Milenium ke-1: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 141:
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![[Abad ke-5]] <!-- from 401 to 500-->
|<!--5th Century AFRICA (limit three) -->'''[[429]]''' [[VandalsVandal#KingdomKerajaan indi NorthAfrika AfricaUtara|Vandalserangan invasionVandal]]<ref name = africa332/><br> '''[[401]]''' c. camelunta mainmenjadi transporttransportasi forutama untuk lintas trans-Sahara <br>'''[[500]]''' [[Nubia]] splitdibagi intomenjadi [[Nobatia|Nobadia]], [[Kerajaan Makuria|Makuria]], [[Alodia]]
|<!--5th Century AMERICA (limit three)-->&nbsp;
|<!--5th Century ASIA (limit three)-->'''[[420]]''' Masa [[SouthernDinasti andSelatan Northerndan DynastiesUtara]] period beginsdimulai
|<!--5th Century EUROPE (limit three)-->'''[[407]]''' VandalsVandal entermemasuki Iberia<ref name=europe400>{{cite web | title = World Timeline of Europe AD 400-800 Early medieval | publisher = The British Museum | year = 2005 | url = | accessdate = 2009-04-06| archiveurl=| archivedate= 27 February 2009 <!--DASHBot-->| deadurl= no}}</ref><br>'''[[421]]''' RomansRoma defeatmengalahkan PersiansPersia<ref name = europe400/><br>'''[[476]]''' [[DeclineKemunduran ofKekaisaran the Roman EmpireRomawi|Fall ofGugurnya RomanKekaisaran EmpireRomawi]]<ref name = europe400/>
|<!--5th Century OCEANIA (limit three)-->'''[[500]]''' Settlement ofPenyelesaian [[Hawaii#Pre-EuropeanPemukiman contact—ancientmanusia Hawaiʻipertama — Hawaii kuno (800–1778)|Hawaii]], [[EasterPulau IslandPaskah#HistorySejarah|EasterPulau IslandPaskah]], [[SocietyKepulauan IslandsMasyarakat]], [[TuamotusKepulauan Tuamotu#HistorySejarah|TuamotusTuamotu]] anddan [[Mangareva]]<ref name = oceania1/>
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![[Abad ke-6]] <!-- from 501 to 600-->
|<!--6th Century AFRICA (limit three) --> '''[[520]]''' [[Kaleb ofdari AxumAksum|Kaleb]] attacksmenyerang [[YemenYaman]]<br> '''[[533]]''' [[Belisarius|Belisarius invadesmenyerang AfricaAfrika]]<ref name = africa332/><br> '''[[540]]''' Nubia convertsdiubah tomenjadi [[monophysiteMonofisitisme|monofisit]] ChristianityKekristenan
|<!--6th Century AMERICA (limit three)-->'''[[600]]''' [[Suku Wari'|Wari']] conquermenaklukkan Peru<ref name = americas600 /><br>'''[[600]]''' [[Palenque|Construction ofPembangunan Palenque]]<ref name = americas200/>
|<!--6th Century ASIA (limit three)-->'''[[538]]''' [[BuddhismAgama Buddha]] introduceddiperkenalkan indi JapanJepang.<br>'''[[570]]''' Birth of theKelahiran Islamicnabi prophetIslam [[Muhammad]]
|<!--6th Century EUROPE (limit three)-->'''[[507]]''' BattlePertempuran of VouilléVouille<ref name = europe400/><br>'''[[535]]''' ByzantineTentara armyKekaisaran invadesRomawi ItalyTimur menyerang Italia<ref name = europe400/><br>'''[[585]]''' VisigothsVisigoth conquermenaklukkan Suevikerajaan kingdomSuevi<ref name = europe400/>
|<!--6th Century OCEANIA (limit three)-->&nbsp;
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Baris 162:
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![[Abad ke-7]] <!-- from 601 to 700-->
|<!--7th Century AFRICA (limit three) -->'''[[641]]''' [[Penaklukan Muslim conquest of thedari Maghreb|MuslimsMuslim invademenyerang AfricaAfrika]]<ref name = africa600>{{cite web | title = World Timeline of Africa AD 600-1500 | publisher = The British Museum | year = 2005 | url = | accessdate = 2009-04-02| archiveurl=| archivedate= 13 March 2009 <!--DASHBot-->| deadurl= no}}</ref><br>'''[[690]]''' [[Kekaisaran Songhai Empire|Dinasti Za Dynasty foundeddidirikan]]<br> '''[[697]]''' [[CarthageQart Hadast#Islamicpenaklukan conquestsIslam|CarthageKartago destroyedhancur]]<ref name = africa600/>
|<!--7th Century AMERICA (limit three)--> '''[[650]]''' Settlement ofPenyelesaian [[Xochitecatl]] anddan [[Cacaxtla]]<ref name = americas600/><br>'''[[700]]''' [[Teotihuacan]] destroyedhancur<ref name= americas600/>
|<!--7th Century ASIA (limit three)-->'''[[618]]''' Dinasti [[Dinasti Tang Dynasty|Tang]] Dynasty [[TransitionMasa fromTransisi Sui to -Tang|establisheddidirikan]]<br>'''[[632]]''' Rise ofKebangkitan [[Islam]]<br>'''[[651]]''' [[IslamicPenaklukan conquestMuslim ofdi Persia]]
|<!--7th Century EUROPE (limit three)-->c.'''[[680]]''' [[BulgarianKekaisaran EmpireBulgaria]] was foundeddidirikan;
|<!--7th Century OCEANIA (limit three)-->'''[[700]]''' [[HistorySejarah of theKepulauan Cook Islands|SettlementPenyelesaian ofdi theKepulauan Cook Islands]]<ref name = oceania1/>
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![[Abad ke-8]] <!-- from 701 to 800-->
|<!--8th Century AFRICA (limit three) -->'''[[702]]''' [[Kingdom ofKekaisaran Aksum#ForeignHubungan luar relationsnegeri, tradeperdagangan anddan economyekonomi|Aksum attacksmenyerang Arabia]]<ref name = africa600/> <br>'''[[706]]''' [[EgyptMesir indi theAbad Middle AgesPertengahan|ArabicArab indi EgyptMesir]]<ref name = africa600/><br>'''[[789]]''' [[IdrisidDinasti dynastyIdrisid|IndependentMaroko Moroccomerdeka]]<ref name= africa600/>
|<!--8th Century AMERICA (limit three)-->'''[[750]]''' [[Sacred Cenote Suci]] builtdibangun atdi [[Chichén Itzá]]<ref name= americas600 /><br>'''[[780]]''' MuralsLukisan dinding atdi [[Bonampak]] abandonedditinggalkan<ref name = americas600 />
|<!--8th Century ASIA (limit three)-->'''[[738]]''' [[Battle ofPertempuran Rajasthan]] anddan invasion ofpenyerbuan India byoleh [[UmayyadKekhalifahan CaliphateUmayyah]] was averteddihindari <br>'''[[755]]''' [[AnPemberontakan Lushan Rebellion|An Shi Rebellion]]
|<!--8th Century EUROPE (limit three)-->'''[[717]]''' [[SiegeDaftar ofpengepungan ConstantinopleKonstantinopel|Pengepungan Konstantinopel]]<br>'''[[718]]''' [[UmayyadPenaklukan conquestUmayyah ofdi Hispania|IslamicPenaklukan conquestIslam ofdi SpainSpanyol]]
|<!--8th Century OCEANIA (limit three)-->&nbsp;
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