Parsyah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 64:
== Taurat ==
{{main|Bacaan Taurat Mingguan}}
Atas pengaruh [[Maimonides]], pembagian ''parsyah'' dalam [[Taurat]] telah dibakukan secara baik dan terdapat keselarasan yang pasti di antara gulungan-gulungan Taurat, edisi cetak Alkitab Ibrani, maupun teks-teks online yang sejenis.<ref>Seperti halnya teks yang didapati pada [ Mechon Mamre].</ref> <!--The following list thus presents the ''parsyah'' divisions as found in (a) modern [[Sefer Torah|Torah scrolls]], (b) [[Maimonides]]' [[Mishneh Torah]], anddan (c) theKodeks Aleppo Codex (based on several witnesses besides Maimonides to the ''parashot'' in its missing parts). Rare inconsistencies between these three sources are explained in footnotes.
The list is constructed as follows:
Baris 75:
* The first words of a ''parsyah'' are sometimes provided in Hebrew for clarity, especially for ''parashot'' that appear within a verse. A prominent example is for the Ten Commandments. The titles of prominent ''parashot'' mentioned in rabbinic literature are also sometimes given.
*The verse numbering in this list is according to the system commonly found in most Hebrew editions. The numbers in translations (and even in some Hebrew editions such as BHS) may differ slightly.
* {P} = ''parashah '''p'''etuhah'' ("bagian terbuka"), typicallyumumnya resemblesmenyerupai a newsuatu '''p'''aragrapharagraf baru
* {S} = ''parashah '''s'''etumah'' ("closedbagian portiontertutup"), typicallyumumnya representedditandai as a blankdengan '''s'''pace in thepasi middlekosong ofdi atengah linebaris
* {-} = tidak ada penandaan pemisahan ''parsyah''
* {-} = no ''parashah'' break indicated
* {SONG} = Format khusus untuk nyanyian; detailnya dibicarakan pada bagian terpisah.
* {SONG} = Special format for songs; details of the special layout will be described in separate sections.
=== Kitab Kejadian ===
[[File:Wickes-Accentuation-1887.pdf|thumb|right||300px|Sebuah halaman dari [[Kodeks Aleppo]], difoto pada tahun 1887 oleh William Wickes, memuat Kejadian 26:35 (החתי) sampai 27:30 (ויהי אך). Menunjukkan adanya pemisah ''parashah'' terbuka tunggal {S} pada 27:1 (ויהי כי זקן יצחק); ''parsyah'' ini dicetak tebal di dalam daftar berikut untuk ''Parashat [[Toledot]]''.|page=8]]
Baris 109 ⟶ 110:
** {P} <u>41:1-57;42:1-38;43:1-34;44:1-17</u> (Yusuf di Mesir)
* [[Vayigash (parsyah)|Parashat Vayigash]] ({{Alkitab|Kejadian 44:18-47:27}}) dan [[Vayechi|Parashat Vayechi]] ({{Alkitab|Kejadian 47:28-50:26}}):<ref name="wayehi">''[[Vayechi (parsyah)|Parashat Vayechi]]'' merupakan satu-satunya [[Bacaan Taurat Mingguan|bacaan Taurat mingguan]] di mana ayat pembukanya ({{Alkitab|Kejadian 47:28}}) bukan permulaan dari suatu bagian "terbuka" atau "tertutup". Bagian ''parashot'' dalam daftar ini diurutkan sesuai urutan pembacaan minggu sebelumnya.</ref>
** {S} <u>44:18-34;45:1-28;46:1-7</u> (ReconciliationPerdamaian) {S} 46:8-27 {S} 46:28-34;47:1-31<ref name="wayehi"/> {P} 48:1-22
** Berkat Yakub: {P} 49:1-4 {P} 49:5-7 {P} 49:8-12 {P} 49:13 {P} 49:14-15 {S} 49:16-18 {S} 49:19 {S} 49:20 {S} 49:21 {S} 49:22-26 {P} 49:27-33;50:1-26
* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {P} 5:1 {S} 5:3 {P} 5:21 {P} 5:25 {P} 5:28 {S} 7:1 {S} 12:1 {S} 23:1 {S} 25:12 {S} 26:1 {S} 40:1 {P} 46:28 {S} 49:8 {S} 49:14 {-} 49:19
=== Kitab Keluaran ===
* [[Shemot (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Shemot]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 1:1-6:1}}):
** 1:1-7 {P} 1:8-22 {P} 2:1-22 {P} 2:23-25 {S} 3:1-22;4:1-17 {P} 4:18-26 {P} 4:27-31;5:1-23;6:1
* [[Va'eira (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Va'era]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 6:2-9:35}}):
** {S} 6:2-9 {P} 6:10-12 {P} 6:13 {S} 6:14-28 {S} 6:29-30 {P} 7:1-7 {P} 7:8-13 {S} 7:14-18 {S} 7:19-25 {P} 7:26-29;8:1-11 {S} 8:12-15 {S} 8:16-28 {P} 9:1-7 {P} 9:8-12 {S} 9:13-21 {P} 9:22-35
* [[Bo (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Bo]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 10:1-13:16}}):
** {P} 10:1-11 {S} 10:12-20 {P} 10:21-29 {P} 11:1-3 {S} 11:4-8 {S} 11:9-10 {S} 12:1-20 {P} 12:21-28 {S} 12:29-36 {P} 12:37-42 {P} 12:43-50 {S} 12:51 {P} 13:1-10 {P} 13:11-16
* [[Beshalach (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Beshallach]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 13:17-17:16}}):
** {S} 13:17-22 {P} 14:1-14 {P} 14:15-25 {P} 14:26-31
** {P} '''[[Kidung Laut]]''' <!--([[#Song of the Sea|Song of the Sea:--> {SONG} 15:1-19 {SONG}--]])-->
** {P} 15:20-26 {S} 15:27;16:1-3 {S} 16:4-10 {P} 16:11-27 {S} 16:28-36 {P} 17:1-7 {P} 17:8-13 {P} 17:14-16
* [[Yitro (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Yitro]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 18:1-20:23}}):
** {P} 18:1-27 {P} 19:1-24
** '''[[Sepuluh Perintah Allah|Sepuluh Perintah]]:''' {S} 20:1 וידבר {S} 20:2-5 אנכי {S} 20:6 לא תשא {P} 20:7-10 זכור {S} 20:11 כבד {S} 20:12a לא תרצח {S} 20:12b לא תנאף {S} 20:12c לא תגנב {S} 20:12d לא תענה {S} 20:13a לא תחמד בית רעך {S} 20:13b<ref>Sejumlah kesaksian menguatkan bahwa Numerous testimonies verify that the Aleppo codex had a closed section at 20:13b (לא תחמד אשת רעך). Though this data does not agree with what is found in several editions of Maimonides' ''Mishneh Torah'', it accords with the original reading of Maimonides based on early manuscripts and testimonies. See Penkower, Maimonides, pp. 50-64 (at length); Ofer, Cassutto, p. 326; Ofer, Yelin, p. 306.</ref> לא תחמד אשת רעך
** {P} 20:14-17 {S} 20:18-22
* [[Mishpatim (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Mishpatim]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 21:1-24:18}}):
** Laws: {P} 21:1-6 {S} 21:7-11 {S} 21:12-13 {S} 21:14 {S} 21:15 {S} 21:16 {S} 21:17 {S} 21:18-19 {S} 21:20-21 {S} 21:22-25 {S} 21:26-27 {P} 21:28-32 {S} 21:33-34 {S} 21:35-36 {S} 21:37;22:1-3 {S} 22:4 {S} 22:5 {S} 22:6-8 {S} 22:9-12 {S} 22:13-14 {S} 22:15-16 {S} 22:17-18 {S} 22:19-23 {P} 22:24-26 {S} 22:27-30 {S} 23:1-3 {S} 23:4 {S} 23:5 {S} 23:6-19
** {P} 23:20-25 {S} 23:26-33 {P} 24:1-11 {S} 24:12-18
* [[Terumah (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Terumah]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 25:1-27:19}}):
** {P} 25:1-9 {S} 25;10-22 {P} 25:23-30 {P} 25:31-40 {S} 26:1-14 {P} 26:15-30 {S} 26:31-37 {S} 27:1-8 {S} 27:9-19
* [[Tetzaveh (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Tetzaveh]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 27:20-30:10}}):
** {S} 27:20-21 {S} 28:1-5 {P} 28:6-12 {S} 28:13-14 {S} 28:15-30 {S} 28:31-35 {S} 28:36-43 {S} 29:1-37 {S} 29:38-46 {P} 30:1-10
* [[Ki Tisa (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Ki Tissa]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 30:11-34:35}}):
** {P} 30:11-16 {P} 30:17-21 {P} 30:22-33 {S} 30:34-38 {S} 31:1-11 {P} 31:12-17 {S} 31:18;32:1-6 {P} 32:7-14 {P} 32:15-35 {S} 33:1-11 {P} 33:12-16 {P} 33:17-23 {S/P}<ref name="Exodus 34:1">ForUntuk Exodus 34:1, פסל-לך, thesebagaian vastbesar majoritynaskah ofTiberian accurateyang Tiberianakurat manuscripts havemempunyai {S} heredi insteadsini, ofbukannya {P} (theyang latterterakhir isini asada listeddi bydaftar Maimonides anddan found in currentgulungan-gulungan TorahTaurat scrollssekarang). Testimony about the text of the Aleppo codex when it was still intact (by Kimhi) reveals that the form of the ''parashah'' at this point was a line of text that didn't reach the end of the column, followed at 34:1 by a line that began close to the beginning of the column. Identifying the type of ''parashah'' in such a context depends on whether the reader considers there to be a significant gap at the beginning of the line (in which case it is ''setumah'') or does not consider the gap to be significant (in which case it is ''petuhah''). This form of ''parashah'' is often indicated by a very small indentation in the extant parts of the Aleppo Codex, sometimes no wider than the space of one or two letters. Therefore, Penkower (p. 51 n. 125) and Ofer (pp. 306-307) suggest that Maimonides judged 34:1 to start at the beginning of its line without a significant gap, and was thus followed in later Torah scrolls. Other observers noted it as ''setumah'' (Kimhi, Sithon) or wrote conflicting notations (Amadi).</ref> 34:1-26 {P} 34:27-35
* [[Vayakhel (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Vayakhel]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 35:1-38:20}}):
** {S} 35:1-3 {P} 35:4-29 {P} 35:30-35;36:1-7 {S} 36:8-13 {P} 36:14-19 {S} 36:20-38 {P} 37:1-9 {P} 37:10-16 {P} 37:17-24 {P} 37:25-29 {S} 38:1-7 {S} 38:8 {S} 38:9-20
* [[Pekudei (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Pekudei]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 38:21-40:38}}):
** {S} 38:21-23 {S} 38:24-31;39:1 {P} 39:2-5 {S} 39:6-7 {P} 39:8-21 {P} 39:22-26 {S} 39:27-29 {S} 39:30-31 {S} 39:32 {P} 39:33-43 {P} 40:1-16 {S} 40:17-19 {S} 40:20-21 {S} 40:22-23 {S} 40:24-25 {S} 40:26-27 {S} 40:28-29 {S} 40:30-32 {S} 40:33 {P} 40:34-38
Baris 148 ⟶ 149:
=== Kitab Imamat ===
* [[Vayikra (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Vayikra]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 1:1-5:26}}):
** 1:1-9 {S} 1:10-13 {P} 1:14-17 {S} 2:1-3 {S} 2:4 {S} 2:5-6 {S} 2:7-13 {S} 2:14-16 {P} 3:1-5 {P} 3:6-11 {P} 3:12-17 {P} 4:1-12 {P} 4:13-21 {P} 4:22-26 {P} 4:27-31 {P} 4:32-35 {P} 5:1-10 {S} 5:11-13 {S} 5:14-16 {P} 5:17-19 {P} 5:20-26
* [[Tzav (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Tzav]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 6:1-8:36}}):
