Ajahn Brahm: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Andreas Sihono (bicara | kontrib)
Andreas Sihono (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 39:
Pada tahun 1994, Jagaro mengambil cuti panjang dari Australia Barat dan melepaskan jubah setahun kemudian. Mendapat tanggungjawab tersebut, Brahm mengambil peran dan segera mendapat undangan untuk menyampaikan ajaran-ajarannya di bagian lain dari Australia dan Asia Tenggara. Ia telah menjadi pembicara di Pertemuan International Agama Buddha di Phnom Penh tahun 2002, dan pada tiga Konferensi Global Buddhisme. Dia juga mendedikasikan waktu dan perhatian untuk orang yang sakit dan sekarat, orang-orang di penjara atau sakit kanker, orang yang ingin belajar meditasi, dan juga untuk para biarawannya di Bodhinyana. Brahm juga telah berpengaruh dalam membangun Biara Dhammasara di Gidgegannup di perbukitan utara-timur Perth menjadi sebuah biara yang sepenuhnya independen, yang dikelola bersama oleh Venerable Nirodha dan Venerable Hasapanna.
==Pentahbisan Biksuni==
OnPada 22 OctoberOktober 2009, Brahm alongbersama withdengan [[Bhante Sujato]] facilitatedmemfasilitasi anupacara ordinationpentahbisa ceremony foruntuk [[bhikkhuniBiksuni]]s, wheredimana fourempat female Buddhists,wanita Venerable Ajahn Vayama, anddan Venerables Nirodha, Seri anddan Hasapanna, were ordained into the Western Theravadaditahbiskan bhikkhunimenjadi sanghaBiksuni.<ref>{{Cite web|title=History in the Making?|url=http://gobeyondwords.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/history-in-the-making/|publisher=Go Beyond Words: [[Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition#Publications|Wisdom Publications blog]]|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref> TheUpacara ordinationpentahbisan ceremonytersebut tookdilakukan placedi at Ajahn Brahm'sbiara Bodhinyana Monastery atdi Serpentine (near Perth, WA), Australia. There is no consensus in the wider tradition that bhikkhuni ordinations could be valid, having last been performed in Theravada communities over 1,000 years ago, though the matter has been under active discussion for some time. Brahm claims that there is no valid historical basis for denying ordination to bhikkunis.
.<ref>{{Cite web|title=History in the Making?|url=http://gobeyondwords.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/history-in-the-making/|publisher=Go Beyond Words: [[Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition#Publications|Wisdom Publications blog]]|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref> The ordination ceremony took place at Ajahn Brahm's Bodhinyana Monastery at Serpentine (near Perth, WA), Australia. There is no consensus in the wider tradition that bhikkhuni ordinations could be valid, having last been performed in Theravada communities over 1,000 years ago, though the matter has been under active discussion for some time. Brahm claims that there is no valid historical basis for denying ordination to bhikkunis.
==Bhikkhuni ordination==
On 22 October 2009 Brahm along with Bhante Sujato facilitated an ordination ceremony for [[bhikkhuni]]s where four female Buddhists, Venerable Ajahn Vayama, and Venerables Nirodha, Seri and Hasapanna, were ordained into the Western Theravada bhikkhuni sangha.<ref>{{Cite web|title=History in the Making?|url=http://gobeyondwords.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/history-in-the-making/|publisher=Go Beyond Words: [[Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition#Publications|Wisdom Publications blog]]|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref> The ordination ceremony took place at Ajahn Brahm's Bodhinyana Monastery at Serpentine (near Perth, WA), Australia. There is no consensus in the wider tradition that bhikkhuni ordinations could be valid, having last been performed in Theravada communities over 1,000 years ago, though the matter has been under active discussion for some time. Brahm claims that there is no valid historical basis for denying ordination to bhikkunis.
{{quote|I thought too when I was a young monk in Thailand that the problem was a legal problem, that the bhikkhuni order couldn’t be revived. But having investigated and studied, I’ve found out that many of the obstacles we thought were there aren’t there at all. Someone like Bhikkhu Bodhi [a respected Theravada scholar-monk] has researched the Pali Vinaya and his paper is one of the most eloquent I’ve seen – fair, balanced, comes out on the side of “It’s possible, why don’t we do this?”<ref>{{cite web|title=An Interview with Ajahn Brahm|url=http://bhikkhuni.net/library/ajahn-brahm-interview-nissarah.html|publisher=Alliance for Bhikkhunis|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref>}}