If the [[axiom of countable choice]] (a weaker version of the [[axiom of choice]]) holds, then <math>\aleph_0</math> is smaller than any other infinite cardinal.
<math>\aleph_1</math> isadalah thekardinalitas cardinalitydari ofhimpunan the set of all countablesemua [[bilangan ordinal number]]s yang terhitung, calleddisebut '''ω<sub>1</sub>''' oratau (sometimeskadang-kadang) '''Ω'''. This '''ω<sub>1</sub>''' issendiri itselfadalah ansuatu bilangan ordinal numberyang largerlebih thanbesar alldari countablesemua ones,bilangan soordinal ityang isterhitung, ansehingga merupakan suatu [[:en:uncountable set|himpunan tak terhitung]]. Therefore Jadi, <math>\aleph_1</math> isberbeda distinct fromdari <math>\aleph_0</math>. The definition ofDefinisi <math>\aleph_1</math> impliesmenyiratkan (indalam ZF, [[:en:Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory|teori himpunan Zermelo–Fraenkel]] ''withouttanpa'' theaksioma axiom of choicepilihan) thatbahwa notidak cardinalada numberbilangan isordinal betweenantara <math>\aleph_0</math> anddan <math>\aleph_1</math>.<!-- If the [[axiom of choice]] (AC) is used, it can be further proved that the class of cardinal numbers is [[totally ordered]], and thus <math>\aleph_1</math> is the second-smallest infinite cardinal number. Using AC we can show one of the most useful properties of the set '''ω<sub>1</sub>''': any countable subset of '''ω<sub>1</sub>''' has an upper bound in '''ω<sub>1</sub>'''. (This follows from the fact that a countable union of countable sets is countable, one of the most common applications of AC.) This fact is analogous to the situation in <math>\aleph_0</math>: every finite set of natural numbers has a maximum which is also a natural number, and [[Union (set theory)#Finite unions|finite unions]] of finite sets are finite.
'''ω<sub>1</sub>''' is actually a useful concept, if somewhat exotic-sounding. An example application is "closing" with respect to countable operations; e.g., trying to explicitly describe the [[sigma-algebra|σ-algebra]] generated by an arbitrary collection of subsets (see e. g. [[Borel hierarchy]]). This is harder than most explicit descriptions of "generation" in algebra ([[vector space]]s, [[group theory|group]]s, etc.) because in those cases we only have to close with respect to finite operations—sums, products, and the like. The process involves defining, for each countable ordinal, via [[transfinite induction]], a set by "throwing in" all possible countable unions and complements, and taking the union of all that over all of '''ω<sub>1</sub>'''.
==TheHipotesis continuum hypothesis==
{{main|Continuum hypothesis}}
{{see also|Bethbilangan numberbeth}}
The [[cardinalityKardinalitas]] ofsuatu the set ofhimpunan [[bilangan real number]]s ([[:en:cardinality of the continuum|kardinalitas continuum]]) isadalah <math>2^{\aleph_0}</math>. ItTidak cannotdapat beditentukan determined fromdari ZFC ([[:en:Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory|teori himpunan Zermelo-Fraenkel]] with thedengan [[:en:axiom of choice|aksioma pilihan]]) wheredi thismana numberbilangan fitsini exactlytepat inmasuk thedalam alephhierarki numberbilangan hierarchyalef, buttetapi it follows frommenuruti ZFC thatbahwa thehipotesis continuum (''continuum hypothesis''), '''CH''', isekuivalen equivalentdengan to thepersamaan identityidentitas
CH is independent of ZFC: it can be neither proven nor disproven within the context of that axiom system (provided that ZFC is consistent). That it is consistent with ZFC was demonstrated by [[Kurt Gödel]] in 1940 when he showed that its negation is not a theorem of ZFC. That it is independent of ZFC was demonstrated by [[Paul Cohen (mathematician)|Paul Cohen]] in 1963 when he showed, conversely, that the CH itself is not a theorem of ZFC by the (then novel) method of [[Forcing (mathematics)|forcing]].
ConventionallySecara the smallestkonvensional, infinitebilangan ordinal istak denotedterhingga terkecil dilambangkan dengan ω, anddan thebilangan cardinal numberkardinal <math>\aleph_\omega</math> is themerupakan leastbatas upperatas boundterkecil ofdari
:<math>\left\{\,\aleph_n : n\in\left\{\,0,1,2,\dots\,\right\}\,\right\}</math>
di antara bilangan-bilangan alef.
among alephs.
Aleph-ω is the first uncountable cardinal number that can be demonstrated within Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory ''not'' to be equal to the cardinality of the set of all [[real number]]s; for any positive integer n we can consistently assume that <math>2^{\aleph_0} = \aleph_n</math>, and moreover it is possible to assume <math>2^{\aleph_0}</math> is as large as we like. We are only forced to avoid setting it to certain special cardinals with [[cofinality]] <math>\aleph_0</math>, meaning there is an unbounded function from <math>\aleph_0</math> to it (see [[Easton's theorem]]).
==Alef-α untuk α umum ==
Untuk mendefinisikan <math>\aleph_\alpha</math> bagi bilangan ordinal sembarang <math>\alpha</math>, perlu didefinisikan [[:en:successor cardinal|operasi kardinal penerus]], yang diberikan pada setiap bilangan kardinal ρ bilangan kardinal ρ{{sup|+}} berikutnya yang lebih besar dalam [[:en:well-order|urutan teratur]] (jika [[:en:axiom of choice|aksioma pilihan]] masih dipertahankan, inilah bilangan kardinal lebih besar berikutnya).
Maka bilangan-bilangan alef dapat didefinikan sebagai berikut:
==Aleph-α for general α==
To define <math>\aleph_\alpha</math> for arbitrary ordinal number <math>\alpha</math>, we must define the [[successor cardinal|successor cardinal operation]], which assigns to any cardinal number ρ the next larger [[well-order]]ed cardinal ρ{{sup|+}} (if the [[axiom of choice]] holds, this is the next larger cardinal).
We can then define the aleph numbers as follows:
:<math>\aleph_{0} = \omega</math>
:<math>\aleph_{\alpha+1} = \aleph_{\alpha}^+</math>
anddan foruntuk λ, ansuatu infiniteordinal limit ordinaltak terhingga,
:<math>\aleph_{\lambda} = \bigcup_{\beta < \lambda} \aleph_\beta.</math>
TheOrdinal α-thawal infinitetak initialterhingga ordinalke-α is writtenditulis <math>\omega_\alpha</math>. Kardinalitasnya Its cardinality is writtenditulis <math>\aleph_\alpha</math>. SeeLihat [[:en:initial ordinal|ordinal awal]].
InDalam ZFC, thefungsi <math>\aleph</math> functionadalah is asuatu [[:en:bijection|bijeksi]] betweenantara thebilangan-bilangan ordinalsordinal anddan thekardinal infinitetak cardinalsterhingga.<ref>{{PlanetMath | urlname=AlephNumbers | title=aleph numbers | id=5710}}</ref>
==Fixed pointsTitik oftetap omega==
ForUntuk anysetiap ordinal α we haveada
InDalam manybanyak caseskasus <math>\omega_{\alpha}</math> issecara strictlysempit greaterlebih thanbesar dari α. For exampleContohnya, forini anybenar successoruntuk setiap ordinal αpenerus this holdsα. <!--There are, however, some limit ordinals which are [[fixed point (mathematics)|fixed point]]s of the omega function, because of the [[fixed-point lemma for normal functions]]. The first such is the limit of the sequence
:<math>\omega,\ \omega_\omega,\ \omega_{\omega_\omega},\ \ldots.</math>