** {P} 6:1-6 {S} 6:7-11 {P} 6:12-16 {P} 6:17-23 {P} 7:1-10 {P} 7:11-21 {P/-}<ref name="wayedabber">Ashkenazic and Sephardic Torah scrolls lack an open portion at 7:22 (וידבר... דבר... כל חלב) while Yemenite scrolls have one. Conversely, Yemenite scrolls lack an open portion at 7:28 (וידבר... דבר... המקריב) while Ashkenazic and Sephardic scrolls have one. This situation derives from Maimonides' ambiguous formulation in ''Laws of Tefillin, Mezuzah and Torah Scrolls'', chapter 8, where he lists a series of six consecutive open ''parashot'' at this point in Leviticus, one of them beginning with the words "וידבר... דבר אל בני ישראל" ("The Lord spoke to Moses... Speak to the children of Israel..."). However, there are actually ''two'' places where this is found (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 7:22 and 7:28), and it is unclear which of them Maimonides was referring to. Thus, the scrolls that have a section break at 7:22 and those with a break at 7:28 are both implementing Maimonides' ambiguous formulation in two different ways. How this formulation by Maimonides accords with the Aleppo Codex has been discussed at length by Ofer (Cassuto, pp. 328-330) and Penkower (''New Evidence'', pp. 76-90). If the Aleppo Codex was indeed missing a ''parashah'' break at either 7:22 or 7:28, that would be unique among the 71 occurrences of "The Lord spoke to Moses..." in the Torah. Furthermore, all other Tiberian masoretic manuscripts have ''parashot'' in both places. Available data on this now-missing part of the codex is as follows: Rabbi Judah Ityah, who examined the codex to answer questions posed by [[Umberto Cassuto]], reported that there were open ''parashah'' breaks at ''both'' 7:22 and 7:28. Earlier, Rabbi Samuel Vital (Responsa ''Be'er Mayyim Hayyim'' 27) also confirmed an open ''parashah'' at 7:22. Amadi, however, wrote two opposing notes at 7:22—that a ''parashah'' break is lacking and that the "Codex of Ezra" has a ''parashah'' here—which apparently refer to two different codices but it is unclear which ones. Ofer deals with the evidence by assuming that Ityah's report was correct and that Maimonides, in the process of adding sums to the final version of his list of ''parashot'' for ''Mishneh Torah'', counted "וידבר... דבר אל בני ישראל" once instead of twice. Penkower prefers an alternative explanation, namely that there was a small space at the end of the line preceding 7:22 which Maimonides did not consider significant, but which other witnesses thought indicated an open ''parashah'' break (pp. 79-80). Modern editions based on the Aleppo Codex show these ''parashot'' as follows: Breuer's first edition, published before most of this evidence became available, shows a break only at 7:28 (following the Yemenite tradition). His two later editions (''Horev'' and ''Jerusalem Crown'') show breaks at both 7:22 and 7:28, noting in the margin that "the scrolls of Ashkenaz and Sepharad" or "the scrolls of Yemen" lack a break in either place. The Feldheim ''Simanim'' edition shows a break only at 7:28, keeping to the tradition of Ashkenaz and Sepharad.</ref> 7:22-27 {P/-}<ref name="wayedabber"/> 7:28-38 {P} 8:1-36
* [[Shemini (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Shemini]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 9:1-11:47}}):
** {S} 9:1-24;10:1-7 {P} 10:8-11 {P} 10:12-20 {P} 11:1-28 {S} 11:29-38 {S} 11:39-47
* [[Tazria (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Tazria]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 12:1-13:59}}):
** {P} 12:1-8 {P} 13:1-8 {P} 13:9-17 {P} 13:18-23 {S} 13:24-28 {P} 13:29-37 {S} 13:38-39 {S} 13:40-46 {S} 13:47-59
* [[Metzora (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Metzora]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 14:1-15:33}}):
** {P} 14:1-20 {S} 14:21-32 {P} 14:33-57 {P} 15:1-15 {S} 15:16-18 {P} 15:19-24 {S} 15:25-33
* [[Acharei Mot (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Acharei Mot]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 16:1-18:30}}):
** {P} 16:1-34 {P} 17:1-16 {P} 18:1-5
** Forbidden relations: {S} 18:6 {S} 18:7 {S} 18:8 {S} 18:9 {S} 18:10 {S} 18:11 {S} 18:12 {S} 18:13 {S} 18:14 {S} 18:15 {S} 18:16 {S} 18:17-30
* [[Kedoshim (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Kedoshim]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 19:1-20:27}}):
** {P} 19:1-22 {P} 19:23-32 {S} 19:33-37 {P} 20:1-27
* [[Emor (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Emor]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 21:1-24:23}}):
** {P} 21:1-9 {S} 21:10-15 {S} 21:16-24 {P} 22:1-16 {P} 22:17-25 {S} 22:26-33 {P} 23:1-3 {P} 23:4-8 {P} 23:9-14 {S} 23:15-22 {P} 23:23-25 {S} 23:26-32 {P} 23:33-44 {P} 24:1-4 {P} 24:5-9 {S} 24:10-12 {P} 24:13-23
* [[Behar (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Behar]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 25:1-26:2}}):
** {P} 25:1-7 {S} 25:8-24 {S} 25:25-28 {S} 25:29-34 {S} 25:35-38 {S} 25:39-46 {S} 25:47-26:2
* [[Bechukotai (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Bechukotai]] (Leviticus{{Alkitab|Imamat 26:3-27:34}}):
** {P} 26:3-13 {P} 26:14-26 {S} 26:27-46 {P} 27:1-8 {S} 27:9-34
Baris 173 ⟶ 174:
* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {P}<ref name="wayedabber"/> 7:22 {P}<ref name="wayedabber"/> 7:28 {S} 11:21 {S} 15:1 {P} 15:17 {-} 15:18 {P} 15:25 {S} 17:13 {P} 19:20 {P} 19:33 {P} 21:16 {S} 22:14 {P} 22:26 {S} 23:23 {-} 25:29 {S} 26:3 {S} 26:18 {S} 27:26
=== NumbersKitab Bilangan ===
* [[Bamidbar (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Bemidbar]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 1:1-4:20}}):
** 1:1-19 {S} 1:20-21 {P} 1:22-23 {P} 1:24-25 {P} 1:26-27 {P} 1:28-29 {P} 1:30-31 {P} 1:32-33 {P} 1:34-35 {P} 1:36-37 {P} 1:38-39 {P} 1:40-41 {P} 1:42-43 {P} 1:44-47 {P} 1:48-54 {P} 2:1-9 {S} 2:10-16 {S} 2:17 {S} 2:18-24 {S} 2:25-31 {P} 2:32-34 {P} 3:1-4 {P} 3:5-10 {P} 3:11-13 {P} 3:14-26 {S} 3:27-39 {S} 3:40-43 {P} 3:44-51 {P} 4:1-16 {P} 4:17-20
* [[Naso (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Naso]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 4:21-7:89}}):
** {P} 4:21-28 {S} 4:29-37 {S} 4:38-49 {P} 5:1-4 {P} 5:5-10 {P} 5:11-31 {P} 6:1-21 {P} 6:22-23 {S} 6:24 {S} 6:25 {S} 6:26 {S} 6:27 {S} 7:1-11 {S} 7:12-17 {P} 7:18-23 {P} 7:24-29 {P} 7:30-35 {P} 7:36-41 {P} 7:42-47 {P} 7:48-53 {P} 7:54-59 {P} 7:60-65 {P} 7:66-71 {P} 7:72-77 {P} 7:78-83 {P} 7:84-89
* [[Behaalotecha (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Beha'alotekha]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 8:1-12:16}}):
** {P} 8:1-4 {P} 8:5-22 {S} 8:23-26 {P} 9:1-8 {P} 9:9-14 {S} 9:15-23 {P} 10:1-10 {P} 10:11-28 {S} 10:29-34 {S} נ 10:35-36 נ {P} 11:1-15 {P} 11:16-22 {P} 11:23-35 {P} 12:1-3 {S} 12:4-13 {P} 12:14-16
* [[Shlach (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Shelach]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 13:1-15:41}}):
** {P} 13:1-33;14:1-10 {P} 14:11-25 {P} 14:26-45 {P} 15:1-16 {P} 15:17-21 {S} 15:22-26 {S} 15:27-31 {P} 15:32-34 {S} 15:35-36 {P} 15:37-41
* [[Korach (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Korach]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 16:1-18:32}}):
** {P} 16:1-19 {S} 16:20-22 {S} 16:23-35 {S} 17:1-5 {P} 17:6-7 {S} 17:8-15 {P} 17:16-24 {P} 17:25-26 {P} 17:27-28 {S} 18:1-7 {P} 18:8-20 {S} 18:21-24 {P} 18:25-32
* [[Chukat (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Chukkat]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 19:1-22:1}}):
** {P} 19:1-22 {P} 20:1-6 {P} 20:7-11 {S} 20:12-13 {S} 20:14-21 {P} 20:22-29 {S} 21:1-3 {P} 21:4-16 {S} 21:17-20 {P} 21:21-35;22:1
* [[Balak (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Balak]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 22:2-25:9}}):
** {S} <u>22:2-41;23:1-30;24:1-25</u> (Balaam & Balak) {P} 25:1-9
* [[Pinchas (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Pinchas]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 25:10-30:1):
** {P} 25:10-15 {P} 25:16-18;26:1a
** Census: {P} 26:1b-11 {S} 26:12-14 {S} 26:15-18 {S} 26:19-22 {S} 26:23-25 {S} 26:26-27 {S} 26:28-32 {S} 26:33-34 {S} 26:35-37 {S} 26:38-41 {S} 26:42-43 {S} 26:44-47 {S} 26:48-51
Baris 194 ⟶ 195:
** Offerings: {P} 28:1-8 {P} 28:9-10 {P} 28:11-15 {S} 28:16-25 {S} 28:26-31 {P} 29:1-6 {S} 29:7-11
** ''Sukkot'' offerings: {S} 29:12-16 {S} 29:17-19 {S} 29:20-22 {S} 29:23-25 {S} 29:26-28 {S} 29:29-31 {S} 29:32-34 {S} 29:35-39;30:1
* [[Matot (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Mattot]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 30:2-32:42}}):
** {P} 30:2-17 {P} 31:1-12 {S} 31:13-20 {S} 31:21-24 {S} 31:25-54 {P} 32:1-4 {S} 32:5-15 {S} 32:16-19 {P} 32:20-42
* [[Masei (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Masei]] (Numbers{{Alkitab|Bilangan 33:1-36:13}}):
** {P} 33:1-39 {S} 33:40-49 {S} 33:50-56 {P} 34:1-15 {P} 34:16-29 {P} 35:1-8 {P} 35:9-34 {P} 36:1-13
Baris 204 ⟶ 205:
=== Kitab Ulangan ===
[[File:Aleppo Deut 1910 Photo.jpg|thumb|right||300px|Two consecutive pages of the Aleppo Codex from the now-missing part of Deuteronomy were photographed in 1910 by Joseph Segall, containing the Ten Commandments. The image shows Deuteronomy 4:38 (גדלים) to 6:3 (ואשר), including the following ''parashah'' breaks: {P} 4:41 אז יבדיל {P} 5:1 ויקרא משה {S} 5:6 אנכי {S} 5:10 לא תשא {S} 5:11 שמור {S} 5:15 כבד {S} 5:16a לא תרצח {S} 5:16b ולא תנאף {S} 5:16c ולא תגנב {S} 5:16d ולא תענה {S} 5:17a ולא תחמד {S} 5:21b ולא תתאוה {S} את הדברים 5:22. These ''parashot'' are shown in bold within the list below for ''Parashat Va'etchannan''.]]
