Graph database: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
Didalam'''Graph database''' dalam dunia ilmu [[komputer, graph database]] adalah database ygyang menggunakan struktur data graph yg memiliki komponen node, edge dan properties unutk merepresentasikan penyimpanan data. Graph database menyediakan index-free adjacency yang artinya setiap elemen berisi direct pointer ke adjacent element dan tidak membutuhkan lagi suatu index lookups.
{{tidak dikembangkan|d=27|m=11|y=2014|i=14|ket=}}{{tidak dirapikan|d=27|m=11|y=2014|i=14|ket=}}
Didalam dunia ilmu komputer, graph database adalah database yg menggunakan struktur data graph yg memiliki komponen node, edge dan properties unutk merepresentasikan penyimpanan data. Graph database menyediakan index-free adjacency yang artinya setiap elemen berisi direct pointer ke adjacent element dan tidak membutuhkan lagi suatu index lookups.
Berikut struktur dari graph database:00
[[File:GraphDatabase PropertyGraph.png|center|frame|Graph database]]
Setiap simpul melambangkan suatu entitas seperti orang, bisnis, akun, atau item lain yang hendak dilacak.
Nodes represent entities such as people, businesses, accounts, or any other item you might want to keep track of.
Properties are pertinent information that relate to nodes. For instance, if "Wikipedia" were one of the nodes, one might have it tied to properties such as "website", "reference material", or "word that starts with the letter 'w'", depending on which aspects of "Wikipedia" are pertinent to the particular database.
Edges are the lines that connect nodes to nodes or nodes to properties and they represent the relationship between the two. Most of the important information is really stored in the edges. Meaningful patterns emerge when one examines the connections and interconnections of nodes, properties, and edges.
== PropertiesSifat ==
ComparedDibanding withdengan [[:en:relational databases|''relational database'']], graph databasesdatabase aresering oftenlebih fastercepat foruntuk associativehimpunan data sets{{Citation needed|date=August 2013}}asosiatif, anddan mapmemetakan morelebih directlylangsung toke thestruktur structureaplikasi ofberorientasi obyek (''object-oriented applicationsapplication''). TheyDatabase ini candapat scalediskala morelebih naturallyalamiah toke largehimpunan data setslebih asbesar theykarena doumumnya nottidak typicallymembutuhkan require expensiveoperasi [[:en:Join (SQL)|"join"]] operationsyang mahal. AsKarena theykurang dependtergantung lessdari onskema a rigid schemakaku, theymereka arelebih morecocok suitableuntuk todikelola managesecara ''ad hoc'' and changingdan data withyang evolvingberubah-ubah schemasdengan skema yang terus diperbarui. ConverselySebaliknya, relational databasesdatabase areumumnya typicallylebih fastercepat atdalam performingmengerjakan theoperasi sameyang operationsama ondengan largejumlah numbers ofelemen data elementsyang lebih banyak.
Graph databases are a powerful tool for graph-like queries, for example computing the shortest path between two nodes in the graph. Other graph-like queries can be performed over a graph database in a natural way (for example graph's diameter computations or community detection).
== GraphProyek-proyek databasegraph projectsdatabase ==
Berikut adalah daftar sejumlah proyek graph database yang terkenal :
The following is a list of several well-known graph database projects:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! NameNama !! VersionVersi !! LicenseLisensi !! LanguageBahasa !! DescriptionPemerian
| [[AllegroGraph]] || 4.14.1 (September 2014) || [[:en:Proprietary software|Proprietary]], Clients - Eclipse Public License v1 || [[.Net (programming language)|C#]], [[:en:C (programming language)|C]], [[:en:Common Lisp (programming language)|Common Lisp]], [[Java (programming language)|Java]], [[Python (programming language)|Python]] || A [[Resource Description Framework|RDF]] and graph database.
| [ ArangoDB] || 2.2.1 (July 2014) || [[:en:Apache 2 License|Apache 2]] || [[C (programming language)|C]], [[C++]] & [[Javascript]] || A distributed multi-model [[Document-oriented database|document store]] and graph database. Highly scalable supporting ACID and full transaction support. Including a built-in graph explorer.
