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Baris 27:
== Pengenalan ==
Ciri utama cucut ronggeng adalah ‘martil’ di kepalanya (disebut "cephalofoil") yang sempit dan panjang menyamping, membedakannya dari jenis-jenis cucut martil yang lain. Lebar cephalofoil ini mencapai 40-50% panjang tubuh cucut, dari atas terlihat seperti bentuk sayap atau mata panah, dengan tonjolan kecil di depan hidungnya. Tak sebagaimana cucut martil yang lainnya (marga ''Sphyrna''), hidung cucut ronggeng ini terletak agak ke tengah pada cephalofoil<!--, and have enormous lateral extensions that reach almost to the eyes-->.
Cucut yang tak seberapa besar; panjang tubuhnya tidak melebihi 1,86 m<ref name="fishbase">{{FishBase species| genus = Eusphyra | species = blochii | month = May | year = 2006}}</ref>. Tubuh berwarna kelabu atau abu-abu kecoklatan di sisi atas, dan lebih pucat di bagian perutnya<ref name="compagno">Compagno, Leonard J. V. (1984) ''Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date''. [[Rome]]: [[Food and Agricultural Organization]]. ISBN 92-5-101384-5.</ref>.
Baris 38:
The cephalofoil of the winghead shark is so large as to be almost unwieldy, while the placement of the nostrils and the [[ampullae of Lorenzini]] are wider than in non-hammerhead sharks (albeit more medial than in other hammerhead sharks). Along with its basal position in hammerhead phylogeny, this lends support to the idea that this structure originally evolved for a sensory, rather than hydrodynamic, function.<ref name="martin"/> The winghead shark feeds mainly on small [[teleost]] fishes, but also takes [[crustacean]]s and [[cephalopod]]s.<ref name="fishbase"/>
Like other hammerhead sharks, the winghead shark is [[viviparous]] with the [[embryo]]s nourished by a [[yolk sac]] [[placenta]]. Off [[Bombay]], the young are birthed just before the [[monsoon]] season in April and May and mating takes place during the monsoon from June to August, suggesting a [[gestation period]] of eight months.<ref name="compagno"/> Off [[Australia]], the females give birth in February and March, after a gestation period of 10–11 months.<ref name="stevens and lyle">{{cite journal |author=Stevens, J.D. and Lyle, J.M. |title=Biology of three hammerhead sharks (''Eusphyra blochii'', ''Sphyrna mokarran'' and ''S. lewini'') from Northern Australia |journal=Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research |volume=40 |issue=2 |pages=129–146 |year=1989 |accessdate=2008-10-19 |doi=10.1071/MF9890129}}</ref> Litters number 6 to 25 pups,<ref name="fishbase"/> with the young measuring 32–45&nbsp;cm at birth.<ref name="compagno"/> Females reproduce every year.<ref name="stevens and lyle"/> Maturation occurs at around 110&nbsp;cm.<ref name="iucn"/>
==Taxonomy and phylogeny==
Baris 76:
Dagingnya biasa dikonsumsi orang, hatinya merupakan sumber minyak vitamin tinggi-potensi<!--, and the [[offal]] is probably used for [[fishmeal]]--><ref name="compagno"/>. Sejauh ini belum ada data ilmiah yang memadai mengenai status populasinya di alam, meskipun beberapa laporan dan survei pasar memberikan indikasi adanya penurunan populasi di kebanyakan tempat, kecuali Australia<ref name="iucn"/>.
== Catatan kaki ==
Baris 83 ⟶ 82:
[[Kategori:Ikan Indonesia]]
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