TheKodeks Aleppo Codexterlestarikan isutuh intactmulai starting atdari Deuteronomy 28:17 (משארתך). ''Parashot'' fromdari thebagian extantyang partsterlestarikan aredicetak in boldtebal, as are thesebagaimana ''parashot'' shownyang inditunjukkan thedalam foto karya Segall photograph (image atlihat rightgambar).
* [[Devarim (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Devarim]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 1:1-3:22}}):
** 1:1-46;2:1 {S} 2:2-8a {S} 2:8b-16 ונפן {S} 2:17-30 {S} 2:31-37;3:1-22
* [[Va'etchanan (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Va'etchannan]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 3:23-7:11}}):
** {S} 3:23-29 {P} 4:1-24 {P} 4:25-40 '''{P}''' 4:41-49 '''{P}''' 5:1-5
** '''Ten Commandments:''' '''{S}''' 5:6-9 אנכי '''{S}''' 5:10 לא תשא '''{S}''' 5:11-14 שמור '''{S}''' 5:15 כבד '''{S}''' 5:16a לא תרצח '''{S}''' 5:16b ולא תנאף '''{S}''' 5:16c ולא תגנב '''{S}''' 5:16d ולא תענה '''{S}''' 5:17a ולא תחמד '''{S}''' 5:17b ולא תתאוה
** '''{S}''' 5:18-29;6:1-3 {P} 6:4-9 שמע {S} 6:10-15 {S} 6:16-18 {S} 6:19-25 {S} 7:1-11
* [[Eikev (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Ekev]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 7:12-11:25}}):
** {P} 7:12-16 {S} 7:17-26 {P} 8:1-18 {P} 8:19-20 {P} 9:1-29 {P} 10:1-11 {P} 10:12-22;11:1-9 {S} 11:10-12 {S} 11:13-21 {S} 11:22-25
* [[Re'eh (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Re'eh]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 11:26-16:17}}):
** {S} 11:26-28 {S} 11:29-32;12:1-19 {S} 12:20-28 {S} 12:29-31;13:1 {P} 13:2-6 {S} 13:7-12 {S} 13:13-19 {S} 14:1-2 {S} 14:3-8 {S} 14:9-10 {S} 14:11-21 {P} 14:22-29 {S} 15:1-6 {S} 15:7-11 {S} 15:12-18 {P} 15:19-23 {P} 16:1-8 {S} 16:9-12 {P} 16:13-17
* [[Shoftim (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Shofetim]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 16:18-21:9}}):
** {S} 16:18-20 {S} 16:21-22 {S} 17:1 {S} 17:2-7 {P} 17:8-13 {S} 17:14-20 {S} 18:1-2 {S} 18:3-5 {S} 18:6-8 {S} 18:9-22 {S} 19:1-10 {P} 19:11-13 {S} 19:14 {S} 19:15-21 {S} 20:1-9 {S} 20:10-18 {S} 20:19-20 {P} 21:1-9
* [[Ki Teitzei (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Ki Tetzei]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 21:10-25:19}}):
** {S} 21:10-14 {S} 21:15-17 {S} 21:18-21 {S} 21:22-23 {S} 22:1-3 {S} 22:4 {S} 22:5 {P} 22:6-7 {S} 22:8-9 {S} 22:10-11 {S} 22:12 {S} 22:13-19 {S} 22:20-21 {S} 22:22 {S} 22:23-24 {S} 22:25-27 {S} 22:28-29 {S} 23:1 {S} 23:2 {S} 23:3 {S} 23:4-7 {S} 23:8-9 {S} 23:10-15 {S} 23:16-17 {S} 23:18-19 {S} 23:20-21 {S} 23:22-24 {S} 23:25 {S} 23:26 {S} 24:1-4 {S} 24:5-6 {S} 24:7 {S} 24:8-9 {S} 24:10-13 {S} 24:14-15 {S} 24:16 {S} 24:17-18 {S} 24:19 {S} 24:20-22 {S} 25:1-4 {S} 25:5-10 {S} 25:11-12 {S} 25:13-16 {P} 25:17-19
* [[Ki Tavo|Parashat Ki Tavo]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 26:1-29:8}}):
** {P} 26:1-11 {S} 26:12-15 {S} 26:16-19 {P} 27:1-8 {S} 27:9-10 {S} 27:11-14 {S} 27:15 {S} 27:16 {S} 27:17 {S} 27:18 {S} 27:19 {S/-}<ref>DeuteronomyUlangan 27:20 ismerupakan the only onesatu-satunya indalam aurutan seriesayat ofyang versesdimulai beginningdengan withkata ארור ("cursedterkutuklah") notyang precededtidak bydidahului adengan closedpemisahan breaktertutup indalam Maimonides' list ofdaftar ''parashot'' Maimonides (andyang hencedipakai indalam currentgulungan TorahTaurat scrollssekarang). ButNamun otherkodeks-kodesk masoretik Tiberian masoreticlain codices havemempunyai {S} heredi assini forsebagaimana thepada otherayat-ayat verseslain indalam thekelompok seriesitu, whilesedangkan testimonieskesaksian aboutmengenai theKodeks Aleppo, Codexketika frommasih when it was still intactutuh, aresaling conflictedbertentangan. Ofer (pp. 307-8) suggestsberpendapata thatbahwa sincekarena 27:19 hasmempunyai morelebih wordsbanyak thankata usualdari foryang thislain seriesdalam ofkelompok similarly constructed versesitu, itsukuran relativepanjangnya lengthmengakibatkan resultedhanya inada atempat verysempit smalldi space betweenantara 27:19 anddan 27:20 indalam thekolom-kolom narrowsempit columns of theKodeks Aleppo Codex, adi spacemana whichspasi Maimonidesini interpretedditafsirkan asoleh noMaimonides moretidak thanlebih thedari spacesekedar betweenspasi wordsantara andkata-kata notdan abukan closedsuatu sectionpemisahan breaktertutup, while other readerssedangkan evaluatedpara itpembaca aslain amenganggapnya closedsebagai sectionpemisahan breaktertutup.</ref> 27:20 {S} 27:21 {S} 27:22 {S} 27:23 {S} 27:24 {S} 27:25 {S} 27:26 {P} 28:1-14 {P} 28:15-68 '''{S}''' 28:69 '''{P}''' 29:1-8
* [[Nitzavim (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Nitzavim]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 29:9-30:20}}):
** '''{P}''' 29:9-29:28 '''{S}''' 30:1-10 '''{S}''' 30:11-14 '''{S}''' 30:15-20
* [[Vayelech (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Vayelekh]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 31:1-30}}):
** '''{P}''' 31:1-6 '''{S}''' 31:7-13 '''{P}''' 31:14-30
* [[Haazinu (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Ha'azinu]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 32:1-52}}):
** '''{P}''' '''Nyanyian Musa''' <!--[[#Song of Moses|Song of Moses:--> {SONG} 32:1-43 {SONG}<!--]]'''-->
** '''{P}''' 32:44-47 '''{P}''' 32:48-52
* [[V'Zot HaBerachah (parshaparsyah)|Parashat Vezot Haberakhah]] (Deuteronomy{{Alkitab|Ulangan 33:1-34:12}}):
** '''{P}''' 33:1-6 '''{S}''' 33:7 '''{P}''' 33:8-11 '''{S}''' 33:12-17 '''{S}''' 33:18-19 '''{S}''' 33:20-21 '''{S}''' 33:22-23 '''{S}''' 33:24-29 '''{S}''' 34:1-12
* [[Leningrad Codex]]: {S} 7:7 {-} 13:7 {S} 16:22 {S} 18:14 {S} 19:8 {S} 19:11 {S} 22:9 {S} 22:11 {S} 23:8b לא תתעב מצרי {S} 24:6 {S} 24:9 {S} 24:21 {S} 25:4 {S} 25:14 {S} 27:1 {S} 27:20 {-} 24:8 {-} 24:20 {S} 28:15 {P} 30:11 {P} 31:7 {S} 31:16 {S} 33:8
== Nevi'im ==
''Parashot'' dalam [[Nevi'im]] didaftarkan menurut [[Kodeks Aleppo]], dengan varian-varian dari tradisi masoret lain yang diberikan catatan pada akhir tiap-tiap bagian buku.
Baris 265 ⟶ 266:
* {P} 24:1-2 {S} 24:3-10a {P} 24:10b-11a {P} 24:11b-13 {S} 24:14-16 {S} 24:17 {P} 24:18-23a {S} 24:23b-25
=== KingsKitab Raja-raja ===
<small>The Aleppo codex is missing three folios from II KingsRaja-raja that included 14:21 (את עזריה) to 18:13 (שנה). ''Parashot'' listed from the missing section are based upon Kimhi's notes on the codex<ref name="Ofer, Yellin p. 320">Ofer, Yellin, p. 320 and p. 332 n. 1.</ref> and marked with an asterisk (*).</small>
*<u>(1Kings1 Raja-raja)</u> 1:1-19a {P} 1:19b-27 {S} 1:28-31 {P} 1:32-53 {P} 2:1-10 {P} 2:11-12 {S} 2:13-22 {P} 2:23-25 {S} 2:26-27 {P} 2:28-38 {S} 2:39-40 {S} 2:41-46;3:1-2 {P} 3:3-14 {S} 3:15 {P} 3:16-23 {P} 3:24-27 {S} 3:28
*Solomon's officials: {S} 4:1 {S} 4:2 {S} 4:3a {S} 4:3b {S} 4:4a {S} 4:4b {S} 4:5a {S} 4:5b {S} 4:6a {S} 4:6b {S} 4:7 {S} 4:8 {S} 4:9 {S} 4:10 {S} 4:11 {S} 4:12 {S} 4:13 {S} 4:14 {S} 4:15 {S} 4:16 {S} 4:17 {S} 4:18 {S} 4:19-20;5:1
