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Baris 19:
[[Image:Huari-with-tiahuanaco.png|thumb|left|Area "Middle Horizon" termasuk Tiwanaku]]
Area sekitar Tiwanaku mungkin mulai dihuni sejak tahun 1500 SM sebagai suatu desa pertanian kecil.<ref>{{Citation | last = Fagan | first = Brian M | title = The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Ancient World: Unlocking the Secrets of Past Civilizations | place = New York | publisher = Thames & Hudson | year = 2001}}.</ref> Kebanyakan riset telah meneliti periode Tiwanaku IV dan V antara tahun 300 M dan 1000 M, di mana saat itu terjadi perkembangan kekuasaan. Dalam periode 300 SM sampai 300 M, Tiwanaku diperkirakan merupakan pusat moral dan kosmologi tempat ziarah penduduk. Para peneliti percaya bahwa ini terjadi sebelum berdirinya kerajaan yang kuat.<ref name="Kolata" /> Pada tahun 1945, [[Arthur Posnansky]]<ref name = "Posnansky1945">{{Citation | last = Posnansky | first = A | year = 1945 | title = Tihuanacu, the Cradle of American Man | volume = I–II | others = James F. Sheaver transl | publisher = JJ Augustin | place = New York}}; Vols. III–IV, La Paz, Bolivia: Minister of Education</ref>{{Page needed |date=June 2014}} memperkirakan Tiwanaku bertarikh sejak 15.000 SM, berdasarkan teknik [[:en:Archaeoastronomy]] yang dikembangkannya. Pada abad ke-21 para pakar secara meyakinkan menyimpulkan bahwa tarikh Posnansky tidak sah dan merupakan suatu "contoh yang disayangkan dari kesalahan penggunaan bukti arkeoastronomi."<ref name = "Kelleyothers2002">{{Citation | last1 = Kelley | first1 = DH | first2 = EF | last2 = Milone | year = 2002 | title = Exploring Ancient Skies: An Encyclopedic Survey of Archaeoastronomy | place = New York | publisher = Springer Science+Business}}, 616 pp.</ref>
== Arsitektur dan seni ==
[[Image:Tiwanaku tenon head 20060613 0475.jpg|thumb|100px|right|''Closeup'' patung pahatan batu kepala 'tenon'' yang tertempel pada dinding Kuil ''Semi-subterranean'' Tiwanaku]]
[[Image:Precolumbian Statue.jpg|thumb|140px|right|''Anthropomorphic receptacle'' Tiwanaku]]
Arsitektur Tiwanaku yang monumental berciri batu-batu raksasa dengan pengerjaan yang luarbiasa bagus. Berbeda dengan gaya pertukangan [[Inca]] yang kemudian, arsitektur batu Tiwanaku biasanya menggunakan blok [[ashlar]] persegi panjang dalam barisan teratur.<!-- Struktur monumental structures were frequently fitted with elaborate drainage systems. The drainage systems of the [[Akapana]] and [[Pumapunku]] structures include conduits composed of red sandstone blocks held together by ternary (copper/arsenic/nickel) bronze architectural cramps. The <code>I</code>-shaped architectural cramps of the Akapana were created by cold hammering of ingots. In contrast, the cramps of the Pumapunku were created by pouring molten metal into <code>I</code>-shaped sockets.<ref name="LechtmanOther2005">Lechtman, Heather N., MacFarlane, and Andrew W., 2005, "''La metalurgia del bronce en los Andes Sur Centrales: Tiwanaku y San Pedro de Atacama''". ''Estudios Atacameños'', vol. 30, pp. 7-27.</ref> The blocks have flat faces that do not need to be fitted upon placement because the grooves make it possible for the blocks to be shifted by ropes into place. The main architectural appeal of the site comes from the carved images and designs on some of these blocks, carved doorways, and giant stone monoliths.<ref name="Isbell2004a">Isbell, W. H., 2004, ''Palaces and Politics in the Andean Middle Horizon.'' in S. T. Evans and J. Pillsbury, eds., pp. 191-246. [http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/EVAPAL.html?show=contents Palaces of the Ancient New World.] Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington, D.C.</ref>
== Referensi ==
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