Gangguan mental [[Friedrich Nietzsche]], kakak Elisabeth, terjadi pada tahun 1889 (ia meninggal tahun 1900), dan. setelahSetelah Elisabeth kembali pada tahun 1893, ia menemukan diaFriedrich tidakmenderita validsakit, darisementara tulisan-tulisan Friedrich yang diterbitkantelah danditerbitkan mulai dibaca dan didiskusikan di seluruh Eropa. Forster-Nietzsche mengambil peran utama dalam mempromosikan kakaknya, terutama melalui publikasi koleksi fragmen Nietzsche dengan nama ''[[The Will to Power]]''.<ref>[[Martin Heidegger]], 1930s courses on Nietzsche (parts of which have been published under the name ''Nietzsche I'' (1936-1939), ed. B. Schillbach, 1996, XIV, 596p. and ''Nietzsche II'' (1939-1946), ed. B. Schillbach, 1997, VIII, 454p. — note that these publications are not the exact transcription of the 1930s courses, but were done post-war), and [[Mazzino Montinari]], 1974 (Montinari made the first complete edition of Nietzsche's posthumous fragments, respecting chronological orders, whilst Elisabeth Förster's edition was partial, incomplete and arbitrarily ordered, as Heidegger had already noted. Montinari's edition has provided the basis for all further scholarship on Nietzsche's work).</ref>