Daftar episode Happy Tree Friends cerita pendek di internet (season 3): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Woerayraiyan7 (bicara | kontrib)
Woerayraiyan7 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 194:
*Nutty (HeadKepala crackedretak openterbuka aftersetelah Shifty trip himmenjegalnya)
*Lifty (KilledTewas indalam anledakan ice explosiones)
*Shifty (ImpaledTertusuk indi themata eyedan andlidah tonguedengan byes sharp iciclestajam)
|"Don't sweat the small stuff!"
Baris 224:
*Petunia (StrangledDicekik tosampai deathmati)
*Handy (HeadKepala ranberlari overalih byoleh a carmobil)
*Cuddles (CrushedTertimpa bypintu his car doormobilnya) <small>(debatablebelum pasti)</small>
*Flaky (CutPotong intiga threepotong piecesoleh bypotongan flyingterbang piecesdari of metallogam)
|"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."
Baris 239:
*Toothy (appearancepenampilan)
*Handy (appearancepenampilan)
*Pop & Cub (appearancepenampilan)
*Sniffles (CutDipotong insetengah halfoleh bypintu elevator doorslift)
*Cuddles (Dipotong setengah oleh pinggang dengan pintu lift dan mati kehilangan darah saat ususnya terentang ketika Lift terjun lagi)
*Cuddles (Cut in half by the waist by elevator doors and dies of blood loss when his intestines are stretched out when the elevator plunges again)
*Mime (HeadKepala splitterbelah indua halfoleh bykapak an axe byoleh Lumpy)
*Toothy (Set on fireMembakar) <small>(debatablebelum pasti)</small>
*Handy (Entah dibakar atau mati ketika meledak bangunan)
*Handy (Either set on fire or dies when the building explodes)
*Pop & Cub (EitherEntah setdibakar onatau firemati orketika diesmeledak when the building explodesbangunan)
*Giggles (CrushedTertimpa bylift theketika elevatormeledak when the building explodesbangunan)
|"There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs."
Baris 257:
*Cub (dikreditkan sebagai karakter dibintangi)
*Cub (credited as a starring character)
*The Mole
*Cub (CrushedTertimpa bypintu ayang door thatterbuka Pop opens after thesetelah creditskredit)
|"Ignorance is bliss!"
Baris 270:
*Flaky (appearancepenampilan)
*Lammy (appearancepenampilan)
*Lumpy (TornTerkoyak apartpada onban a conveyor beltberjalan)
*Flaky (ChokesTersedak tosampai deathmati onpada a donutdonat) <small>(debatablebelum pasti)</small>
|"The optimist sees the doughnut. The pessimist sees the hole."
Baris 286:
*Flaky (ImpaledTertusuk throughmelalui themulut mouth with adengan plunger offscreenrahasia)
*Giggles (SlicedDiiris updengan bykartu poker cards)
*Petunia (ExplodesMeledak by thedengan vacuum cleaner)
|"Take the Plunge"
Baris 297:
*Mime (appearancepenampilan)
*Cro-Marmot (appearancepenampilan)
*Mime (HeadKepala splitdibagi intomenjadi piecespotongan-potongan)
*Toothy (CrushedTertimpa bysepeda motor Lumpy's motorcycleitu)
*Lumpy (BurnedDibakar tosampai deathmati offscreenrahasia)
|"Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving."
Baris 315:
*Flaky (penampilan)
*Sniffles (ImpaledTertusuk indi themata eyesdengan with pencilspensil)
*Nutty (GrindedDigiling tosampai deathmati indi arautan pencil sharpenerpensil)
*Mime (SkinnedBerkulit withdengan a macheteparang)
|"There are times when silence makes the loudest noise."
Baris 372:
*Pop & Cub
*Cub (HitDitabrak bymobil Russell's car)
*Russell (FliesLalat intoke/forceddipaksa intoke adalam waterbotol bottleair)
| "Don't bottle up your feelings."
Baris 384:
*The Mole
*Lumpy (Decapitated by a fan)
*Handy ()
*Handy (Forced through a hole in the floor and reduced to a bloody cylinder)
*The Mole ()
*The Mole (Impaled under the chin/decapitated by glass shards)
| "A hug is a great gift - one size fits all and it's easy to exchange!"
Baris 395:
*Disco Bear
*Flaky (KilledDibunuh byoleh Flippy offscreenrahasia)
*Nutty (DrownsTenggelam offscreenrahasia byoleh Flippy)
*Toothy (DecapitatedDipenggal offscreenrahasia byoleh Flippy)
*Truffles (DecapitatedDipenggal offscreenrahasia byoleh Flippy)
*Giggles (ImpaledTertusuk withdengan atongkat stick byoleh Flippy)
*Sniffles (KilledDibunuh byoleh Flippy offscreenrahasia)
*Flippy (ImpaledTertusuk ondi atiang poledan andisi disemboweledperutnya)
| "Put your pants on one leg at a time."