*{P} 5:2-5 {S} 5:6-8 {S} 5:9-14 {S} 5:15 {S} 5:16-25 {P} 5:26-28 {S} 5:29-30 {S} 5:31-32 {P} 6:1-10 {P} 6:11-13 {P} 6:14-38;7:1-12 {P} 7:13-26 {P} 7:27-37 {S} 7:38-39 {S} 7:40-50 {P} 7:51 {P} 8:1-11 {P} 8:12-21 {S} 8:22-34 {S} 8:35-36 {S} 8:37-53 {P} 8:54-66;9:1 {P} 9:2-9 {P} 9:10-13 {P} 9:14-22 {S} 9:23-28 {P} 10:1-13 {P} 10:14-17 {P} 10:18-25 {S} 10:26-29 {P} 11:1-6 {S} 11:7-10 {P} 11:11-13 {S} 11:14-25 {P} 11:26-28 {S} 11:29-39 {S} 11:40 {S} 11:41-43 {S} 12:1-17 {P} 12:18-19 {S} 12:20-21 {P} 12:22-24 {S} 12:25-33 {P} 13:1-10 {P} 13:11-20a {P} 13:20b-32 {P} 13:33-34 {P} 14:1-4 {P} 14:5-20 {P} 14:21-24 {P} 14:25-31 {P} 15:1-8 {P} 15:9-14 {S} 15:15-24 {P} 15:25-32 {P} 15:33-34 {S} 16:1-7 {P} 16:8-14 {P} 16:15-20 {P} 16:21-22 {P} 16:23-28 {P} 16:29-34 {S} 17:1 {S} 17:2-7 {S} 17:8-16 {P} 17:17-24 {P} 18:1-14 {S} 18:15-46;19:1-14 {S} 19:15-21 {P} 20:1-22 {P} 20:23-25 {P} 20:26-34 {S} 20:35-43 {P} 21:1-16 {P} 21:17-26 {P} 21:27 {P} 21:28-29;22;1 {P} 22:2-18 {S} 22:19-40 {P} 22:41-51 {S} 22:52-54;1:1-2 <u>(2Kings2 Raja-raja)</u><ref>TheKodeks Aleppo Codex hassama nosekali breaktidak atmempunyai pemisahan alldi wheremana Kitab 2 KingsRaja-raja beginsdimulai inpada thetradisi Greekteks textualbahasa traditionYunani; textteks continuesitu onterus theberlanjut verypada samebaris lineyang withsama notanpa interruptionpemotongan (seelihat thegambar relevantterkait image atpada []). In theDalam Leningrad codex thereterdapat issuatu a closedpemisah ''parashahparsyah'' breaktertutup wheredi mana 2 KingsRaja-raja beginsdimulai, suchsehingga thatpada inedisi printedcetak editionsyang reflectingmengikuti thattradisi traditionini, textteks continuesberlanjut atpada theakhir endbaris ofsetelah theada same line after aspasi gapkosong.</ref> {S} 1:3-14 {S} 1:15-17a {P} 1:17b {S} 1:18 {P} 2:1-18 {S} 2:19-22 {P} 2:23-25 {P} 3:1-3 {P} 3:4-10 {S} 3:11-27 {P} 4:1-7 {P} 4:8-37 {P} 4:38-41 {S} 4:42-44 {P} 5:1-19 {S} 5:20-27;6:1-7 {P} 6:8-23 {P} 6:24-33 {P} 7:1-2 {P} 7:3-20 {S} 8:1-4 {S} 8:5-6 {P} 8:7-15 {P} 8:16-24 {P} 8:25-29 {P} 9:1-28 {P} 9:29-37 {S} 10:1-14 {S} 10:15-17 {P} 10:18-29 {P} 10:30-36 {P} 11:1-3 {P} 11:4-12 {S} 11:13-16 {S} 11:17-20 {S} 12:1 {P} 12:2-6 {P} 12:7-17 {P} 12:18-22 {P} 13:1-9 {P} 13:10-13 {P} 13:14-19 {P} 13:20-21 {P} 13:22-25 {P} 14:1-7 {P} 14:8-16 {P} 14:17-22 {P*} 14:23-29 {P*} 15:1-7 {P*} 15:8-12 {P*} 15:13-16 {P*} 15:17-22 {P*} 15:23-26 {P*} 15:27-31 {P*} 15:32-38 {P*} 16:1-20<ref>The Leningrad codex has an open section at 16:7 (וישלח אחז), but Kimhi did not note any ''parashah''. The possibility that Kimhi erred by neglecting to note a ''parashah'' at 16:7 is lessened by the fact that [[Codex Cairensis]] also lacks a ''parashah'' at this point (Ofer, Yellin, p. 332 n. 1). For this reason Breuer's editions based on the Aleppo Codex and Kimhi's notes (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown'') do not show a ''parashah'' at 16:7. Finfer similarly does not record this verse in his list of ''parashot'' (p. 130), and thus no break is shown in the ''Koren'' edition. However, the volume of ''Mikraot Gedolot Haketer'' on KingsRaja-raja does show an open ''parashah'' break {P} at 16:7 as found in the Leningrad Codex.</ref> {P*} 17:1-6 {P*} 17:7-23 {P*} 17:24-41 {P*} 18:1-8 {P*} 18:9-12 {P*} 18:13-16 {P} 18:17-37;19:1-14 {P} 19:15-19 {S} 19:20-31 {S} 19:32-37 {P} 20:1-3 {S} 20:4-11 {P} 20:12-21 {P} 21:1-11 {S} 21:12-18 {P} 21:19-26 {P} 22:1-2 {P} <u>22:3-20;23:1-30</u> (Josiah's deeds) {P} 23:31-35 {S} 23:36-37;24:1-7 {P} 24:8-17 {P} 24:18-20 {S} 25:1-7 {S} 25:8-24 {P} 25:25-26 {P} 25:27-30
=== Kitab Yesaya ===
* '''Nubuat tentang Yehuda dan Israel (1-12):''' 1:1-9 {P} 1:10-17 {S} 1:18-20 {P} 1:21-23 {S} 1:24-31 {P} 2:1-4 {P} 2:5-11 {P} 2:12-22 {P} 3:1-12 {P} 3:13-15 {S} 3:16-17 {S} 3:18-26;4:1 {S} 4:2-6 {P} 5:1-6 {P} 5:8-10 {S} 5:11-17 {S} 5:18-19 {S} 5:20 {S} 5:21 {S} 5:22-23 {P} 5:24-30 {P} 6:1-13 {P} 7:1-2 {S} 7:3-6 {P} 7:7-9 {P} 7:10-17 {P} 7:18-20 {P} 7:21-22 {S} 7:23-25 {P} 8:1-3a {S} 8:3b-4 ויאמר ה' אלי {S} 8:5-8 {S} 8:9-10 {S} 8:11-15 {P} 8:16-18 {S} 8:19-23;9:1-6 {P} 9:7-12 {S} 9:13-20 {S} 10:1-4 {P} 10:5-11 {P} 10:12-15 {P} 10:16-19 {S} 10:20-23 {P} 10:24-32 {P} 10:33-34 {S} 11:1-9 {S} 11:10 {P} 11:11-16;12:1-6
=== Isaiah ===
* '''Nubuat tentang bangsa-bangsa (13-23):''' {S} 13:1-5 {S} 13:6-22;14:1-2 {S} 14:3-27 {P} 14:28-32 {P} 15:1-9;16:1-4 {S} 16:5-12 {S} 16:13-14 {P} 17:1-3 {P} 17:4-8 {S} 17:9-11 {S} 17:12-14 {P} 18:1-3 {S} 18:4-6 {S} 18:7 {S} 19:1-17 {S} 19:18 {S} 19:19-22 {S} 19:23 {S} 19:24-25 {S} 20:1-2 {S} 20:3-6 {P} 21:1-5 {S} 21:6-10 {P} 21:11-12 {P} 21:13-15 {S} 21:16-17 {S} 22:1-14 {P} 22:15-25 {P} 23:1-14 {S} 23:15-18
* '''PropheciesNubuat abouttentang JudahYehuda anddan Israel (124-1235):''' 1:1-9 {P} 24:1:10-1715 {S} 124:1816-20 {PS} 124:21-23 {SP} 25:1:24-315 {P} 225:16-48 {P} 225:59-1112 {PS} 226:121-2210 {P} 326:11 {S} 26:1-12 {PS} 326:13-15 {SP} 326:16-1719 {SP} 326:1820-26;421 {P} 27:1 {S} 427:2-6 {P} 527:17-611 {P} 527:8-1012 {SP} 527:11-1713 {SP} 528:181-194 {S} 528:20 {S} 5:21-6 {S} 528:227-238 {P} 528:249-3013 {P} 628:114-1315 {P} 728:116-217 {S} 728:318-622 {P} 728:723-929 {P} 729:101-178 {P} 729:189-2012 {PS} 729:2113-2214 {S} 729:2315-2521 {P} 829:122-3a24 {S} 830:3b1-4 ויאמר ה' אלי5 {S} 830:56-811 {S} 830:912-1014 {S} 830:1115-1518 {P} 830:1619-1826 {SP} 830:1927-23;9:1-633 {P} 931:71-123 {S} 931:134-209 {SP} 1032:1-48 {PS} 1032:59-1120 {PS} 1033:12-151 {PS} 1033:162-196 {SP} 1033:207-239 {PS} 33:10:24-3212 {P} 10:33:13-3424 {S} 1134:1-917 {S} 1135:101-2 {P} 1135:113-16;12:1-610
* '''Prophecies about the NationsNaratif (1336-2339):''' {S} 1336:1-510 {S} 1336:6-22;14:1-2 {S} 14:311-2716a {P} 1436:2816b-3222 {P}כי 15:1-9;16:1-4כה {S} 16:5-12אמר {S} 1637:131-14 {PS} 1737:115-332 {PS} 1737:433-835 {S} 1737:936-1138 {S} 17:12-14 {P} 1838:1-3 {S} 1838:4-68 {S} 1838:7 {S} 19:1-17 {S} 19:18 {S} 19:199-22 {S} 19:23 {S} 19:24-25 {S} 2039:1-2 {S} 2039:3-6 {P} 21:1-5 {S} 21:6-10 {P} 21:11-12 {P} 21:13-15 {S} 21:16-17 {S} 22:1-14 {P} 22:15-25 {P} 23:1-14 {S} 23:15-188
* '''Prophecies about Judah and IsraelPenghiburan (2440-3566):''' {P} 2440:1-152 {S} 2440:3-5 {P} 40:6-8 {S} 40:9-11 {S} 40:12-16 {P} 40:17-20 {S} 2440:21-2324 {PS} 40:25-26 {S} 40:27-31 {S} 41:1-57 {S} 41:8-13 {S} 41:14-16 {S} 41:17-20 {P} 2541:621-824 {P} 41:25-29 {P} 42:1-4 {P} 42:5-9 {P} 42:10-1213 {S} 2642:14-17 {P} 42:18-25;43:1-10 {PS} 2643:11-13 {S} 2643:1214-15 {S} 2643:1316-1521 {S} 43:22-28 {P} 2644:161-195 {P} 2644:206-20 {S} 44:21-23 {S} 44:4-28 {P} 2745:1-7 {P} 45:8 {S} 2745:9 {S} 45:10 {S} 45:11-13 {S} 45:14-17 {P} 45:18-25;46:1-2 {P} 46:3-64 {S} 46:5-7 {S} 46:8-11 {S} 46:12-13 {S} 47:1-3 {P} 2747:4-7 {P} 47:8-15 {S} 48:1-2 {S} 48:3-11 {P} 2748:12-16 {P} 2748:1317-19 {S} 48:20-22 {P} 2849:1-4 {S} 2849:5-6 {S} 2849:7-8 {PS} 2849:98-13 {PS} 2849:14-1521 {P} 2849:1622-1723 {S} 2849:1824 {S} 49:25-2226 {PS} 2850:231-293 {P} 2950:4-9 {S} 50:10 {S} 50:11 {S} 51:1-83 {S} 51:4-6 {P} 2951:7-8 {S} 51:9-1211 {S} 2951:1312-1416 {S} 2951:1517-21 {P} 2951:22-2423 {SP} 3052:1-52 {S} 3052:3 {S} 52:4-6 {S} 52:7-10 {S} 52:11-12 {S} 3052:13-15 {S} 53:1-12 {P} 54:1-148 {S} 3054:159-1810 {S} 54:11-17 {S} 55:1-5 {S} 55:6-13 {P} 3056:191-262 {S} 56:3 {P} 3056:274-335 v{S} 56:6-9 {P} 3156:10-12;57:1-2 {S} 57:3-14 {S} 3157:415-921 {P} 3258:1-814 {P} 59:1-14 {S} 3259:915-2021 {S} 3360:1-22 {S} 3361:21-69 {P} 3361:710-11;62:1-9 {S} 3362:10-12 {PS} 3363:131-246 {S} 3463:7-19;64:1-172 {S} 3564:3-11 {P} 65:1-27 {S} 65:8-12 {P} 3565:313-25 {S} 66:1-4 {S} 66:5-9 {S} 66:10-11 {S} 66:12-14 {S} 66:15-24
* '''Narrative (36-39):''' {S} 36:1-10 {S} 36:11-16a {P} 36:16b-22 כי כה אמר {S} 37:1-14 {S} 37:15-32 {S} 37:33-35 {S} 37:36-38 {S} 38:1-3 {S} 38:4-8 {S} 38:9-22 {S} 39:1-2 {S} 39:3-8
=== Kitab Yeremia ===
* '''Consolations (40-66):''' {P} 40:1-2 {S} 40:3-5 {P} 40:6-8 {S} 40:9-11 {S} 40:12-16 {P} 40:17-20 {S} 40:21-24 {S} 40:25-26 {S} 40:27-31 {S} 41:1-7 {S} 41:8-13 {S} 41:14-16 {S} 41:17-20 {P} 41:21-24 {P} 41:25-29 {P} 42:1-4 {P} 42:5-9 {P} 42:10-13 {S} 42:14-17 {P} 42:18-25;43:1-10 {S} 43:11-13 {S} 43:14-15 {S} 43:16-21 {S} 43:22-28 {P} 44:1-5 {P} 44:6-20 {S} 44:21-23 {S} 44:4-28 {P} 45:1-7 {P} 45:8 {S} 45:9 {S} 45:10 {S} 45:11-13 {S} 45:14-17 {P} 45:18-25;46:1-2 {P} 46:3-4 {S} 46:5-7 {S} 46:8-11 {S} 46:12-13 {S} 47:1-3 {P} 47:4-7 {P} 47:8-15 {S} 48:1-2 {S} 48:3-11 {P} 48:12-16 {P} 48:17-19 {S} 48:20-22 {P} 49:1-4 {S} 49:5-6 {S} 49:7 {S} 49:8-13 {S} 49:14-21 {P} 49:22-23 {S} 49:24 {S} 49:25-26 {S} 50:1-3 {P} 50:4-9 {S} 50:10 {S} 50:11 {S} 51:1-3 {S} 51:4-6 {P} 51:7-8 {S} 51:9-11 {S} 51:12-16 {S} 51:17-21 {P} 51:22-23 {P} 52:1-2 {S} 52:3 {S} 52:4-6 {S} 52:7-10 {S} 52:11-12 {S} 52:13-15 {S} 53:1-12 {P} 54:1-8 {S} 54:9-10 {S} 54:11-17 {S} 55:1-5 {S} 55:6-13 {P} 56:1-2 {S} 56:3 {P} 56:4-5 v{S} 56:6-9 {P} 56:10-12;57:1-2 {S} 57:3-14 {S} 57:15-21 {P} 58:1-14 {P} 59:1-14 {S} 59:15-21 {S} 60:1-22 {S} 61:1-9 {P} 61:10-11;62:1-9 {S} 62:10-12 {S} 63:1-6 {S} 63:7-19;64:1-2 {S} 64:3-11 {P} 65:1-7 {S} 65:8-12 {P} 65:13-25 {S} 66:1-4 {S} 66:5-9 {S} 66:10-11 {S} 66:12-14 {S} 66:15-24
=== Jeremiah ===
Jeremiah is divided into distinct prophecies, each of which begins with an announcement of "the word of the Lord to Jeremiah" or a similar phrase. Each such prophecy begins a new open ''parashah'' {P} in the Aleppo Codex, with the single exception of the sixth prophecy (14:1) that begins with a closed ''parashah'' {S}.
