Ajahn Brahm: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Andreas Sihono (bicara | kontrib)
Andreas Sihono (bicara | kontrib)
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Baris 34:
==Masa-masa awal==
Peter Betts berasal dari latar belakang kelas pekerja dan mengenyam pendidikan di sekolah atas Latymer. Ia mendapat [[beasiswa]] untuk belajar [[fisika teori]]<ref>{{cite web|title=Buddhism, the only real science|url=http://www.dailynews.lk/2007/03/28/fea04.asp|publisher=[[Daily News (Sri Lanka)|Daily News]]|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref> di [[Universitas Cambridge]] pada akhir tahun 1960.<ref>{{cite book|last=Chan|first=Dunstan|title=Sound and Silence|publisher=TraffordSG|year=2013|page=189|isbn=9781466998759}}</ref> Setelah lulus dari Cambridge ia mengajar di sekolah tinggi selama satu tahun sebelum melakukan perjalanan ke Thailand untuk menjadi seorang [[bhiksu]] dan berguru pada [[Ajahn Chah]].<ref name="door"/> Brahm ditahbiskan di Bangkok pada usia dua puluh tiga oleh Abbas dari Wat Saket. Dia kemudian menghabiskan sembilan tahun belajar dan pelatihan dalam tradisi meditasi hutan di bawah Ajahn Chah.
==Biara Bodhinyana==
Brahm diundang ke [[Perth, Australia Barat|Perth]], [[Australia]] oleh Perhimpunan Buddha Australia Barat untuk membantu [[Ajahn Jagaro]] dalam mengajar.<ref>{{cite journal | last=Wettimuny |first= Samantha |date=21 January 2007 |title=Sharing the Dhamma in his own unique style |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070121/Plus/012_pls.html |volume=41 |issue=34 |issn= 1391-0531 }}</ref> Pada awalnya mereka berdua tinggal di sebuah rumah tua di pinggiran Perth Utara, namun pada akhir 1983, mereka membeli lahan pedesaan di daerah perbukitan Serpentine seluas 393.000&nbsp;m².<ref name="door"/> Tanah tersebut dijadikan biara Bodhinyana (nama diambil dari guru mereka, [[Ajahn Chah]] Bodhinyana). Pada awalnya, biara Bodhinyana tidak memiliki bangunan yang berdiri di atas tanah, dan karena hanya ada sedikit pemeluk Budha di Perth pada masa itu, dan sumbangan yang sedikit, para Biksu tersebut membangun sendiri biara mereka untuk menghemat uang. Brahm belajar pekerjaan pertukangan dan membangun banyak bangunan yang bertahan sampai sekarang.
Baris 41 ⟶ 45:
<ref>{{cite book|last=Chan|first=Dunstan|title=Sound and Silence|publisher=TraffordSG|year=2013|page=189|isbn=9781466998759}}</ref> After graduating from Cambridge he taught in high school for one year before traveling to [[Thailand]] to become a monk and train with the [[Ajahn Chah]] Bodhinyana Mahathera.<ref name="door"/> Brahm was [[ordained]] in [[Bangkok]] at the age of twenty-three by the Abbot of [[Wat Saket]]. He subsequently spent nine years studying and training in the [[Thai Forest Tradition|forest meditation tradition]] under [[Ajahn Chah]].
==Bodhinyana Monastery==
Brahm was invited to [[Perth, Western Australia|Perth]], [[Australia]] by the Buddhist Society of Western Australia to assist Ajahn Jagaro in teaching duties.<ref>{{cite journal | last=Wettimuny |first= Samantha |date=21 January 2007 |title=Sharing the Dhamma in his own unique style |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070121/Plus/012_pls.html |volume=41 |issue=34 |issn= 1391-0531 }}</ref> Initially they both lived in an old house in the suburb of North Perth, but in late 1983 purchased 97 acres (393,000&nbsp;m²) of rural and forested land in the hills of Serpentine south of Perth.<ref name="door"/> The land was to become [[Bodhinyana Monastery]] (named after their teacher, [[Ajahn Chah]] Bodhinyana). Bodhinyana was to become the first dedicated Buddhist monastery in the [[Southern Hemisphere]] and is today the largest community of Buddhist monks in Australia.{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}} Initially there were no buildings on the land, and as there were only a few Buddhists in Perth at this time, and little funding, the monks themselves began building to save money. Brahm learnt [[plumbing]] and [[bricklaying]] and built many of the current buildings himself.
In 1994, Jagaro took a sabbatical leave from Western Australia and disrobed a year later. Left in charge, Brahm took on the role and was soon being invited to provide his teachings in other parts of Australia and South-East Asia. He has been a speaker at the International Buddhist Summit in [[Phnom Penh]] in 2002, and at three Global Conferences on Buddhism. He also dedicates time and attention to the sick and dying, those in prison or ill with [[cancer]], people wanting to learn to [[meditate]], and also to his [[Sangha]] of monks at Bodhinyana. Brahm has also been influential in establishing Dhammasara Nuns' Monastery at Gidgegannup in the hills north-east of Perth to be a wholly independent monastery, which jointly administered by Venerable Nirodha and Venerable Hasapanna.