Codex Bezae, [[Codex Augiensis|Augiensis]], [[Codex Boernerianus|Boernerianus]], [[Minuscule 81|81]], [[Minuscule 104|104]], [[Minuscule 365|365]], 1175, 1241, 2464, [[Vulgata Clementina|vg<sup>cl</sup>]]).<ref name = NA510/>
InPada Ephesians{{Alkitab|Efesus 5:4}}, it has the textual readingtertulis και (''anddan''), supporteddidukung byoleh <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, firstkorektor corrector of thepertama [[Codex Sinaiticus]] (א<sup>1</sup>), [[Codex Vaticanus]], secondkorektor corrector of thekedua [[Codex Bezae]], manuscriptsnaskah-naskah of thejenis [[Byzantine text-type|Byzantine textualteks traditionBizantin]], [[Peshitta]], Copticnaskah manuscriptsKoptik indalam Bohairicdialek dialectBohairik; thesedangkan otherbacaan readingdi naskah lain η (''oratau'') isdidukung supported byoleh [[Codex Sinaiticus]], Alexandrinus, Bezae, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, minuscule 81, 104, 326, 365, 1175, 1241, 1739, 2464, Oldnaskah-Latinnaskah manuscripts[[Vetus Latina]], syr<sup>h</sup>, anddan Copticnaskah-naskah manuscriptsKoptik indalam Sahidicdialek dialectSahidik.<ref name = NA511>{{Cite book | last = K. Aland (ed.)| first = E. Nestle, | title = Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. 26)| publisher = Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft | place = Stuttgart | page = 511 | year = 1991}}</ref>
InPada Ephesians{{Alkitab|Efesus 5:5}}, it has the textual readingtertulis ο εστιν (''who(dia) yang isadalah''), supported by the manuscripts: <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Athous Lavrensis, 33, 365, 1175, 1739, 1881, 2464, Old-Latin, Peshitta, Copticnaskah-naskah manuscriptsKoptik (SahidicSahidik anddan BohairicBohairik); thesedangkan otherbacaan readinglain ος εστιν (''who(dia) yang isadalah'') isdidukung supported byoleh Codex Alexandrinus, Codex Bezae, anddan manuscripts of thenaskah-naskah Byzantinejenis textual[[teks traditionBizantin]].<ref name = NA511/>
InPada Ephesians{{Alkitab|Efesus 5:9}}, it has the textual readingtertulis φωτος (''lightterang, cahaya''), supporteddidukung byoleh Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, Bezae, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, minuscule 6, 33, 81, 629, 1175<sup>c</sup>, 1739, 1881, 2464, somesejumlah Old-LatinVetus manuscriptsLatina, Peshitta anddan Copticnaskah-naskah manuscriptsKoptik. The readingBacaan πνευματος (''spiritroh'') isditemukan foundpada in the manuscriptsnaskah-naskah <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, D<sup>2</sup>, Ψ, majoritymayoritas ofnaskah-naskah thejenis Byzantine[[teks manuscriptsBizantin]] anddan syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref name = NA511/>
In Ephesians 5:9, it has the textual reading φωτος (''light''), supported by Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, Bezae, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, minuscule 6, 33, 81, 629, 1175<sup>c</sup>, 1739, 1881, 2464, some Old-Latin manuscripts, Peshitta and Coptic manuscripts. The reading πνευματος (''spirit'') is found in the manuscripts <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, D<sup>2</sup>, Ψ, majority of the Byzantine manuscripts and syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref name = NA511/>
== Sejarah ==
Gaya tulisan tangan naskah ini menunjukkan banyak ciri abad ke-3. Comfort memberi tarikh pertengahan abad ke-3.<ref name = Comfort/> Sekarang diberi tarikh abad ke-3 berdasarkan [[paleografi]] oleh [[Institute for New Testament Textual Research]] (INTF).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF/> Kemungkinan dibuat di Mesir, tetapi tidak dapat dipastikan tempatnya.<ref name = Hatch>W. H. P. Hatch & C. B. Welles, [ ''A Hitherto Unpublished Fragment of the Epistle to the Ephesians''], HTR 51 (1958), 33-37.</ref>