'''Enrique José Bolaños Geyer''' (lahir [[13 Mei]] [[1928]]) tampil sebagai [[Presiden Nikaragua|Presiden]] [[Nikaragua]] hingga digantikan oleh [[HinggaJosé Daniel 2005|saatOrtega iniSaavendra]]. Presiden Bolaños adalah seorang keturunan [[Spanyol]] dan [[Jerman]] yang lahir di [[Masaya]] ([[Departemen Masaya|Masaya]]).
[[image:Nicaragua.EnriqueBolaños.01.jpg|thumb|left|Enrique Bolanos]]
Secara terbuka ia menentang pemerintahan [[Sandinista]] pada 1980-an, menyebabkan penahanan dalam masa yang singkat, disertai intimidasi, ancaman dari pemerintahan dan penganiayaan politik. Perusahaan produksi agronya yang berhasil SAIMSA disita oleh pemerintahan Sandinista.
He publicly opposed the [[Sandinista]] government of the 1980s, resulting in brief imprisonment, intimidation, threats from the government and political persecution. His successful agro-production company, SAIMSA, was confiscated by the Sandinista government.
Bolaños servedmenjabat assebagai viceWaPres presidenthingga under his predecessor,pendahulunya [[Arnoldo AlemánAleman]]. OnPada [[4 November]] [[2001]] heia beatmengalahkan [[Jose Daniel Ortega Saavendra]] ofdari thePartai [[Sandinista]] party in the presidential elections anddalam wasPilPres sworndan indisumpah assebagai presidentpresiden onpada [[10 JanuaryJanuari]] [[2002]].
Ia adalah anggota [[Partai Liberal Konstitusi]] (PLC) hingga memisahkan diri untuk membentuk [[Aliansi Republik]] (APRE). Di awal pemerintahannya ia memimpin gerakan antikorupsi terhadap pendahulunya dan ketua PLC, [[José Arnoldo Alemán Lacayo]], menjatuhinya hukuman 20 tahun penjara, namun secara politik mengisolasi diri dari Partai Liberal yang berpengaruh. Perjuangan institusi untuk kekuasaan antara legislatif, eksekutif, dan yudikatif menyebabkan ketidakefisienan besar bagi pemerintahan Bolaños. Secara tradisional ParPol yang memiliki kepentingan diri mendominasi arena politik Nikaragua.
He was a member of the [[Constitutional Liberal Party]] (PLC) until he broke with it to form the [[Alliance for the Republic]] (APRE). At the beginning of his term he led an anti-Corruption campaign against his predecessor and the head of the PLC, [[Arnoldo Alemán]], sentencing him to 20 years in prison, but politically isolating himself from the influential Liberal Party. Institutional struggles for power between the legislative, executive and judicial branches have resulted in great inefficiency for the Bolaños government. Self-interested party politics traditionally dominate the Nicaraguan political arena.
In September and October of 2005, Bolaños was threatened with impeachment by a combined effort of the Liberal and [[Sandinista]] parties, but with the backing of the U.S. threats "to cut off aid", this "slow-motion [[Coup d'état|coup]]" was reversed, and any constitutional changes put off until the following year [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4329688.stm] [http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/?feed=TopNews&article=UPI-1-20051011-09331600-bc-nicaragua-politics.xml]. This reversal coincided with passage of the [[CAFTA]] by the Nicaraguan legislature [http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/provider/providerarticle.asp?feed=AP&Date=20051011&ID=5178952] --> ▼
▲InPada September anddan October ofOktober 2005, Bolaños wasdiancam threatenedtuduhan witholeh impeachmentusaha bygabungan a combined effort of thePartai Liberal anddan [[Sandinista]] parties,namun butdengan withancaman theyang backingdideking of the U.S. threatsAS " tountuk cutmenyunat off aidbantuan", this " slow-motion [[ Coup d'état|coupkudeta]] gerakan lambat" wasini reversedberbalik, anddan anysetiap constitutionalperubahan changeskonstitusi puttertunda offhingga until the following yeartahun berikutnya[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4329688.stm] [http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/?feed=TopNews&article=UPI-1-20051011-09331600-bc-nicaragua-politics.xml]. This reversal coincided with passage of the [[CAFTA]] byoleh the Nicaraguanlegislatif legislatureNikaragua [http://news.moneycentral.msn.com/provider/providerarticle.asp?feed=AP&Date=20051011&ID=5178952] -->
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