Saat ini bekerja sebagai Pembantu Dekan I Bidang Akademis di Fakultas Hukum Usahid Jakarta, dengan pangkat lektor . Lama berkecimpung sebagai Corporate Lawyer sejak Tahun 1985 di Putera Group ( Industri Pulp Kertas Bekasi Teguh & Pupar ), selanjutnya pernah bergabung di Kelompok Kompas Gramedia di Bagian Hukum Tahun 1990 selanjutnya bergabung di Sahid Group Tahun 1991 hingga sekarang . Ketua Lembaga Konsultasi Bantuan Hukum Usahid Jakarta . Tahun 1998 sebagai Ketua Lembaga Pengkajian Studi Hukum ( LPSH-HILC ), yayasan ini sbg Penasehat Prof Dr Sunaryati Hartono, SH, MH dan Prof Dr Hikmahanto Yuwana , SH LLM bergerak dalam pengkajian dan menganalisa perkembangan hukum bisnis Di Indonesia . LPSH-HILC juga mempunyai kegiatan Training Corporate Lawyer ( lihat di web lpsh-hilc ). Banyak tulisan tentang perkembangan hukum bisnis di Indonesia dibeberapa surat kabar harian Ibu kota anatara lain ( di Kompas , Suara Pembaharuan , Bisnis Indonesia ).Laksanto Utomo banyak menulis tentang hukum bisnis dimuat dalam SKH Bisnis Indonesia ( tentang aspek hukum Lembaga Jaminan ), tulisannya dimuat Pajaktanggal online2 juni 2003( tentang Gizlling bagi penunggak pajak ).He joint with House of Independent Legal Counselors (HILC) is a law firm and Legal Consultant which was founded in May 1999, with the partners Lenny Nadrianna, SH,MH and Drs Sonny Sudjadi, MBA, MH . Its office is located Sentra Radio Dalam Raya 2fl, Jl Radio Dalam Raya No:1C Kebayoran Baru Telp: +622172796278 Fax:+622172796279 web:http// Long before the house exist, we individuals had for many years undertaken their respective profesionals activies such as corporate , litigationand other legal services. We deem it as our moral obligation to participate as actively as possible in any form of education and training program to help and prepare Indonesian people mantally and prepare Indonesian people mentally and intellectually for the era of Asean Free Trade Area , for this purpose we have established the Institute of Legal Review and Studies ( LPSH-HILC ).Mr Laksanto graduate of the faculty of law University of Diponegoro Semarang , started his career as a assistent advocete/lawyer in Semarang. He than worked for big national private companies, i.e. ( Economic Law and Improved Procurment System ) Project Group in Pulp Industries ( PT KBT ), and Kelompok Kompas Gramedia ( one big news paper in Indonesia ). in 1991 his joint in Sahid Group until now. Furthermore besides a legal consultan, he has been also a legal observer as well as writer in legal sciences.During his employment in the above companies, he continued his postgraduate .He is currently studying in Graduated School of Law Doctorate Program of UNDIP Semarang .