Orang pendek: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
'''Orang Pendek''' adalah nama yang paling umum diberikan untuk [[cryptidkryptid]] yang dilaporkan hidup di hutan-hutan pulau [[SumatraSumatera]]. Binatang ini telah dilihat dan didokumentasikan selama 100 tahun oleh penghuni hutan, penduduk desa, [[Hindia Belanda|kolonis Belanda]], dan ilmuwan, dan pengelana Barat. KonsensusMenurut antarapara saksi adalah, binatang ituini merupakan [[primata]] bergerak yang hidup di tanah dan ditutupi oleh bulu pendek dan memiliki tinggi sekitar 80 cm dan 150 cm.<ref name="nevadajournal">{{cite news | last=Smith | first=Charles A. | title=Reported Find of Missing Link Will Be Probed | publisher=Nevada State Journal | date=[[1924-11-09]]}}</ref><ref name="dutchaccounts">{{cite book | author=Cremo, Michael A. and Richard L. Thompson. | title=Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race | publisher=[[Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing]] | date=1996}}</ref><ref name="debbie_bbcwildlife">{{cite web | last=Martyr | first=Debbie | title=The Other Orang | publisher=[[BBC Wildlife]] | date=[[2003-10-01]] | url=http://www.rfthomas.clara.net/papers/otherorang.html | accessdate=2005-05-30}}</ref><ref name="davies_bbc1">{{ cite web | title=Explorers find 'perfect' yeti tracks | publisher=[[BBC News]] | date=[[2001-10-30]] | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/1628878.stm | accessdate=2005-05-30}}</ref><ref name="davies_bbc2">{{cite web | last=Green | first=David | title=Evidence of 'jungle yeti' found | publisher=[[BBC News]] | date=[[2004-10-12]] | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/3734946.stm | accessdate=2005-05-30}}</ref><ref name="benedict">{{cite book | last=Allen | first=Benedict | title=Hunting the Gugu | date=[[2002]] | publisher=[[Faber and Faber]]}}</ref><ref name="freeman">{{cite web | last=Freeman | first=Richard | title=In Search of Orang Pendek | date=[[2004-04-01]] | publisher=[[Fortean Times]] | url=http://www.forteantimes.com/features/articles/159/in_search_of_orangpendek.html | accessdate=2007-05-28}}</ref>
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.orangpendek.org ''National Geographic'' expedition] to [[camera-trapping|camera-trap]] for Orang Pendek, [[July 2006]]
* "[http://www.banyak.co.uk/shop-forest.php Short Man of the Forest: The Search for Orang Pendek]" from the ''[[Banyak Films]]'', [[June 2006]]
* [http://www.internationalmonkeyhunter.com International Monkey Hunter], investigation into the Orang Pendek story
* [http://www.forteantimes.com/features/articles/103/the_orangpendek.html Fortean Times article]
* [http://www.newanimal.org/orang.htm The Cryptid Zoo: Orang-Pendek]
* [http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleId=E33CE33C-E7F2-99DF-398486ECF156C73E Bipedalism in orangutans], from [[August 2007]] issue of [[Scientific American]]
* [http://www.kesimpulan.com/2009/10/ekspedisi-menguak-tabir-misteri-orang.html KeSimpulan Laporan Penelitian]
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* {{id}} [http://www.kesimpulan.com/2009/10/ekspedisi-menguak-tabir-misteri-orang.html KeSimpulanEkspedisi Laporanmenguak tabir misteri orang Penelitianpendek]
* "{{en}} [http://www.banyak.co.uk/shop-forest.php Short Man of the Forest: The Search for Orang Pendek]" from the ''[[Banyak Films]]'', [[June 2006]]
* {{en}} [http://www.internationalmonkeyhunter.com International Monkey Hunter], investigation into the Orang Pendek story
* {{en}} [http://www.forteantimes.com/features/articles/103/the_orangpendek.html Fortean Times article]
* {{en}} [http://www.newanimal.org/orang.htm The Cryptid Zoo: Orang-Pendek]