Di negara-negara Muslim, support ofdukungan Israel is mostly met withsering oppositionditentang. Pada tahun 2004, Sarah Nasser, seorang mahasiswa Muslim di Kanada knownyang dikenal karena for pandangan pro-Israelnya, received death threats aftersetelah expressingmenunjukan supportdukungan forkepada thehak Jewishnegara state'sYahudi right tountuk existberdiri. "BeingMenjadi apendukung supporter of the existence ofkeberadaan Israel doestanpa notberkonflik conflict withdengan Islam, it complements Islam," she saidkatanya. "Al-Qur'an does not have any verses that do not allow for the Yahudi tountuk returnkembali toke Tanah Israel (...) "Aku cinta Yahudi seperti halnya aku cinta Muslim yang benar," ia mengatakankatanya. "Therefore, aku percaya Yahudi should have a right to live legitimately in tanah air mereka."<ref name="intolerance">{{Cite news|last= Freund|first= Michael|title= Muslim pro-Israel activist threatened|accessdate= 19 JuneJuni 2010 | newspaper = The Jerusalem Post|date=Friday, January2 2,Januari 2004}}.</ref><ref>{{Citation | first = Sarah | last = Nasser | url = http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-116131837.html | title = A pro-Israel Muslim speaks out | newspaper = The Jerusalem Post | date = December 1, 2005}}.</ref> Do Bangladesh, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, editor surat kabar Weekly Blitz anddan selfmenyatakan describeddirinya "Muslim ZionistZionis", wasdiserang attacked anddan beaten pada tahun 2006 by a mob of nearly 40 people, leaving him with a fractured ankle. During the assault, the attackers shouted at Choudhury, labelingmenlabelkan himdirinya anseorang "agen Yahudi."<ref name="mob">{{Citation | first = Michael | last = Freund | url = http://www.weeklyholiday.net/2006/031106/inter.html | title = US slams trial of Bangladeshi newsman | newspaper = Holiday International | date = 3 November 2006}}.</ref>