Daftar kota di Israel: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
<div style="float:right; border:1px solid silver; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em;">{{Israel cities labeled map}}</div>
'''Kota-kota di Israel''' dalam daftar ini adalah kota-kota di [[Israel]] dan [[pemukiman Israel]] dengan status kota di [[Tepi Barat]]. Daftar ini berdasarkan indeks dari [[IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael|IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael (CBS)]].
Baris 7:
Daftar tersebut termasuk empat pemukiman Israel di Tepi Barat, sebuah wilayah di luar teritorial Israel yang berdaulat. [[Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]],<ref>[[Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB 446|Resolusi 446]], [[Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB 465|Resolusi 465]], Resolusi 484, dan lain-lain</ref> [[Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]],<ref>{{cite web |title=Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories |publisher=[[United Nations]] |date=December 17, 2003 |url=http://domino.un.org/unispal.nsf/97360ee7a29e68a085256df900723485/d6f5d7049734efff85256e1200677754 |accessdate=2006-09-27}}</ref> [[Mahkamah Internasional]],<ref>{{cite web |title=Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory |publisher=[[Dewan Kehakiman Internasional]] |date=9 Juli 2004 |url=http://domino.un.org/UNISPAl.NSF/85255e950050831085255e95004fa9c3/3740e39487a5428a85256ecc005e157a |accessdate=2006-09-27}}</ref> dan [[Komite Internasional Palang Merah]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/misc/5fldpj.htm |title=Implementation of the Fourth Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories: history of a multilateral process (1997-2001) |date=30 September 2002 |work=International Review of the Red Cross |publisher=International Committee of the Red Cross |accessdate=11 Oktober 2012}}</ref> menyatakannya sebagai [[Teritorial Pendudukan Palestina]].
Berikut adalah tabel daftar seluruh kota Israel menurut nama, [[Distrik di Israel|distrik]], wilayah, dan populasi, menurut sensus [[IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael]] pada 2009:<ref name="cbs-eoy2009">{{cite web|url=http://www.cbs.gov.il/population/new_2010/table3.pdf|publisher=[[IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael]]|title=Table 3 - Population of Localities Numbering Above 2,000 Residents and Other Rural Population|date=2010-06-30|accessdate=2011-01-29}}</ref>
[[File:Jerusalem Dome of the rock BW 14.JPG|thumb|[[Yerusalem]]]]
Baris 25:
![[bahasa Arab|Arab]]
!Penduduk<br />(2009)<ref name="cbs-eoy2009" />{{Cref|n}}
!Wilayah<br />(km²)<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.cbs.gov.il/publications/local_authorities2004/excel/p_excel.xls |title=2004 local government profile |accessdate=2007-08-17 |publisher=IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael |language={{he icon}}}}</ref>
Baris 630:
== Kota yang jumlah penduduknya bertambah ==
Delapan kota jumlah penduduknya bertambah lebih dari 10% antara tahun 2005 dan 2010:<ref name="CBSestimate2005" /><ref name="CBSestimate2010">{{cite web|url=http://www.cbs.gov.il/ishuvim/ishuv2010/table7.xls|title=TABLE 7.- POPULATION IN MUNICIPALITIES, AND LOCAL COUNCILS |format=XLS|accessdate=3 November 2013|year=2010|publisher=[[IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael]]}}</ref>{{Cref|al}}
[[Image:Modern bet shemesh.png|thumb|[[Beit Shemesh]]]]
Baris 1.005:
<ref name="CBSestimate2005">{{cite web|url=http://www.cbs.gov.il/population/new_2006/table3.pdf|title=Table 3 – Population of Localities Numbering Above 1,000 Residents and Other Rural Population|publisher=IsraelBiro CentralPusat BureauStatistik of StatisticsIsrael|date=December31 31,Desember 2005|accessdate=2010-05-07}}</ref>
Baris 1.011:
* [http://www.world-gazetteer.com/s/p_il.htm Map]
* [http://www.urbanisrael.com Urban Israel: Details and pictures about many cities in Israel]
* [http://www1.cbs.gov.il/reader/?MIval=cw_usr_view_Folder&ID=141 IsraelSitus Centralweb Bureauresmi ofBiro StatisticsPusat officialStatistik websiteIsrael]