D.A. Carson: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 35:
== Publikasi ==
Carson hastelah writtenmenulis oratau editedmenyunting 57 booksbuku, manybanyak ofdi whichantaranya havetelah beenditerjemahkan translatedke intodalam Chinese[[bahasa Tionghoa]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.akow.org/|title=A Kernel of Wheat Christian Ministries|accessdate=2009-11-11}}</ref> TheseIni includetermasuk majorkomentari commentariesutamanya onmengenai [[GospelInjil of MatthewMatius|"Matthew"]] in thedalam ''Expositor's Bible Commentary'' (ISBN 0310499615) anddan [[GospelInjil of JohnYohanes|"John"]] (ISBN 085111749X), commentariesserta onbagian-bagian partsAlkitab of the Biblemisalnya, such[[1 asKorintus 12]][[1 CorinthiansKorintus 1214|-14]] (ISBN 0801025214) and thedan [[Kotbah di Bukit|Sermon on the Mount]] (ISBN 0801024803). HeIa hasjuga alsomenulis writtenbuku-buku books onmengenai [[prayerdoa]], sufferingpenderitaan, anddan [[freekebebasan will]]kehendak andserta [[predestinationpredestinasi]] fromdari asudut generallypandang [[compatibilist]]compatibilis and [[Calvinist]]dan perspectiveCalvinis.
HisBukunya 1996tahun book1996 ''The Gagging of God: Christianity Confronts Pluralism'' (ISBN 031024286X) wonmemenangkan thehadiah "1997 [[ECPA Christian Book Award]]" foruntuk thekategori "theology and doctrine" category.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ecpa.org/christianbookawards/gm1997.php|title=1997 Gold Medallion Book Awards Winners|accessdate=2009-11-11}}</ref>
Publikasi lain termasuk:
Baris 56:
* ''The Intolerance of Tolerance'' (2012) ISBN 0-8028-3170-2
== Referensi ==