Myrtus: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 34:
===Murad umum===
'''''[[Myrtus communis]]''''', atau '''Murad umum''' (juga disebut ''true myrtle''; "murad sejati"), merupakan tumbuhan asli di bagian utara [[Mediterrania]] (terutama di pulau [[Sardinia]] dan [[Corsica]], di mana memiliki nama setempat ''murta'').<ref>[ Altervista Flora Italiana, Mirto comune, Myrtaceae: ''Myrtus communis'' L. ] termasuk foto dan peta distribusi di Eropa.</ref>
The plant is an [[evergreen]] [[shrub]] or small [[tree]], growing to {{convert|5|m|ft}} tall. The [[leaf]] is entire, 3–5&nbsp;cm long, with a fragrant [[essential oil]].
Baris 43:
===Murad sahara===
'''''[[Myrtus nivellei]]''''' atau '''Murad sahara''', ([[bahasa Tuareg]]: ''tefeltest''), tumbuh [[:En:endemism|endemik]] di pengunungan [[Gurun Sahara]] tengah.<ref name="uicnmed">[ ''Myrtus nivellei'' - Batt & Trab. - Myrtaceae] . accessed 1.10.2014.</ref> <!--It is found in a restricted range in the [[Tassili n'Ajjer]] Mountains in southern [[Algeria]], and the [[Tibesti Mountains]] in northern [[Chad]].
It occurs in small areas of sparse relict woodland at montaine elevations above the central Saharan desert plains.<ref name="uicnmed"/>
Baris 58:
Jika lebih jarang dicukur, bunganya lebat pada akhir musim panas. Membutuhkan musim panas yang lama dan terik untuk menghasilkan bunga, dan perlu dilindungi dari ''frost'' musim dingin.
Spesies dan [[subspesies]] ''M. communis'' subsp. ''tarentina'' telah memperoleh penghargaan dari [[Royal:en:Award Horticulturalof Society]]'sGarden [[Merit|Award of Garden Merit]] dari [[:en:Royal Horticultural Society|Royal Horticultural Society]].<ref>{{cite web|title=RHS Plant Selector - ''Myrtus communis''|url=|accessdate=25 May 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=RHS Plant Selector - ''Myrtus communis'' subsp. ''tarentina''|url=|accessdate=25 May 2013}}</ref>
''Myrtus communis'', the Common Myrtle, is used in thedigunakan islandsdi ofpulau [[Sardinia]] anddan [[Corsica]] tountuk producemenghasilkan anminuman aromatickeras liqueurberaroma calledyang disebut [[:en:Mirto (drink)|''Mirto'']] bydengan cara [[:en:macerating|maserasi]] itdalam in alcohol[[alkohol]]. ''Mirto'' ismerupakan onesalah ofsatu theminuman most typical drinks ofkhas Sardinia, and comestersedia indalam twodua varietiesvarietas: ''mirto rosso'' (redmerah) produced by macerating the berries, anddan ''mirto bianco'' (whiteputih) produced from the less common yellow berries and sometimes the leaves.<ref>{{cite web
''Myrtus communis'', the Common Myrtle, is used in the islands of [[Sardinia]] and [[Corsica]] to produce an aromatic liqueur called [[Mirto (drink)|''Mirto'']] by [[macerating]] it in alcohol. ''Mirto'' is one of the most typical drinks of Sardinia and comes in two varieties: ''mirto rosso'' (red) produced by macerating the berries, and ''mirto bianco'' (white) produced from the less common yellow berries and sometimes the leaves.<ref>{{cite web
|url=|title=Liquore di mirto|accessdate=2007-06-18|publisher=Italian Wikipedia|language=Italian}}</ref>
The berries, whole or ground, have been used as a pepper substitute.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title= Myrtle |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |date= |website= The Epicentre |publisher= |accessdate= 16 July 2014}}</ref>
[[Image:MyrtleEssOil.png|thumb|Myrtle[[Minyak atsiri]] dari murad (''Myrtus communis'') essential oil in a clear glassdalam [[vial]] kaca bening.]]
MyrtleMurad occupiesmenempati aposisi prominentutama placedalam in the writings oftulisan-tulisan [[Hippocrates]], [[PlinyPlinius theyang ElderTua|PlinyPlinius]], [[:en:Dioscorides|Dioscorides]], [[Galen]], and thedan Arabianpenulis-penulis writersArab.<ref>Pharmacographia Indica (1891 edition), London</ref>
In several countries, particularly in Europe and China, there has been a tradition for prescribing this substance for sinus infections. A systematic review of herbal medicines used for the treatment of [[rhinosinusitis]] concluded that the evidence that any herbal medicines are beneficial in the treatment of rhinosinusitis is limited, and that for ''Myrtus'' there is insufficient data to verify the significance of clinical results.<ref>{{cite journal | pmid = 17011407 | year = 2006 | last1 = Guo | first1 = R | last2 = Canter | first2 = PH | last3 = Ernst | first3 = E | title = Herbal medicines for the treatment of rhinosinusitis: A systematic review | volume = 135 | issue = 4 | pages = 496–506 | doi = 10.1016/j.otohns.2006.06.1254 | journal = Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery}}</ref>
InDi severalbeberapa countriesnegara, particularlyterutama indi EuropeEropa and ChinaTiongkok, thereada hastradisi beenuntuk amenggunakan traditionbahan forini prescribingdalam thispengobatan substanceinfeksi forhidung (''sinus infections''). ASuatu systematictinjauan reviewsistematik ofobat-obatan herbaltanaman medicinesyang useddigunakan foruntuk the treatment ofmengobati [[:en:rhinosinusitis|rhinosinusitis]] concludedmenyimpulkan thatbahwa thebukti evidencemanfaat thattanaman anyobat herbaldalam medicinespengobatan arerhinosinusitis beneficialjumlahnya interbatas, thedan treatmenttidak ofcukup rhinosinusitisbukti is limited, and that fordari ''Myrtus'' there is insufficient data to verify theuntuk significancememastikan ofsignifikansi clinicalhasil resultsklinik.<ref>{{cite journal | pmid = 17011407 | year = 2006 | last1 = Guo | first1 = R | last2 = Canter | first2 = PH | last3 = Ernst | first3 = E | title = Herbal medicines for the treatment of rhinosinusitis: A systematic review | volume = 135 | issue = 4 | pages = 496–506 | doi = 10.1016/j.otohns.2006.06.1254 | journal = Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery}}</ref>
===In myth and ritual===-->
[[File:Myrtus communis4.jpg|thumb|UnripeBuah myrtlemurad berriesyang ofbelum bluemasak, dari varietas biru ("blackhitam") variety.]]
[[File:Blue myrtle berries sardinia.JPG|thumb|RipeBuah myrtlemurad berriesyang ofranum, thedari bluevarietas biru ("blackhitam") variety.]]
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Baris 116 ⟶ 115:
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Baris 125 ⟶ 123:
*[ Myrtus in Flora Europaea]
[[CategoryKategori:Myrtus| ]]
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