Talmud: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 194:
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Talmud Yerusalem]]
* [[Mishnah]]
* [[Minor Tractates]]
* [[Tosefta]]
* [[Beraita]]
* [[Gemara]]
* [[Ein Yaakov]]
* [[Sastra Rabbinik]]
* [[Geonim#The Kallah|The Kallah Month]]
* [[Yeshiva]]
== Referensi ==
=== Umum ===
* [[Maimonides]] ''Introduction to the [[Mishneh Torah]]'' ([http://www.mechon-mamre.org/e/e0000.htm English translation])
Baris 212:
* [[Adin Steinsaltz]] ''The Essential Talmud'' (Basic Books, 1984). ISBN 0-465-02063-1; see also [http://www.steinsaltz.org/dynamic/essay_details.asp?id=6&sub=1 here]
* [[Zvi Hirsch Chajes]] ''"Mevo Hatalmud"'', transl. Jacob Shachter: ''The Students' Guide Through The Talmud'' (Yashar Books, 2005). ISBN 1-933143-05-3
* [[Shmuel Hanaggid]] ''Introduction to the Talmud'', in Aryeh Carmell ''Aiding Talmud Study'' (Philipp Feldheim, 1986). ISBN 0-87306-428-3
* Nathan T. Lopes Cardozo ''The Infinite Chain : Torah, Masorah, and Man'' (Philipp Feldheim, 1989). ISBN 0-944070-15-9
* D. Landesman ''A Practical Guide to Torah Learning'' (Jason Aronson, 1995). ISBN 1-56821-320-4
Baris 219:
=== Studi Sejarah ===
* Shalom Carmy (Ed.) ''Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah: Contributions and Limitations'' Jason Aronson, Inc.
* [[Louis Jacobs]], "How Much of the Babylonian Talmud is Pseudepigraphic?" Journal of Jewish Studies 28, No. 1 (1977), pp. 46-59
* Richard Kalmin ''Sages, Stories, Authors and Editors in Rabbinic Babylonia'' Brown Judaic Studies
* David C. Kraemer, ''On the Reliability of Attributions in the Babylonian Talmud,'' Hebrew Union College Annual 60 (1989), pp. 175-90
* Lee Levine, Ma'amad ha-Hakhamim be-Erez Yisrael (Jerusalem: Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi, 1985), (=The Rabbinic Class of Roman Palestine in Late Antiquity)
* [[Saul Lieberman]] ''Hellenism in Jewish Palestine'' (New York: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1950)
* [[John W McGinley]] " 'The Written' as the Vocation of Conceiving Jewishly". ISBN 0-595-40488-X
* [[Jacob Neusner]] ''Sources and Traditions: Types of Compositions in the Talmud of Babylonia'' (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992).
* [[David Weiss Halivni]] ''Mekorot u-Mesorot: Eruvin-Pesahim'' (Jerusalem: Jewish Theological Seminary, 1982)
* David Bigman, [http://www.edah.org/backend/coldfusion/displayissue.cfm?volume=2&issue=1 Finding A Home for Critical Talmud Study],
== Pranala luar ==
Baris 278:
[[Kategori:Talmud| ]]
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