The Amazing Race 23: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 371:
=== Babak 8 (Uni Emirat Arab) ===
[[File:Jebel Hafeet Mountain Al Ain UAE.jpg|thumb|[[Jebel Hafeet]] adalah lokasi Pit Stop di babak perlombaan ini.]]
'''AirdateWaktu tayang''': November 17, November 2013<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Amazing Race 23 Episodes Guide 2013 Season 23 - One Hot Camel, Episode 8|publisher=''TV Guide''|accessdate=2 November 2, 2013}}</ref>
*Pulau Yas Island (Sirkuit Yas Marina CircuitGarageGarasi RowPerahu)
*[[Gurun Al Khatim]]
*[[Al Ain]] ([[Oase Al Ain]] Oasis– [[Museum Nasional Al Ain]])
*{{TAR clue|Detour|Wedding Guests or Beauty Contest}} Al Ain (Benteng Al Jahili)
*Al Ain (Menara Al Jahili) {{TAR clue|U-Turn|double=yes|Nicole & Travis|Leo & Jamal|Tim & Marie|Nicky & Kim}}
Baris 380:
*[[Jebel Hafeet]] ([ Mercure Grand Hotel]) {{TAR clue|Pit Stop|8}}
Detour: "Wedding Guests" atau "Beauty Contest". "Wedding Guests": tim harus menyiapkan ''[[kabsa|machbūs]]'', sebuah makanan tradisional lokal untuk para tamu pernikahan. Setelah mengumpulkan dan memutong semua bahan-bahan yang diperlukan, mereka harus menaruhnya di sebuah panci besar dan mengantarkan makanan yang sudah jadi ke sebuah pesta pernikahan yang akan memberikan mereka petunjuk. "Beauty Contest": tim harus mencari seekor [[unta]] dengan spesifikasi bagian tubuh sesuai dengan kriteria tertentu, kemudian mendandaninya untuk sebuah acara peragaan unta. Apabila para juri puas dengan pemilihan unta mereka,maka para juri akan menghadiahkan mereka petunjuk selanjutnya.
Detour: "Wedding Guests" atau "Beauty Contest". In Wedding Guests, teams had to prepare ''[[kabsa|machbūs]]'', a traditional makanan Emirati for wedding guests. After gathering and cutting up all of the necessary ingredients, they put it into a large pot and then served a finished dish to a wedding party who would give them their next clue. In Beauty Contest, teams had find a [[unta]] that met a set of breed guidelines, and then dress it up for an upcoming camel show. If the judges were pleased with their camel selection, they would award the teams their next clue. For the Speed Bump, Nicky and Kim had to quickly swim their way across a generated kolam gelombang, with a wave 6 feet high crashing down upon them once every 90 seconds. When they make it up the ladder on the other side of the pool without being pushed off, they can continue racing.
Speed Bump: Nicky dan Kim harus berenang menyebrangi sebuah [[kolam ombak]] buatan, dengan ombak setinggi 6 kaki yang akan menghantam mereka setiap 90 detik. Setelah berhasil memanjat keluar , mereka dipersilakan untuk melanjutkan perlombaan.
Roadblock: one team member had to ride down the largest man-made river rapids in the world and collect three flags each colored [[Bendera Uni Emirat Arab|red, green, and black]] to receive their next clue.
Roadblock: salah satu anggota tim harus menaiki perahu karet di area arung jeram buatan terbesar di dunia sambil mengumpulkan tiga bendera yang masing-masing berwarna [[Bendera Uni Emirat Arab|merah, hijau, dan hitam]] untuk mendapatkan petunjuk selanjutnya.
;Tugas tambahan:
*TeamsTim hadharus tomenggunakan use thekoin Viking coinsyang theymereka receiveddapat indi LegBabak 4 tountuk deciphermenemukan akode numericguna codemembuka whichsebuah was used to unlock amobil [[Ford Explorer]] which theyyang usedakan formereka thegunakan restsepanjang ofperlombaan thisbabak Legini.
*AtDi theGurun Al Khatim Desert, teamstim hadharus tomengendarai usesebuah '' [[dune buggy|dune buggies]] to'' dan mengikuti follow arute markedyang coursesudah untilditandai theyhingga foundmenemukan akotak clueboxyang containingberisikan theirpetunjuk nextmereka clueselanjutnya.
*Di kebun [[kurma (pohon)|pohon kurma]] Museum Nasional Al Ain, tim harus mencari petunjuk selanjutnya yang terletak di puncak salah satu pohon kurma. Tim kemudian harus meminta tolong kepada para pemanjat pohon lokal untuk mengambil petunjuk mereka tersebut.
*Before preceding to Al Ain Oasis, teams had to park their car first on the ground of [[Al Ain National Museum]].
*At Al Ain Oasis, teams had to search for their next clue which was located at the top of one of several [[date palm]] trees. Teams then had to ask for help from the local [[tree climbing|tree climbers]] to retrieve their next clue.
=== Babak 9 (Uni Emirat Arab → Indonesia) ===