Baris 314 ⟶ 315:
* '''Destruction and Hope (52):''' {P} 52:1-23 {S} 52:24-27 {S} 52:28-30 {S} 52:31-34
=== EzekielKitab Yehezkiel ===
* '''Prophecies before the Fall of Jerusalem (1-24):''' 1:1-28 {P} 2:1-2 {P} 2:3-5 {P} 2:6-7 {P} 2:8-10 {S} 3:1-3 {P} 3:4-9 {P} 3:10-16a {P} 3:16b-21ויהי דבר {P} 3:22-27 {P} 4:1-3 {P} 4:4-12 {S} 4:13-14 {S} 4:15 {S} 4:16-17 {P} 5:1-4 {P} 5:5-6 {S} 5:7-9 {P} 5:10 {S} 5:11-17 {P} 6:1-10 {P} 6:11-14 {P} 7:1-4 {P} 7:5-22 {P} 7:23-27 {P} 8:1-6 {P} 8:7-8 {S} 8:9-14 {S} 8:15-18;9:1-3 {P} 9:4-11 {P} 10:1-22;11:1 {P} 11:2-3 {S} 11:4-6 {P} 11:7-13 {P} 11:14-15 {S} 11:16 {S} 11:17-25 {P} 12:1-7 {P} 12:8-16 {P} 12:17-20 {P} 12:21-25 {P} 12:26-28 {P} 13:1-7 {S} 13:8-12 {S} 13:13-16 {P} 13:17-19 {S} 13:20-23;14:1 {P} 14:2-3 {S} 14:4-5 {S} 14:6-8 {S} 14:9-11 {P} 14:12-20 {P} 14:21-23 {P} 15:1-5 {S} 15:6-8 {P} 16:1-35 {P} 16:36-50 {S} 16:51-58 {S} 16:59-63 {P} 17:1-10 {P} 17:11-18 {S} 17:19-21 {P} 17:22-24 {P} 18:1-20 {S} 18:21-23 {S} 18:24-26 {S} 18:27-32 {P} 19:1-9 {P} 19:10-14 {P} 20:1 {S} 20:2-26 {S} 20:27-29 {S} 20:30-31a {S} 20:31b-44 ואני אדרש {P} 21:1-5 {P} 21:6-10 {S} 21:11-12 {P} 21:13-18 {P} 21:19-22 {P} 21:23-28 {S} 21:29 {P} 21:30 {S} 21:31-32 {P} 21:33-37 {P} 22:1-16 {P} 22:17-18 {S} 22:19-22 {P} 22:23-31 {P} 23:1-10 {S} 23:11-21 {S} 23:22-27 {P} 23:28-31 {S} 23:32-34 {S} 23:35 {S} 23:36-45 {S} 23:46-49 {P} 24:1-5 {S} 24:6-8 {P} 24:9-14 {P} 24:15-24 {S} 24:25-27
Baris 321 ⟶ 322:
* '''Visions of the Future Jerusalem (40-48):''' {P} <u>40:1-49;41:1-26;42:1-20;43:1-9</u> (the future Temple) {S} 43:10-27a {S} 43:27b והיה ביום השמיני {S} 44:1-8 {S} 44:9-14 {P} 44:15-31 {P} 45:1-8 {P} 45:9-15 {P} 45:16-17 {S} 45:18-25 {S} 46:1-5 {S} 46:6-11 {P} 46:12-15 {S} 46:16 {S} 46:17-24;47:1-12 {P} 47:13-23 {P} 48:1-29 {S} 48:30-35
=== TwelveDua Minorbelas Prophetsnabi kecil ===
The Aleppo Codex leaves four empty lines between each of the books of the [[Minor prophet|Twelve Minor Prophets]]. The [[Leningrad Codex]] leaves three lines. ''Parashot'' within each of the twelve individual books are listed below.
Baris 331 ⟶ 332:
** Three and four transgressions: 1:1-2 {P} 1:3-5 {P} 1:6-8 {P} 1:9-10 {P} 1:11-12 {P} 1:13-15 {P} 2:1-2 {P} 2:4-5 {P} 2:6-16
** {P} 3:1-10 {P} 3:11-15 {S} 4:1-9 {S} 4:10-13 {P} 5:1-15 {S} 5:16-17 {P} 5:18-27 {P} 6:1-10 {S} 6:11-14 {P} 7:1-6 {P} 7:7-9 {S} 7:10-11 {S} 7:12-17 {P} 8:1-3 {P} 8:4-8 {P} 8:9-10 {P} 8:11-14 {P*} 9:1-6 {P*} 9:7-12 {P*} 9:13-15
* '''ObadiahObaja:''' ThereTiada are nopemisahan ''parashahparsyah'' divisions indi theantara 21 versesayat ofKitab ObadiahObaja (1:1-21).
* '''JonahYunus:''' 1:1-16;2:1-10 {P*} 2:11 {S*} 3:1-10;4:1-3 {P*} 4:4-11
* '''MicahMikha:''' 1:1-16 {S*} 2:1-2 {S*} 2:3-13 {P*} 3:1-4 {P*} 3:5-8 {P*} 3:9-12 {P*} 4:1-5 {P*} 4:6-7 {P*} 4:8-14 {S*} 5:1-5 {P*} 5:6 {P} 5:7-14 {P} 6:1-8 {S} 6:9-16 {P} 7:1-8 {P} 7:9-13 {P} 7:14-20
* '''Nahum:''' 1:1-11 {S} 1:12-14 {P} 2:1-14 {P} 3:1-19
* '''HabakkukHabakuk:''' 1:1-17 {S} 2:1-4 {S} 2:5-8 {P} 2:9-11 {P} 2:12-14 {P} 2:15-18 {S} 2:19-20 {S} 3:1-13 {P} 3:14-19
* '''ZephaniahZefanya:''' 1:1-11 {S} 1:12-18 {S} 2:1-4 {S} 2:5-15 {P} 3:1-13 {P*} 3:14-15 {P*} 3:16-20
* '''HaggaiHagai:''' 1:1-2 {P*} 1:3-6 {P*} 1:7-11 {P*} 1:12-14 {P*} 1:15;2:1-5 {P*} 2:6-9 {P*} 2:10-19 {P*} 2:20-23
* '''ZechariahZakharia:''' 1:1-6 {P*} 1:7-17 {P*} 2:1-2 {P*} 2:3-4 {S*} 2:5-9 {P*} 2:10-11 {P*} 2:12-13 {S*} 2:14-17 {P*} 3:1-10;4:1-7 {P*} 4:8-14;5:1-8 {S*} 5:9-11 {P*} 6:1-8 {P*} 6:9-15 {P*} 7:1-3 {S*} 7:4-7 {P*} 7:8-14 {P*} 8:1-5 {P*} 8:6 {P*} 8:7-8 {P*} 8:9-13 {S*} 8:14-17 {P*} 8:18-19 {P*} 8:20-22 {S*} 8:23 {P*} 9:1-8 {S*} 9:9-17;10:1-2 {P} 10:3-12 {P} 11:1-3 {P} 11:4-11 {S} 11:12-14 {P} 11:15-17 {P} 12:1-14;13:1-6 {P} 13:7-9 {P} 14:1-11 14:12-21
* '''MalachiMaleakhi:''' 1:1-13 {S} 1:14;2:1-9 {P} 2:10-12 {P} 2:13-16 {P} 2:17;3:1-12 {P} 3:13-18 {P} 3:19-21 {S} 3:22-24
== PoeticPenataan layoutsajak of PsalmsMazmur, ProverbsAmsal anddan JobAyub ==
The three [[biblical poetry|poetic]] books of Psalms, Proverbs and Job are collectively known as ''Sifrei Emet'' (see the article on [[Ketuvim]]). These three books share a unique system of [[cantillation]] unlike that of the other 21 books in [[Tanakh]], a system designed to highlight the [[parallelism (rhetoric)|parallelism]]s in their verses.
Baris 371 ⟶ 372:
** (-) Finfer doesn't list this verse at all.
=== PsalmsMazmur ===
The Aleppo Codex leaves two empty lines between the five Books of Psalms (following psalms 41, 72, 89, 106). Otherwise there is one blank line between each two psalms, the standard way of indicating an open ''parashah'' break {P} in poetic layout.
Baris 384 ⟶ 385:
* 26 {-/T} The beginning of the first verse is a title, but there is no ''parashah'' division.
