Trombokinase: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 3:
Skema pembekuan darah adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Terjadi luka, 2) Darah keluar, 3) Keping darah (trombosit pecah), 4) Menghasilkan enzim trombokinase, 5) Bersama ion kalsium dan vitamin K mengubah protrombin menjadi trombin, 6) Memengaruhi fibrinogen membentuk benang-benang fibrin, 7) Membendung darah dan membeku, 8) Menutup luka.
Salah satu antibodi untuk mencegah bibit penyakit masuk ke dalam tubuh adalah Betadine,dan sebagainya yang dapat membuat antibodi kuman terhadap luka.
An incorrect synonym is '''thromboplastin'''. Historically, thromboplastin was a lab reagent, usually derived from placental sources, used to assay prothrombin times (PT time). Thromboplastin, by itself, could activate the extrinsic coagulation pathway. When manipulated in the laboratory, a derivative could be created called partial thromboplastin. Partial thromboplastin was used to measure the intrinsic pathway. This test is called the aPTT, or activated partial thromboplastin time. It was not until much later that the subcomponents of thromboplastin and partial thromboplastin were identified. Thromboplastin is the combination of both phospholipids and tissue factor, both needed in the activation of the extrinsic pathway. However, partial thomboplastin is just phospholipids, and not tissue factor. Tissue factor is not needed to activate the intrinsic pathway.