Skeptic [[Dave Thomas (physicist)|Dave Thomas]] claimed to find other examples in many texts. While Thomas' methodology was alleged to have been refuted by [[Robert Haralick]]<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Skeptical About the Reasoning of the Bible Code Skeptic |author=Robert M | |accessdate=October 6, 2010}}</ref> and others, Thomas's criticisms were aimed at Drosnin, whose methodology was actually far worse. (In fact, Drosnin's example of "Clinton" in his first book violated the basic Bible Code concept of "Minimality"; Drosnin's "Clinton" was a completely invalid "code"). In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew [[orthography]] to his advantage, freely mixing classic (no vowels, Y and W strictly consonant) and modern (Y and W used to indicate ''i'' and ''u'' vowels) modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. In his television series ''[[John Safran vs God]]'', Australian television personality [[John Safran]] and McKay again demonstrated the "tuning" technique, demonstrating that these techniques could produce "evidence" of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York in the lyrics of [[Vanilla Ice]]'s repertoire. Additionally, "coded" references in non-Torah Bible texts, as for instance the famous [[Number of the Beast]], do not use the Bible code technique. And, the influence and consequences of scribal errors (e.g., misspellings, additions, deletions, misreadings, ...) are hard to account for in the context of a Bible coded message left secretly in the text. McKay and others claim that in the absence of an objective measure of quality and an objective way to select test subjects, it is not possible positively to determine whether any particular observation is significant or not. For that reason, most of the serious effort of the skeptics has been focused on the scientific claims of Witztum, Rips and Gans.
== Jenis lain kode Alkitab ==
Contoh lain allegeddari predictionramalan codedyang indiyakini thetersembunyi textdalam ofteks the BibleAlkitab, which isyang alsodikatakan attributedberasal todari Rabbi [[Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl]] (who was mentioned above),<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=I am statistically significant | |accessdate=October 6, 2010}}</ref> concernsberkaitan thedengan hanginghukuman ofgantung atas 10 pemimpin [[Nazi]] leaderspada on Octobertanggal 16, Oktober 1946 followingsebagai thekeputusan [[NurembergPersidangan TrialsNuremberg]]. Rabbi Weissmandl claimedmenyatakan thatbahwa thisperistiwa eventini wassudah predicteddiramalkan bydalam thekisah Biblical[[Alkitab]] storymengenai abouthukuman thegantung hanging of theatas 10 sons ofputra [[Haman (Bible)|Haman]], alsoyang asjuga amerupakan finalkonsekuensi consequenceakhir ofdari asuatu (failed)rencana genocidalpembasmian planterhadap againstbangsa theYahudi Jewsyang gagal. TheAspek "coded"pengkodean aspectdari ofspekulasinya hisini speculationadalah isdari that[[Teks in theMasoret]] [[MasoreticAlkitab textIbrani]], ofdi themana Bible,tiga threehuruf lettersdi withindalam thedaftar listnama ofputra-putra Haman's sonsditandai aredengan markedpenulisan ashuruf-huruf smallberukuran letterslebih kecil:<ref>[ "Small and Large Letters"] in the: [[Jewish Encyclopedia]], Funk and Wagnalls, New York 1901–1906. Volume 11, p. 411-412.</ref> thehuruf tav[[taw (huruf Ibrani)|taw]] {{hebrew|ת}} ofpada ParshandathaParshanda'''th'''a, thehuruf [[shin (huruf Ibrani)|shin]] {{hebrew|ש}} ofpada ParmashthaParma'''sh'''tha anddan thehuruf [[zayin (huruf Ibrani)|zayin]] {{hebrew|ז}} ofpada VajezathaVaje'''z'''atha. Rabbi Weissmandl pointedmenunjukkan outbahwa thatpenggabungan iftiga youhuruf combineini the three small letters together they form themembentuk wordkata {{hebrew|תשז}}, whichyang indalam thepembacaan acceptedsebagai Hebrewbilangan notationtahun fordalam year[[Kalender numbersIbrani]] (usingmenggunakan [[Gematria]]) correspondsbertepatan todengan thetahun Jewish yearYahudi [5]707 [[Anno Mundi]],<ref>UsingMenggunakan themetode Jewishpencatatan methodYahudi of recordinguntuk yearstahun, the numberangka 707 candapat representmelambangkan the yeartahun 5707, thisini isadalah thesistem "minor era" systempada of notation of thenotasi [[JewishKalender Calendar#Epoch|Jewish yearIbrani]]. For exampleMisalnya, Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary statesmenyatakan: "InDalam practicepraktik . . . the(angka) thousandsribuan aredihilangkan skippeddan andtahun theYahudi Jewishdisebut yeardengan is referred to by quotingmengutip, indalam Jewishsimbol numericalangka symbolsYahudi, theangka-angka figure from theratusan hundredske downbawah" (p. xxiv, Introduction, The Jewish Calendar). SeeLihat alsopula [[chronogram]].</ref> whichyaitu istahun theYahudi Jewishdi yearmana that10 the 10pemimpin Nazi leadersitu weredihukum executedgantung (October 16, Oktober 1946 correspondsbertepatan todengan 21 Tishrei 21, 5707, thehari dayyang knowndikenal assebagai ''Hoshanna Rabba,'' thehari daypenghukuman ofberat severeuntuk judgmentsbangsa-bangsa fordi the nations of the worlddunia, accordingmenurut to the JewishKalender calendarYahudi).<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Hebrew Date Converter | |accessdate=October 6, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Calendar Converter | |accessdate=October 6, 2010| archiveurl=| archivedate= September 27, 2010 | deadurl= no}}</ref> ManyBanyak peopleorang criticizemengkritik variousberbagai aspectsaspek of thisspekulasi speculationini.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Purim 1946? Not Exactly |author=Ephraim Rubin |date=August 9, 2002 | accessdate=October 6, 2010 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Ralph the Sacred River |date=March 28, 2005 | |accessdate=October 6, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Purimfest 1946!! |date=March 24, 2005 | |accessdate=October 6, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |url= |author=R. D. Gold |title=Bondage of the Mind: How Old Testament Fundamentalism Shackles the Mind and Enslaves the Spirit |publisher=Aldus Books |year=2008 |isbn= 978-0-9796406-0-5 |page=71}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Genealogical Saga of Judaism (2001) | |accessdate=October 6, 2010| archiveurl=| archivedate= September 28, 2010 | deadurl= no}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Purim Fest, 1946 – A Tale of Kiruv |}}</ref> TheyPara pointpengkritik outmenunjukkan thatbahwa thereada arebeberapa severaltradisi differentberbeda traditionsmengenai aboutapa whathuruf-huruf areberukuran thelebih smallkecil lettersdalam innama the names ofputra-putra Haman's sons. AlsoJuga theydituduhkan pointbahwa outpara thatpendukung thehanya proponentsmenyebut onlykemiripan mentiondi theantara similaritieskasus-kasus between the casesitu, buttetapi ignoremengabaikan thebanyak many differencesperbedaannya. MoreLebih inumum, generalmereka theyberpendapat pointbahwa outhal thatini thisbukanlah is notbenar-benar exactlysuatu anramalan ''a priori'' prediction("sebelumnya"), butmelainkian rather asuatu [[postdiction]] ("penyebutan setelahnya"), anddan thereforekarenanya thesignifikansi statisticalstatistik significance ofkejadian itini, ifjika thereada ispun, anytidak atdapat all,dihitung cannotdengan bepasti. reliably calculated.
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Bibliomancy]]