| [ Bigdata] || 1.3.1 (May 2014) || [[GPLv2]], evaluation license, or commercial license. || [[Java (programming language)|Java]] || A RDF/graph database capable of clustered deployment. Bigdata supports [ high availability (HA) mode], [ embedded mode], [ single server mode]. As of version 1.3.1, it supports the [ Blueprints API] and [ Reification Done Right (RDR)].
| [ Bitsy] || 1.5.0 || [[:en:Affero General Public License|AGPL]], Enterprise license (unlimited use, annual/perpetual) || [[:en:Java (programming language)|Java]] || A small, embeddable, durable in-memory graph database
| [ BrightstarDB] || || [[MIT License]] <ref></ref> || [[:en:C Sharp (programming language)|C#]] || An embeddable NoSQL database for the .NET platform with code-first data model generation.
| [ Cayley] || 0.4.0 (August 2014) || [[:en:Apache 2 License|Apache 2]] || [[Go_(programming_language)|Go]] || An open-source graph inspired by the graph database behind Freebase and Google's Knowledge Graph.
| [[DEX (Graph database)|DEX/Sparksee]]<ref></ref> || 5.1.0 (2014) || evaluation, research or development use (free) / commercial use || [[C++]] || A high-performance and scalable graph database management system from [ Sparsity Technologies], a technology transition company from [ DAMA-UPC]. Its main characteristics is its query performance for the retrieval & exploration of large networks. [[mobile database|Sparksee 5 mobile]] is the first graph database for mobile devices.
| [ Filament] || || [[:en:BSD licenses|BSD]] || [[:en:Java (programming language)|Java]] || A graph persistence framework and associated toolkits based on a navigational query style.
| [ GraphBase] || 1.0.03a || [[:en:Proprietary software|Proprietary]] || [[:en:Java (programming language)|Java]] || A customizable, distributed, small-footprint graph store with a rich tool set from [ FactNexus].
| Graphd || || [[Proprietary software|Proprietary]] || || The proprietary back-end of [[Freebase]].
Baris 48 ⟶ 45:
| [ Horton] || || Proprietary|| C#|| A graph database from [ Microsoft Research Extreme Computing Group (XCG)] based on the cloud programming infrastructure [ Orleans].
| [ HyperGraphDB] || 1.2 (2012) || [[LGPL]] || [[:en:Java (programming language)|Java]] || A graph database supporting generalized [[hypergraph]]s where edges can point to other edges.
| [ IBM System G Native Store] || [ v1.0] (July 2014) || Proprietary || [[C (programming language)|C]], [[C++]], [[Java (programming language)|Java]] || A high performance graph store using natively implemented graph data structures and primitives for achieving superior efficiency. IBM System G Native Store can handle various simple graphs, property graphs, and RDF graphs, in terms of storage, analytics, and visualization. Native Store is accessible from most programming languages by providing APIs in C++, Java (Tinkerpop/Blueprints), and Python. Its gShell graph command collection and the Native Store REST APIs provide language-free interfaces.
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== Pemrosesan graf yang didistribusi ==
== Distributed Graph Processing ==
* [ Angrapa] - graph package in [ Hama], a bulk synchronous parallel ([[Bulk Synchronous Parallel|BSP]]) platform
* [ Apache Hama] - a pure BSP(Bulk Synchronous Parallel) computing framework on top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for massive scientific computations such as matrix, graph and network algorithms.
Baris 240 ⟶ 237:
* [ Rexpro-Python] - a Titan Rexpro connection handler for Python.
== SeeLihat alsopula ==
* [[NoSQL]]
* [[Document-oriented database]]
Baris 249 ⟶ 246:
* [[RDF Database]]
== ReferencesReferensi ==
== ExternalPranala linksluar ==
* [ NoSQL Frankfurt 2010 - The GraphDB Landscape and sones]
* [ Graph Databases and the Future of Large-Scale Knowledge Management]