Turunan waktu: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 70:
Percepatan diarahkan ke dalam, ke arah aksis rotasi, menunjuk arah berlawanan dengan vektor posisi dan tegak lurus terhadap vektor kecepatan. Percepatan ke arah dalam ini disebut [[gaya sentripetal|percepatan sentripetal]].
==Use in economics==
== Penggunaan dalam ekonomi ==
In [[economics]], many theoretical models of the evolution of various economic variables are constructed in [[continuous time]] and therefore employ time derivatives. See for example [[exogenous growth model]] and <ref>Romer, David, ''Advanced Macroeconomics'', McGraw-Hill, 1996.</ref><sup>ch. 1-3</sup>. One situation involves a [[stocks and flows|stock variable]] and its time derivative, a [[stocks and flows|flow variable]]. Examples include:
InDalam [[economicsekonomi]], manybanyak theoretical models of the evolutionmodel ofteoritis variousevolusi economicberbagai variablesvariabel areekonomi constructeddikonstruksi indalam [[continuous time]] andsehingga thereforemenggunakan employturunan time derivativeswaktu. See for exampleContohnya [[exogenous growth model]] and .<ref>Romer, David, ''Advanced Macroeconomics'', McGraw-Hill, 1996.</ref><sup>ch.bab 1-3</sup>. OneSalah situationsatu involvessituasi amelibatkan [[:en:stocks and flows|stockvariabel variablesaham]] anddan its timeturunan derivativewaktunya, a [[:en:stocks and flows|variabel flow variable]]. Sejumlah Examples includecontoh:
* The flow of net [[fixed investment]] is the time derivative of the [[capital stock]].
* The flow of [[inventory investment]] is the time derivative of the stock of [[inventories]].
* The growth rate of the [[money supply]] is the time derivative of the money supply divided by the money supply itself.
* The flow of netFlow [[:en:fixed investment|investasi tetap]] is thenet timeadalah derivativeturunan ofwaktu thedari [[capital stock]].
Sometimes the time derivative of a flow variable can appear in a model:
* The flow ofFlow [[inventory investment]] isadalah theturunan time derivative ofwaktu thedari ''stock of [[inventories]]''.
* Laju pertumbuhan [[money supply]] adalah turunan waktu dari suplai uang dibagi suplai uang itu sendiri.
Kadang-kadang turunan waktu variabel flow dapat muncul dalam suatu model:
* The growth rate of [[output (economics)|output]] is the time derivative of the flow of output divided by output itself.
* The growth rate of the [[labor force]] is the time derivative of the labor force divided by the labor force itself.
* Laju pertumbuhan [[output (ekonomi)|output]] adalah turunan waktu dari flow output dibagi output sendiri.
And sometimes there appears a time derivative of a variable which, unlike the examples above, is not measured in units of currency:
* Laju pertumbuhan [[labor force]] adalah turunan waktu dari labor force dibagi labor force sendiri.
Kadang pula muncul turunan waktu dari suatu variabel yang berbeda dengan contoh-contoh di atas karena tidak diukur dalam satuan mata uang:
* Turunan waktu [[suku bunga]] kunci dapat muncul.
* [[Laju inflasi]] adalah laju pertumbuhan [[tingkat hargap]]&mdash;yaitu, turunan waktu tingkat harga dibagi tingkat harga sendiri.
* The time derivative of a key [[interest rate]] can appear.
* The [[inflation rate]] is the growth rate of the [[price level]]&mdash;that is, the time derivative of the price level divided by the price level itself.
==Lihat pula ==
* [[Kalkulus differential]]