'''Book One (PsalmsMazmur 1-41):'''
* 1 {-} '''·''' 2 {-} '''·''' 3:1a {S/T} '''·''' 4:1 {P} '''·''' 5:1a {S/T} '''·''' 6:1a {S/T} '''·''' 7:1a {S/T} '''·''' 8:1a {S/T} '''·''' 9:1a {S/T} '''·''' 10:1 {-} '''·''' 11:1a {P} '''·''' 12:1 {S/T} '''·''' 13:1 {P} '''·''' 14:1a {P} '''·''' 15:1a {S*} '''·''' 16:1a {P*} '''·''' 17:1a {P*} '''·''' 18:1a {P*} '''·''' 19:1 {P*} '''·''' 20:1 {P*} '''·''' 21:1 {P*} '''·''' 22:1a {S/T*} '''·''' 23:1a {S*} '''·''' 24:1a {P*} '''·''' 25:1a {S*} '''·''' 26 {-/T} '''·''' 27:1a {S} '''·''' 28 {-/T} '''·''' 29:1a {S} '''·''' 30:1 {P} '''·''' 31:1 {P} '''·''' 32:1a {S} '''·''' 33 {-} '''·''' 34:1a {S/T} '''·''' 35:1a {S} '''·''' 36:1 {P} '''·''' 37 {-/T} '''·''' 38:1 {P} 39:1 {P} '''·''' 40:1 {P} '''·''' 41:1 {P}
'''Book Two (PsalmsMazmur 42-72):'''
* 42:1 {P} '''·''' 43 {-} '''·''' 44:1 {P} 45:1a {S/T} '''·''' 46:1a {S/T} '''·''' 47:1 {P} '''·''' 48:1 {P} '''·''' 49:1 {P} '''·''' 50:1a {P} '''·''' 51:1 {P} '''·''' 52:1 {P} '''·''' 53:1 {P} '''·''' 54:1 {P} '''·''' 55:1 {P} '''·''' 56:1a {S/T} '''·''' 57:1a {S/T} '''·''' 58:1 {P} '''·''' 59:1a {S/T} '''·''' 60:1a {S/T} '''·''' 61:1 {P} '''·''' 62:1a {S/T} '''·''' 63:1a {S/T} '''·''' 64:1 {P} '''·''' 65:1 {P} '''·''' 66:1a {S/T} '''·''' 67:1 {P} '''·''' 68:1 {P} '''·''' 69:1 {P} '''·''' 70:1 {S} '''·''' 71 {-} '''·''' 72:1a {S}
'''Book Three (PsalmsMazmur 73-89):'''
* 73:1a {S} '''·''' 74:1a {S} '''·''' 75:1 {P} '''·''' 76:1 {P} '''·''' 77:1 {P} '''·''' 78:1a {P} '''·''' 79:1a {P} '''·''' 80:1a {S/T} '''·''' 81:1 {P} '''·''' 82:1a {P} '''·''' 83:1 {P} '''·''' 84:1 {P} '''·''' 85:1 {P} '''·''' 86:1a {P} '''·''' 87:1a {S/T} '''·''' 88:1a {P} 88:1b {S/T} '''·''' 89:1 {P}
'''Book Four (PsalmsMazmur 90-106):'''
* 90:1a {P} '''·''' 91 {-} '''·''' 92:1 {P} '''·''' 93 {-} '''·''' 94 {-} '''·''' 95 {-} '''·''' 96 {-} '''·''' 97 {-} '''·''' 98 {-/T} '''·''' 99:1a {S} (not a title) '''·''' 100:1a {S} '''·''' 101:1a {S} '''·''' 102 {-/T} (first verse is title) '''·''' 103 {-/T} '''·''' 104 {-} '''·''' 105 {-} '''·''' 106:1a {P}
'''Book Five (PsalmsMazmur 107-150):'''
* 107 {-} '''·''' 108:1 {S} '''·''' 109:1a {P} '''·''' 110:1a {P} [...] '''·''' 111:1a {P} '''·''' 112:1a {P} '''·''' 113:1a {P} '''·''' 114-115 {-} '''·''' 116 {-} '''·''' 117 {-} '''·''' 118 {-} '''·''' 119:1-8 {P} 119:9-16 {P} 119:17-24 {P} 119:25-32 {P} 119:33-40 {P} 119:41-48 {P} 119:49-56 {P} 119:57-64 {P} 119:65-72 {P} 119:73-80 {P} 119:81-88 {P} 119:89-96 {P} 119:97-104 {P} 119:105-112 {P} 119:113-120 {P} 119:121-128 {P} 119:129-136 {P} 119:137-144 {P} 119:145-152 {P} 119:153-160 {P} 119:161-168 {P} 119:169-176 '''·''' 120:1a {P} '''·''' 121:1a {P} '''·''' 122:1a {P} '''·''' 123:1a {P} '''·''' 124:1a {P} '''·''' 125:1a {P} '''·''' 126:1a {P} '''·''' 127:1a {P} '''·''' 128:1a {P} '''·''' 129:1a {P} '''·''' 130:1a {P} '''·''' 131:1a {P} '''·''' 132:1a {P} '''·''' 133:1a {P} '''·''' 134:1a {P} '''·''' 135:1a {P} '''·''' 136 {-} '''·''' 137 {-} '''·''' 138 {-/T} 139:1a {P} '''·''' 140:1 {P} '''·''' 141:1a {P} '''·''' 142:1a {P} '''·''' 143:1a {P} '''·''' 144 {-/T} 145:1a {P} '''·''' 146:1a {P} '''·''' 147:1a {P} '''·''' 148:1a {P} '''·''' 149:1a {P} '''·''' 150:1a {P}
=== ProverbsAmsal ===
* 1:1-7 {P} 1:8-19 {P} 1:20-33 {P} 2:1-22 {P} 3:1-10 {P} 3:11-18 {P} 3:19-35 {P} 4:1-19 {P} 4:20-27 {P} 5:1-6 {P} 5:7-23 {P} 6:1-5 {P} 6:6-11 {P} 6:12-15 {P} 6:16-19 {P} 6:20-26 {P} 6:27-35 {P} 7:1-27 {P} 8:1-31 {P} 8:32-36;9:1-18
* Centered title: "The Proverbs of Solomon" '''10:1a''' (10:1b-19:9). There are no ''parashah'' divisions following the centered title until 19:10, an unusually large amount of unbroken text (278 verses).
Baris 401 ⟶ 402:
* {P} גם אלה משלי שלמה אשר העתיקו אנשי חזקיה מלך יהודה 25:1-13 {P} 25:14-20 {P} 25:21-28;26;1-21 {P} 26:22-25;27:1-22 {P} 27:23-27;28:1-4 {P} 28:5-10 {P} 28:11-16 {P} 28:17-28;29:1-17 {P} 29:18-27 {P} 30:1-6 דברי אגור בן יקה המשא {P} 30:7-9 {P} 30:10-14 {P} 30:15-17 {P} 30:18-20 {P} 30:21-23 {P} 30:24-28 {P} 30:29-33 {P} 31:1-7 דברי למואל מלך משא אשר יסרתו אמו {P} 31:8-9 {P} 31:10-31 אשת חיל.
=== JobAyub ===
<u>'''I. Narrative Opening (1:1-3:1):'''</u>
* Common layout and regular [[cantillation]]: 1:1-5 {P} 1:6-22 {P} 2:1-10 {P} 2:11-13;3:1.
Baris 423 ⟶ 424:
* Common layout and regular [[cantillation]]: {P} 42:7 {S} 42:8-17.
=== SongKidung of SongsAgung ===
The Aleppo codex is extant until the word ציון ("Zion") in Song of Songs 3:11. Bibles that show ''parashot'' in the Song of Songs based upon the Aleppo Codex (with reconstruction of its missing parts based on Kimhi's notes) include two editions following the Breuer method (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown''). The flow of text in such bibles is as follows:
* 1:1-4 {P} 1:5-8 {P} 1:9-14 {S} 1:15-17;2:1-7 {S} 2:8-13 {S} 2:14 {S} 2:15-17 {S} 3:1-5 {S} 3:6-8 {S} 3:9-11 {S*} 4:1-7 {S*} 4:8-16;5:1 {S*} 5:2-16;6:1-3 {S*} 6:4-9 {S*} 6:10 {S*} 6:11-12;7:1-11 {S*} 7:12-14;8:1-4 {S*} 8:5-7 {S*} 8:8-10 {P*} 8:11-14
Baris 478 ⟶ 479:
=== RuthKitab Rut ===
In the Tiberian masoretic codices, the only ''parashah'' found in Ruth is for the short chronology at the end of the book:
* {P} 4:18-22 ואלה תולדות פרץ
* While A, Y, L, and Ff1 all have {P} at 4:18, other traditions noted by Finfer differ: F={-}, Ff2={S}.<ref>''BHQ Megilloth'', p. 6*; Finfer p. 145. Besides this verse, Finfer records that there are no ''parashah'' breaks in the manuscripts he consulted at 1:19. 2:1, 3:1, 3:8, 4:1.</ref>
=== LamentationsKitab Ratapan ===
TheKodeks Aleppo codexsama lackssekali Lamentationstidak inmemuat its[[Kitab entiretyRatapan]]. ''Parashot'' listedyang hereterdaftar areadalah basedberdasarkan uponcatatan Kimhi's notes onpada thekodeks codexini.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 323.</ref>
* First lamentation (1:1-22): {S} between each of the 22 verses and {P} following the last one.<ref name="Kimhi Lamentations missing">Kimhi omits notation of individual verses in Lamentations at the following points: 1:2, 1:5, 1:14, 4:4, 4:5, 4:6, 4:7, 4:14 (Ofer, Yellin, p. 323). The Breuer edition supplies these ''parashot'', apparently missing based upon an oversight by Kimhi (see Breuer, Horev, p. 14).</ref>
Baris 494 ⟶ 495:
* Fifth lamentation (5:1-22): 5:1-18 {P} 5:19-22
* In the third lamentation, the Leningrad Codex has {S} between each set of three verses beginning with the same letter.
=== EcclesiastesKitab Pengkhotbah ===
TheKodeks Aleppo codexsama lackssekali Ecclesiastestidak inmemuat its[[Kitab entiretyPengkhotbah]]. ''Parashot'' listedyang hereterdaftar areadalah basedberdasarkan uponcatatan Kimhi's notes onpada thekodeks codexini.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 322.</ref>
* 1:1-11 {P*} 1:12-18;2:1-26;3:1
Baris 535 ⟶ 536:
=== EstherKitab Ester ===
The book of Esther is traditionally read by Jews on the holiday of [[Purim]] from a handwritten scroll on parchment that must be [[#Validity of scrolls|halakhically valid]]. This means that the rules of open and closed ''parashot'' are of more practical relevance for Esther than for any other book in [[Nevi'im]] or [[Ketuvim]]. Despite this—or perhaps because of the large numbers of scrolls of Esther that have been written, and the special attention that has therefore been paid to the problem by rabbis and scribes—manuscripts of Esther and opinions about how they should be written betray a relatively large number of discrepancies regarding the ''parashah'' divisions.
