Important risk factors for penile cancer include phimosis and HPV infection, both of which are mitigated by circumcision.<ref name=larke_penile_cancer_2011/> The mitigating effect circumcision has on the risk factor introduced by the possibility of phimosis is secondary, in that the removal of the foreskin eliminates the possibility of phimosis. This can be inferred from study results that show uncircumcised men with no history of phimosis are equally likely to have penile cancer as circumcised men.<ref name=AAP_2012/><ref name=larke_penile_cancer_2011/> Circumcision is also associated with a reduced prevalence of cancer-causing types of HPV in men<ref name=rehmeyer_2011/> and a reduced risk of cervical cancer (which is caused by a type of HPV) in female partners of men.<ref name=hay_2012/> Because penile cancer is rare (and may get more rare with increasing HPV vaccination rates), and circumcision has risks, the practice is not considered to be valuable solely as a prophylactic measure against penile cancer in the United States.<ref name=AAP_2012/><ref name=ACS_2012/><ref name=hayashi_2011/>
==AdverseEfek effectssamping==
NeonatalSunat circumcisionneonatal isumumnya generallyaman safebila whendilakukan doneoleh bydokter anyang experienced practitionerberpengalaman.<ref name=AUA_2007/> Komplikasi Theakut mostyang commonpaling acuteumum [[complicationadalah (medicine)|complications]] areperdarahan, bleedinginfeksi, infectiondan andpenghilangan thekulup removalbaik ofterlalu eitherbanyak toomaupun muchterlalu or too little foreskinsedikit.<ref name=AAP_2012/><ref name=AAFP_2007/> Komplikasi Theseini complicationsterjadi occurkurang in less thandari 1% of procedures, anddan constitutemerupakan themayoritas vastdari majoritysemua ofkomplikasi allsunat acuteakut circumcisiondi complicationsAmerika in the United StatesSerikat.<ref name=AAFP_2007/> Komplikasi Minorminor complicationsdilaporkan are reported to occur interjadi 3% of procedures.<ref name=AUA_2007/> Tingkat Akomplikasi specificyang complicationspesifik ratesulit isuntuk difficultditentukan to determine due to scantkarena data on complicationskomplikasi andkurang inconsistenciesdan ininkonsistensi theirdalam classificationklasifikasinya.<ref name=AAP_2012/> Komplikasi Complicationakan rateslebih arebesar greaterketika whenprosedur theini proceduredilakukan isoleh performedorang byyang antidak inexperienced operatorberpengalaman, indalam kondisi yang unsteriletidak conditionssteril, oratau whenketika theanak childberada ispada atusia anyang olderlebih agetua.<ref name=weiss_2010_complications/> SignificantKomplikasi acuteakut complicationsyang happendisignifikan rarelyjarang terjadi,<ref name=AAP_2012/><ref name=weiss_2010_complications/> occurring in aboutsekitar 1 indari 500 newbornpada proceduresbayi inyang thebaru Unitedlahir States.<ref name=AAP_2012/> Severe to catastrophic complications are sufficiently rare that they are reported only as individualdi caseAmerika reportsSerikat.<ref name=AAP_2012/> TheTingkat deathkematian rateakibat duesunat to circumcision is estimated atdiperkirakan 1 indari everysetiap 500,.000 prosedur neonatal proceduresdi conductedAmerika within the United StatesSerikat.<ref name=AAFP_2007/> OtherKomplikasi possiblelain complicationsmungkin includetermasuk [[buried penis|concealed penistersembunyi]], [[skinfistula bridge]]s, urethral fistulasuretra, anddan [[meatal stenosis meatus]].<ref name="KrillPalmer2011"/> TheseKomplikasi complicationsini maydapat bedihindari avoideddengan withteknik properyang techniquetepat, anddan aresering mostdapat oftendiobati treatabletanpa withoutmemerlukan requiringkunjungan ake hospitalrumah visitsakit.<ref name="KrillPalmer2011">{{cite journal|last1=Krill|first1=Aaron J.|last2=Palmer|first2=Lane S.|last3=Palmer|first3=Jeffrey S.|title=Complications of Circumcision|journal=The Scientific World JOURNAL|volume=11|year=2011|pages=2458–2468|issn=1537-744X|doi=10.1100/2011/373829|url=}}</ref>
CircumcisionSunat doestidak notmengurangi appear to decrease the sensitivity of thesensitivitas penis, harmmembahayakan sexualfungsi functionseksual, orataupun reducemengurangi sexualkepuasan satisfactionseksual.<ref name=sexual_function/><ref name="pmid22373281">{{cite journal |author=Morris BJ, Waskett JH, Banerjee J, Wamai RG, Tobian AA, Gray RH, Bailis SA, Bailey RC, Klausner JD, Willcourt RJ, Halperin DT, Wiswell TE, Mindel A |title=A 'snip' in time: what is the best age to circumcise? |journal=BMC Pediatr |volume=12 |issue= |pages=20 |year=2012 |pmid=22373281 |pmc=3359221 |doi=10.1186/1471-2431-12-20 |url=|quote=Circumcision in adolescence or adulthood may evoke a fear of pain, penile damage or reduced sexual pleasure, even though unfounded.}}</ref> Pada Thetahun 2010 [[RoyalAsosiasi DutchMedis MedicalBelanda AssociationRoyal]]'s 2010 Viewpoint mentionsmenyebutkan thatbahwa "complicationskomplikasi in thedi area of sexualityseksualitas" havetelah been reporteddilaporkan. <ref name=KNMG_2010/> AdditionallySelain itu, theprosedur procedureini maydapat carrymembawa therisiko risksrespon ofnyeri heightenedyang paintinggi responseuntuk forbayi newbornsyang andbaru dissatisfactionlahir withdan theketidakpuasan dengan resulthasilnya.<ref name=perera_2010/>