COBIT: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 12:
COBIT menyediakan kerangka IT governance dan petunjuk control objective yang detail untuk manajemen, pemilik proses bisnis, user dan auditor.
* [ ISACA] Custodians of COBIT
* [ COBITCampus] COBIT education provided by ISACA
* [[ISO/IEC 20000]] international standard for IT Service Management
* [[ISO/IEC 27000]] Information Security Management Systems standards
* Wood, David J. 2010. "Assessing IT Governance Maturity: The Case of San Marcos, Texas". Applied Research Projects, [[Texas State University-San Marcos]].
* ['08_artok_cx.pdf The Institute of Internal Auditors' List of most commonly used Internal Control Frameworks]
* (This paper applies a modified COBIT framework to a medium sized city).
* (This checklist/cheatsheet summarizes Cobit 5).
== Pranala luar ==
* {{en}} [ Situs IT Governance Institute]
* {{en}} [ Situs ISACA ]