Baris 612 ⟶ 613:
Bibles that show the ''parashot'' in Esther based upon a reconstruction of the Aleppo Codex include two editions following the Breuer method (''Horev'' and ''The Jerusalem Crown''). The flow of text in such bibles is as follows:
* 1:1-9 {S*} 1:10-15 {P*} 1:16-22 {P*} 2:1-4 {P*} 2:5-10 {S*}<ref name="Esther 2:11"/> 2:11-20 {S*} 2:21-23 {P*} 3:1-7 {S*} 3:8-15 {S*} 4:1-12 {P*} 4:13-17 {S*} 5:1-2 {S*} 5:3-14 {S*} 6:1-14;7:1-4 {S*} 7:5-8 {S*} 7:9-10 {P*} 8:1-2 {S*} 8:3-6 {S*} 8:7-14 {S*} 8:15-17;9:1-6
* {S*} [[#Putra-putra Haman's Sons(Kitab Ester)|'''Haman'sPutra-putra SonsHaman: {SONG*} 9:7-9 {SONG*}]]'''
* {S*} 9:10-19 {S*} 9:20-28 {S*} 9:29-32 {S*} 10:1-3
=== Kitab Daniel ===
TheKodeks Aleppo codexsama lackssekali Danieltidak inmemuat its[[Kitab entiretyDaniel]]. ''Parashot'' listedyang hereterdaftar areadalah basedberdasarkan uponcatatan Kimhi's notes onpada thekodeks codexini.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, p. 324-325.</ref>
* 1:1-21 {S} 2:1-13 {S} 2:14-16 {S} 2:17-24 {S} 2:25-28 {S} 2:29-30 {S} 2:31-45 {S} 2:46-49 {P} 3:1-18 {P} 3:19-23 {P} 3:24-30 {P} 3:31-33;4:1-25 {P} 4:26-34 {P} 5:1-7 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 5:8-12 {P} 5:13-16 {P} 5:17-30 {P} 6:1-6 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 6:7-11 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 6:12-14 {P} 6:15 {S} 6:16-29
* {P} 7:1-14 {P} 7:15-28 {P} 8:1-27 {P} 9:1-27 {S} 10:1-3 {P} 10:4-21 {P} 11:1-45;12:1-3 {P} 12:4-13
=== Kitab Ezra-NehemiahNehemia ===
TheKodeks Aleppo codexsama lackssekali tidak memuat [[Kitab Ezra]][[Kitab Nehemia|-Nehemiah]] in its entirety. ''Parashot'' listedyang hereterdaftar areadalah basedberdasarkan uponcatatan Kimhi's notes onpada thekodeks codexini.<ref>Ofer, Yellin, pp. 325-328.</ref>
* <u>(Ezra)</u> 1:1-8 {S} 1:9 {S} 1:10-11
* PeopleOrang-orang ofdari theprovinsi provinceyang whokembali returnedke to JerusalemYerusalem: {P} 2:1-2 {S} 2:3 {S} 2:4 {S} 2:5 {S} 2:6 {S} 2:7 {S} 2:8 {S} 2:9 {S} 2:10 {S} 2:11 {S} 2:12 {S} 2:13 {S} 2:14 {S} 2:15 {S} 2:16 {S} 2:17 {S} 2:18 {S} 2:19 {S} 2:20 {S} 2:21 {S} 2:22 {S} 2:23 {S} 2:24 {S} 2:25 {S} 2:26 {S} 2:27 {S} 2:28 {S} 2:29 {S} 2:30 {S} 2:31 {S} 2:32 {S} 2:33 {S} 2:34 {S} 2:35 {S} 2:36 {S} 2:37 {S} 2:38 {S} 2:39 {S} 2:40 {S} 2:41 {S} 2:42 {S} 2:43 {S} 2:44 {S} 2:45 {S} 2:46 {S} 2:47 {S} 2:48 {S} 2:49 {S} 2:50 {S} 2:51 {S} 2:52 {S} 2:53 {S} 2:54 {S} 2:55 {S} 2:56 {S} 2:57 {S} 2:58 {S} 2:59 {P} 2:60 {S} 2:61 {S} 2:62-66 {S} 2:67 {P} 2:68-69 {S} 2:70
* {S} 3:1a {S} 3:1b {S} 3:2-7 {P} 3:8-9a {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 3:9b-13 בני חנדד {P} 4:1-6 {S} 4:7 {P} 4:8-11 {P} 4:12 {S} 4:13 {S} 4:14-16 {P} 4:17 {P} 4:18-22 {S} 4:23 {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 4:24 {P} 5:1 {S} 5:2 {P} 5:3-5 {P} 5:6-7 {S} 5:8-10 {P} 5:11-12 {P} 5:13-15 {P} 5:16-17 {P} 6:1-2 {P} 6:3-4 {S} 6:5 {S} 6:6-12 {P} 6:13-15 {P} 6:16-18 {P} 6:19-22 {P} 7:1-6 {P} 7:7-10 {S} 7:11 {P} 7:12-24 {P} 7:25-26 {P} 7:27-28
* ChiefsKepala-kepala of the clanssuku: {P} 8:1 {S} 8:2a {S} 8:2b {S} 8:2c {S} 8:3a מבני שכניה {S}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 8:3b מבני פרעש {S} 8:4 {S} 8:5 {S} 8:6 {S} 8:7 {S} 8:8 {S} 8:9 {S} 8:10 {S} 8:11 {S} 8:12 {S} 8:13 {S} 8:14
* {S} 8:15-18a {S} 8:18b-19 מבני מחלי {S} 8:20-30 {P} 18:31-34 {P}<ref name="Kimhi not listed"/> 18:35 {P} 18:36 {S} 9:1-9 {S} 9:10-14 {S} 9:15 {P} 10:1 {P} 10:2-3 {P} 10:4 {P} 10:5-8 {P} 10:9 {P} 10:10-11 {S} 10:12-14 {S} 10:15-17
* PriestlyKeluarga familiesimam whoyang weredidapati foundbersama toperempuan have foreign womenasing: {P} 10:18-19 {S} 10:20 {S} 10:21 {S} 10:22 {S} 10:23 {S} 10:24 {S} 10:25 {S} 10:26 {S} 10:27 {S} 10:28 {S} 10:29 {S} 10:30 {S} 10:31 {S} 10:32 {S} 10:33 {S} 10:34 {S} 10:35 {S} 10:36 {S} 10:37 {S} 10:38 {S} 10:39 {S} 10:40 {S} 10:41 {S} 10:42 {S} 10:43-44
* {P} <u>(NehemiahNehemia)</u> 1:1-11 {P} 2:1-9 {P} 2:10-18 {P} 2:19-20
* BuildersTukang-tukang bangunan: {P} 3:1 {S} 3:2 {S} 3:3 {S} 3:4b {S} 3:4c {S} 3:4a {S} 3:5 {S} 3:6 {S} 3:7 {S} 3:8a {S} 3:8b {S} 3:9 {S} 3:10 {S} 3:11 {S} 3:12 {S} 3:13-14 {S} 3:15 {S} 3:16 {S} 3:17a {S} 3:17b {S} 3:18 {S} 3:19 {S} 3:20 {S} 3:21 {S} 3:22-23a {S} 3:23b {S} 3:24-25 {S} 3:26 {S} 3:27-28 {S} 3:29a {S} 3:29b {S} 3:30a {S} 3:30b {S} 3:31-32
* {P} 3:33-35 {P} 3:36-38 {P} 4:1-8 {P} 4:9-17 {P} 5:1-8 {P} 5:9-19 6:1-4 {P} 6:5-7 {P} 6:8-13 {P} 6:14-15 {P} 6:16-19 {P} 7:1-5
* PeopleOrang-orang ofdari theprovinsi provinceyang whokembali returnedke to JerusalemYerusalem: {P} 7:6-7 {S} {S} 7:7 {S} 7:8 {S} 7:9 {S} 7:10 {S} 7:11 {S} 7:12 {S} 7:13 {S} 7:14 {S} 7:15 {S} 7:16 {S} 7:17 {S} 7:18 {S} 7:19 {S} 7:20 {S} 7:21 {S} 7:22 {S} 7:23 {S} 7:24 {S} 7:25 {S} 7:26 {S} 7:27 {S} 7:28 {S} 7:29 {S} 7:30 {S} 7:31 {S} 7:32 {S} 7:33 {S} 7:34 {S} 7:35 {S} 7:36 {S} 7:37 {S} 7:38 ''{P}'' 7:39 {S} 7:40 {S} 7:41 {S} 7:42 {S} 7:43 {S} 7:44 {S} 7:45 ''{P}'' 7:46 {S} 7:47 {S} 7:48 {S} 7:49 {S} 7:50 {S} 7:51 {S} 7:52 {S} 7:53 {S} 7:54 {S} 7:55 {S} 7:56 {S} 7:57 {S} 7:58 {S} 7:59a {S} 7:59b בני פרכת {P} 7:60 ''{P}'' 7:61 {S} 7:62 {S} 7:63-67 {S} 7:68-69 {S} 7:70-72a {S} 7:72b;8:1-4 ויגע החדש השביעי {S} 8:5-8 {P} 8:9-12 {P} 8:13-15 {S} 8:16 {S} 8:17-18 {P} 9:1-3 {P} 9:4-37 {P} 10:1-14 {S} 10:15-34 {S} 10:35-40;11:1-2 {P} 11:3-6 {P} 11:7-9 {P} 11:10-14 {S} 11:15-18 {P} 11:19-21 {P} 11:22-36 {P} 12:1-7 {P} 12:8-22 {P} 12:23-26 {P} 12:27-34 {P} 12:35-47 {P} 13:1-9 {P} 13:10-13 {P} 13:14-18 {P} 13:19-21 {P} 13:22 {P} 13:23-30a {P} 13:30b-31 ואעמידה משמרות.
=== ChroniclesKitab Tawarikh ===
* '''ChronologySilsilah untilsampai DavidDaud (1 ChroniclesTawarikh 1-10):''' 1:1-4 {S} 1:5 {S} 1:6 {S} 1:7 {S} 1:8-9 {S} 1:10 {S} 1:11-12 {S} 1:13-16 {S} 1:17 {S} 1:18-23 {S} 1:24-27 {S} 1:28 {S} 1:29-31 {S} 1:32 {S} 1:33 {S} 1:34 {S} 1:35 {S} 1:36 {S} 1:37 {S} 1:38 {S} 1:39 {S} 1:40 {S} 1:41-42 {P} 1:43-51a {P} 1:51b-54 ויהיו אלופי אדום {P} 2:1-2 {P} 2:3 {S} 2:4 {S} 2:5 {S} 2:6 {S} 2:7 {S} 2:8 {S} 2:9-20 {S} 2:21-22 {S} 2:23-24 {S} 2:25-26 {S} 2:27-32 {S} 2:33-41 {S} 2:42-46 {S} 2:47-49 {S} 2:50-53 {S} 2:54-55 {S} 3:1-4 {S} 3:5-9 {P} 3:10-23 {S} 3:24 {S} 4:1-2 {S} 4:3-10 {S} 4:11-12 {S} 4:13-14 {P} 4:15-18 {S} 4:19-23 {S} 4:24-27 {S} 4:28-33a {S} 4:33b-43 זאת מושבתם {P} 5:1-2 {S} 5:3-10 {S} 5:11-13 {S} 5:14-17 {P} 5:18-22 {P} 5:23-26 {P} 5:27-28 {S} 5:29a {S} 5:29b-41 ובני אהרן {P} 6:1-3 {S} 6:4-13 {S} 6:14-15 {P} 6:16-23 {S} 6:24-28 {S} 6:29-32 {S} 6:33-34 {P} 6:35-38 {S} 6:39-41 {S} 6:42-44 {S} 6:45 {S} 6:46 {P} 6:47 {S} 6:48 {S} 6:49-50 {S} 6:51-55 {P} 6:56-58 {S} 6:59-60 {S} 6:61 {S} 6:62-66 {S} 7:1 {S} 7:2 {S} 7:3-5 {S} 7:6-13 {P} 7:14-19 {P} 7:20-29 {P} 7:30-40 {S} 8:1-32 {S} 8:33-40 {P} 9:1 {S} 9:2-4 {S} 9:5-9 {S} 9:10-11 {S} 9:12-34 {S} 9:35-38 {S} 9:39 -44 {P} 10:1-4a {S} 10:4b-5 ויקח שאול {S} 10:6-7 {S} 10:8-10 {S} 10:11-14
* '''KingRaja DavidDaud (1 ChroniclesTawarikh 11-29):'''
** {P} 11:1-3 {S} 11:4-9 {P} 11:10 {S} 11:11-21 {S} 11:22-25
** David'sPahlawan-pahlawan championsDaud (11:26-47): {S} 11:26a {S} 11:26b אלחנן {S} 11:27a {S} 11:27b חלץ {S} 11:28a {S} 11:28b אביעזר {S} 11:29a {S} 11:29b עילי {S} 11:30a {S} 11:30b חלד {S} 11:31a {S} 11:31b בניה {S} 11:32a {S} 11:32b אביאל {S} 11:33a {S} 11:33b אליחבא {S} 11:34a {S} 11:34b יונתן {S} 11:35a {S} 11:35b אליפל {S} 11:36 {S} 11:37a {S} 11:37b נערי {S} 11:38a {S} 11:38b מבחר {S} 11:39 {S} 11:40a {S} 11:40b גרב {S} 11:41a {S} 11:41b זבד {S} 11:42a {S} 11:42b חנן {S} 11:43 {S} 11:44a {S} 11:44b שמע {S} 11:45 {S} 11:46a {S} 11:46b-47a ויתמה {S} 11:47b ויעשיאל.
