Chelsea Manning: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 41:
Manning langsung dituduh melakukan 22 pelanggaran, termasuk [[Uniform Code of Military Justice#Pasal hukuman|membantu musuh]], pelanggaran terberat di Amerika Serikat.<ref name=Nicks>[ Nicks, 23 September 2010].
* For the initial charges, see [;contentBody "Soldier faces criminal charges"], United States Division – Center, Media Release, 6 July 2010.
* Also see [ "Charge sheet"], ''Cryptome''; and [ "Charge sheet"], ''The Washington Post''.
* For the additional charges, see Miklaszewski, Jim and Kube, Courtney. [ "Manning faces new charges, possible death penalty"], MSNBC, 2 March 2011.</ref> Ia ditahan di [[Marine Corps Brig, Quantico]], Virginia, sejak Juli 2010 sampai April 2011 dengan status Prevention of Injury, yang mengharuskan penahanan soliter secara ''de facto'' dan pembatasan lain sehingga memunculkan kekhawatiran di dalam dan luar negeri, sebelum ditransfer ke [[Fort Leavenworth]], tempat ia bisa berinteraksi dengan tahanan lain.<ref name=APApril202011>For the letter from the legal scholars, see Ackerman, Bruce and Benkler, Yochai. [ "Private Manning’s Humiliation"], ''The New York Review of Books'', retrieved 5 April 2011 (see a later correction here []).
* For the jail transfer, see [ "WikiLeaks Suspect Transferred to Fort Leavenworth"], Associated Press, 20 April 2011.</ref> She pleaded guilty in February 2013 to 10 of the charges.<ref name=CBS28Feb2013>[ "Judge accepts Manning's guilty pleas in WikiLeaks case"], CBS News, February 28, 2013.</ref> [[United States v. Manning|Pengadilan untuk tuduhan lainnya]] dimulai tanggal 3 Juni 2013. Pada 30 Juli, ia dinyatakan bersalah atas 17 tuduhan pertama dan 4 tuduhan lain yang sudah diamandemen; ia dinyatakan tidak bersalah atas tuduhan membantu musuh.<ref name=verdict>Tate, Julie and Londono, Ernesto. [ "Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy, convicted on other charges"], ''The Washington Post'', 30 July 2013.