** {P} 12:1-5 {S} 12:6-14 {S} 12:15-16 {P} 12:17-18 {S} 12:19 {P} 12:20-23
** David'sPendukung supportersDaud indi Hebron: {P} 12:24 {S} 12:25 {S} 12:26 {S} 12:27 {S} 12:28 {S} 12:29 {S} 12:30 {S} 12:31 {S} 12:32 {S} 12:33 {S} 12:34 {S} 12:35 {S} 12:36 {S} 12:37 {S} 12:38 {S} 12:38-41
** {P} 13:1-14 {S} 14:1-2 {S} 14:3-7 {P} 14:8-12 {P} 14:13-17;15:1-2 {P} 15:3-4 Levites: {S} 15:5 {S} 15:6 {S} 15:7 {S} 15:8 {S} 15:9 {S} 15:10 {P} 15:11 {S} 15:12-15 {P} 15:16 {P} 15:17a {S} 15:17b-25 ומן בני מררי {P} 15:26-29 {P} 16:1-4 {S} 16:5-7
** {P} '''SongNyanyian of AssafAsaf: <!--[[#Song of Assaf|-->{SONG} 16:8-22 {P} 16:23-36 {SONG}<!--]]'''-->
** {P} 16:37-38 {S} 16:39-43 {P} 17:1-2 {S} 17:3-7a {S} 17:7b-15 כה אמר {P} 17:16-27 18:1-8 {P} 18:9-17 {P} 19:1-5 {S} 19:6-7a {S} 19:7b ובני עמון {S} 19:8-12a {S} 19:12b-15 ואם בני עמון {S} 19:16-19 {S} 20:1-3 {S} 20:4-5 {S} 20:6-8 {P} 21:1-7 {S} 21:8 {P} 21:9-12 {S} 21:13-15 {S} 21:16-17 {S} 21:18-26 {S} 21:27-30 {S} 22:1 {P} 22:2-4 {P} 22:5-6 {S} 22:7-17 {S} 22:18-19 {P} 23:1-5 {S} 23:6 {S} 23:7 {S} 23:8 {S} 23:9 {S} 23:10-11 {S} 23:12 {S} 23:13-14 {S} 23:15-17 {S} 23:18-23 {S} 23:24-32 {P} 24:1-5 {S} 24:6
** {P} 24:7a {S} 24:7b לידעיה {S} 24:8a {S} 24:8b לשערים {S} 24:9a {S} 24:9b למימן {S} 24:10a {S} 24:10b לאביה {S} 24:11a {S} 24:11b לשכניהו {S} 24:12a {S} 24:12b ליקים {S} 24:13a {S} 24:13b לישבאב {S} 24:14a {S} 24:14b לאמר {S} 24:15a {S} 24:15b להפצץ {S} 24:16a {S} 24:16b ליחזקאל {S} 24:17a {S} 24:17b לגמול {S} 24:18a {S} 24:18b למעזיהו.
Baris 651 ⟶ 652:
** {P} 28:10 {P} 28:11-19 {P} 28:20-21 {S} 29:1-9 {P} 29:10-19 {P} 29:20-25 {P} 29:26-20
* '''KingRaja SolomonSalomo (2 ChroniclesTawarikh 1-9):''' {P} 1:1-10 {S} 1:11-13 {P} 1:14-18;2:1 {P} 2:2-9 {S} 2:10-15 {P} 2:16-17;3:1-7 {S} 3:8-13 {S} 3:14 {S} 3:15 {S} 3:16-17 {S} 4:1 {S} 4:2-5 {S} 4:6 {S} 4:7 {S} 4:8 {S} 4:9-18 {S} 4:19-22;5:1a {S} 5:1b ויבא שלמה {P} 5:2-10 {P} 5:11-14 {S} 6:1-13 {P} 6:14a ויאמר {P} 6:14b-23 ה' אלהי ישראל {S} 6:24-25 {P} 6:26-27 {S} 6:28-31 {S} 6:32-40 {S} 6:41-42 {P} 7:1-4 {S} 7:5-6 {S} 7:7-11 {P} 7:12-22 {P} 8:1-9 {P} 8:10-11 {P} 8:12-16 {S} 8:17-18 {P} 9:1-12 {P} 9:13-21 {P} 9:22-24 {S} 9:25-31
* '''TheKeturunan Davidic DynastyDaud (2 ChroniclesTawarikh 10-36):''' {P} 10:1-5 {S} 10:6-11 {P} 10:12-16 {S} 10:17-18a {S} 10:18b והמלך רחבעם התאמץ {S} 10:19;11:1 {P} 11:2-4 {P} 11:5-12 {S} 11:13-23;12:1 {P} 12:2-4 {S} 12:5-8 {S} 12:9-12 {S} 12:13-14 {S} 12:15-16 {P} 13:1-3a {S} 13:3b וירבעם {S} 13:4-5 {P} 13:6-9 {S} 13:10-20 {P} 13:21-23 {P} 14:1-6 {P} 14:7a {S} 14:7b-10 ומבנימן {S} 14:11-14 {S} 15:1-2 {S} 15:3-7 {S} 15:8-9 {P} 15:10-19 {P} 16:1-5 {S} 16:6 {S} 16:7-14 {P} 17:1-6 {P} 17:7-11 {P} 17:12-14a {S} 17:14b עדנה השר {S} 17:15 {S} 17:16 {S} 17:17 {S} 17:18 {S} 17:19 {P} 18:1-17 {S} 18:18-22 {S} 18:23-34;19:1 {S} 19:2-11 {P} 20:1-13 {S} 20:14-30 {P} 20:31-37;21:1-3 {P} 21:4-11 {P} 21:12-20;22:1 {P} 22:2-12 {P} 23:1-11 {S} 23:12-13 {S} 23:14-15 {P} 23:16-21;24:1-2 {S} 24:3-14 {P} 24:15-16 {P} 24:17-19 {S} 24:20-22 {P} 24:23-27 {P} 25:1-10 {S} 25:11-13 {P} 25:14-16 {P} 25:17-24 {P} 25:25-28;26:1-2 {P} 26:3-10 {S} 26:11-23 {P} 27:1-9 {P} 28:1-5 {S} 28:6-7 {S} 28:8 {S} 28:9-11 {S} 28:12-13 {S} 28:14-15 {P} 28:16-27 {P} 29:1-11 {P} 29:12a {S} 29:12b-13 ומן הגרשני {S} 29:14a {S} 29:14b-17 ומן בני ידותון {S} 29:18-19 {S} 29:20-26 {P} 29:27-30 {P} 29:31-36 {P} 30:1-9 {S} 30:10-19 {S} 30:20 {S} 30:21 {S} 30:22 {S} 30:23-24a {S} 30:24b-26 והשרים הרימו {S} 30:27 {P} 31:1 {P} 31:2 {S} 31:3-6 {S} 31:7 {S} 31:8 {P} 31:9-10 {S} 31:11-21 {P} 32:1-8 {P} 32:9-19 {S} 32:20 {S} 32:21-23 {P} 32:24-32 {P} 33:1-9 {P} 33:10-20 {P} 33:21-25 {P} 34:1-7 {P} 34:8-11 {S} 34:12-23 {S} 34:24-26a {S} 34:26b-28 כה אמר ה' אלהי ישראל {S} 34:29-33 {S} 35:1-2 {S} 35:3-6 {P} 35:7 {S} 35:8-18 {S} 35:19 {S} 35:20-22 {S} 35:23-24 {S} 35:25-27 {S} 36:1-4 {P} 36:5-8 {P} 36:9-10 {P} 36:11-14 {S} 36:15-17 {S} 36:18-21 {S} 36:22 {S} 36:23
== Nyanyian dengan penataan khusus ==
[[File:Torah2.jpg|thumb|right|Gambar sebuah [[gulungan Taurat]] modern, Torahterbuka scrollpada openhalaman toyang thememuat Song"[[Kidung ofLaut]]" the([[Keluaran Sea15#Kidung (ExodusLaut|Keluaran 15:1-19]]) withjelas specialdengan layoutpenataan visiblekhusus.]]
Selain adanya ''parashot'' "terbuka" dan "tertutup" yang umum, teks masoret juga memuat penataan teks khusus yang jelas terlihat pada nyanyian-nyanyian terkenal di dalam kitab-kitab, maupun untuk daftar-daftar khusus. Setiap "nyanyian" ("''song''") memiliki format tertentu yang khas, meskipun ada kemiripan-kemiripan. Bagian-bagian itu meliputi:
In addition to the common "open" and "closed" ''parashot'', the masoretic scribal layout employs spaces in an elaborate way for prominent songs found within narrative books, as well as for certain lists. Each such "song" is formatted in its own exact way, though there are similarities between them. These sections include:
* Song[[Kidung of the SeaLaut]] (Exodus{{Alkitab|Keluaran 15:1-19}})
* SongNyanyian of MosesMusa (Deuteronomy[[Ulangan 32]])
* CanaaniteRaja-raja KingsKanaan (Joshua{{Alkitab|Yosua 12:9-24}})
* Nyanyian Debora ([[Hakim-hakim 5]])
* Song of Deborah (Judges 5)
* Song ofNyanyian David (II[[2 Samuel 22]])
* SongNyanyian of the SeasonsMusim-musim (Ecclesiastes{{Alkitab|Pengkhotbah 3:2-8}})
* Putra-putra Haman's Sons (Esther{{Alkitab|Ester 9:7-9}})
* David's Champions (I{{Alkitab|1 ChroniclesTawarikh 11:26-47}})
* SongNyanyian of AssafAsaf (I{{Alkitab|1 ChroniclesTawarikh 16:8-36}})
The following sections discuss the layout and formatting of each of these songs in detail.
Baris 676 ⟶ 677:
{{Empty section|date=May 2008}}
=== SongNyanyian of MosesMusa (Deuteronomy) ===
{{Empty section|date=May 2008}}
=== CanaaniteRaja-raja KingsKanaan (Joshua) ===
{{Empty section|date=February 2009}}
Baris 685 ⟶ 686:
{{Empty section|date=February 2009}}
=== Song ofNyanyian David (Samuel) ===
{{Empty section|date=February 2009}}
=== SongNyanyian of the SeasonsMusim-musim (Ecclesiastes) ===
{{Empty section|date=May 2008}}
Baris 694 ⟶ 695:
[[File:Esther-elihu.djvu|thumb|right||100px|Daftar putra-putra Haman pada Gulungan [[Kitab Ester]] standar.|page=9]]
Dalam [[Ester 9|kitab Ester pasal 9]] ({{Alkitab|Ester 9:7-9}}) tertera daftar sepuluh putra Haman's ten sons pada tiga ayat berturutan (tiga nama pada ayat 7, tiga pada ayat 8, dan empat pada ayat 9). Setiap nama diawali dengan kata sandang Ibrani ואת. <!--Format {SONG} format for this list is as follows:
* The last word of verse 9:6 (איש) is purposely planned to be the first word in a new line (at the right margin). This word will begin the first line of text in {SONG} format.
* The first word of 9:7 (the Hebrew particle ואת) is written at the end of the first line in at the left margin. A large gap is thus left between איש and ואת, which forms a closed ''parashah'' division {S}.
Baris 702 ⟶ 703:
The {SONG} format described here originated in the typically narrow columns of the Tiberian masoretic codices, in which a line of text containing only two words at opposite margins with a gap between them appears similar to a standard closed ''parashah''. However, in many later scrolls the columns are much wider, such that lines with single words at opposite margins create a huge gap in the middle. In many scrolls these eleven lines are written in very large letters so that they form one full column of text in the megillah.
=== SongNyanyian of AssafAsaf (ChroniclesKitab Tawarikh) ===
{{Empty section|date=October 2009}}