Terorisme negara: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Arkwatem (bicara | kontrib)
Arkwatem (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 26:
== Tindakan-tindakan yang dianggap terorisme negara==
"[[Perang Kotor]]" di [[Argentina]] pada tahun [[1970-an]] adalah contoh klasik tentang penggunaan taktik-taktik teror oleh negara terhadap rakyatnya sendiri. Pada [[1976]], [[militer Argentina]] menggulingkan pemerintahan [[Isabel Peron]] dan melakukan kampanye terhadap semua orang yang dicap [[subversif]], yang dianggap membentuk basis sosial untuk [[pemberontakan]] kiri dengan kekerasan. <!--Estimates of the number of people "[[disappeared]]" and presumed dead range from 6,000 to over 30,000. A [[1984]] official report following the return to democracy put the total at near 11,000. The [[junta]] used tactics inspired by the French experience fighting in [[Algeria]], receiving some training from French ex-military. The [[Secretaría de Inteligencia|SIDE]] (''Secretaría de Inteligencia de Estado'') and infamous [[Servicio de Inteligencia del Ejército (Argentina)|Batallón 601]] were involved in many human-rights violations, participating in [[operation Condor]] as well as in training of the Nicaraguan [[Contras]] during the [[1980s]]. Some allege that the [[U.S. Government]] was involved by through training programs at the former [[School of the Americas]]{{ref|americas}}, although relations between the two countries were cool during the period due to the [[Carter administration]]'s criticisms of the regime's [[human rights]] record. However, [[John Negroponte]], U.S. ambassador to [[Honduras]] at the time, is known to have had collaborated with the Argentinian army to train the Contras.
Pembunuhan atas anggota-anggota [[Partai Komunis Indonesia]] (PKI), yang termasuk salah satu partai berkuasa, dari [[1965]] - [[1969]] diduga telah menghilangkan nyawa satu juta orang dan digambarkan sebagai "pogrom anti-komunis". Jumlah korban yang resmi sekurang-kurangnya adalah 500.000 orang.
Pemerintah [[Indonesia]] juga dituduh telah melakukan terorisme negara untuk mengendalikan dan menindas beberapa kelompok [[separatis]], yaitu [[Nanggröe Aceh Darussalam|Aceh]] ([[Sumatra]]), [[Timor Timur]] dan [[Papua]] (Irian Jaya).
Selain itu pada [[1998]] sejumlah 24 aktivis diculik dan hilang (sebagian telah kembali), antara lain [[Pius Lustrilanang]], [[Widji Thukul]], [[Desmon J. Mahesa]], [[Haryanto Taslam]], dll. yang kesemuanya diduga dilakukan sebagai bagian dari terorisme negara untuk menindas perlawanan rakyat terhadap rezim yang berkuasa saat itu. <!--
[[Irak]] pada masa pemerintahan [[Saddam Hussein]] ([[1979]] - [[2003]]), dianggap terlibat banyak serangan [[senjata kimia]] terhadap penduduknya sendiri, untuk menggagalkan aksi-aksi yang mengarah kepada [[revolusi]], dan menenangkan kelompok-kelompok [[etnik|etnis]]. Irak juga melakukan serangan gas kimia terhadap [[Iran]] selama [[Perang Iran-Irak]]. Kejadian yang paling dikenal adalah [[Serangan gas racun Halabja]] pada [[Maret 1988|Maret]] [[1988]] yang menewaskan 5,000 orang.
[[Israel]] terlibat dalam operasi militer dan taktik-taktik yang kontroversial. Menurut mantan [[Menteri Pendidikan Israel]] Shulamit Aloni, "teror yang digunakan Israel di wilayah [[Palestina]] lebih buruk dari terorisme Palestina]]." <ref>[http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3119885,00.html Israeli terror is worse] by Roee Nahmias for [[The Arab-Israeli]] [[29 July]] [[2005]].</ref> [[Perdana Menteri Turki|Perdana Menteri]] [[Turki]] [[Recep Tayyip Erdoğan]] dan pendiri [[CNN]] [[Ted Turner]] juga menunjuk tindakan-tindakan Israel sebagai terorisme negara.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3772609.stm Turkey slams 'Israeli terrorism'] [[BBC]] [[3 June]], [[2004]]</ref><ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,739466,00.html CNN chief accuses Israel of terror] by Oliver Burkeman in New York and Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem [[June 18]], [[2002]] for [[The Guardian]]</ref> Contoh tindakan-tindakan Israel yang dikritik melanggar [[hak asasi manusia]] antara lain, serangan-serangan ke teritori Palestina, pelecehan dan penggunaan rakyat sipil Palestina sebagai [[tameng manusia]], operasi-operasi [[pembunuhan]] yang dilakukan Israel dan [[Mossad]], serta operasi pembunuhan tokoh Arab yang menimbulkan korban sipil besar. Misalnya, upaya pembunuhan [[Yasser Arafat]] pada 1982 menewaskan 200 orang di [[Beirut]], dan upaya lain menewaskan 73 orang di [[Tunis]]. <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4007159.stm Arafat: End of a charmed life] BBC [[12 November]], [[2004]]</ref>.
Selama [[Perang Dunia II]], [[Satuan 516]] dari Tentara [[Kekaisaran Jepang]] menggunakan [[senjata biologis]] terhadap rakyat sipil [[Cina]] dan [[Manchuria]]. Hal ini menewaskan ribuan warga sipil.
{{mainsee also|Holocaust}}
Selama masa [[Republik Weimar]] di [[1920an]] dan awal [[1930an]], organisasi [[paramiliter]] [[Partai Nazi]] ''[[Sturmabteilung]]'' (SA) meneror lawan-lawan politiknya. Pada masa kekuasaan [[Adolf Hitler]] ([[1933]]-1945]]), ''[[Schutzstaffel]]'' (SS) merupakan organisasi utama dalam menciptakan keadaan teror. SS dan ''[[Gestapo]]'' bertanggung jawab terhadap kezaliman terhadap berbagai [[ras]], termasuk [[bangsa Yahudi]]. SS juga melakukan kekejaman di [[kamp konsentrasi|kamp-kamp konsentrasi]], kejahatan dalam [[pendudukan]], program [[perbudakan]] serta pembunuhan terhadap [[tawanan perang]].
Belum diterjemahkan
(lanjutan argentina):Estimates of the number of people "[[disappeared]]" and presumed dead range from 6,000 to over 30,000. A [[1984]] official report following the return to democracy put the total at near 11,000. The [[junta]] used tactics inspired by the French experience fighting in [[Algeria]], receiving some training from French ex-military. The [[Secretaría de Inteligencia|SIDE]] (''Secretaría de Inteligencia de Estado'') and infamous [[Servicio de Inteligencia del Ejército (Argentina)|Batallón 601]] were involved in many human-rights violations, participating in [[operation Condor]] as well as in training of the Nicaraguan [[Contras]] during the [[1980s]]. Some allege that the [[U.S. Government]] was involved by through training programs at the former [[School of the Americas]]{{ref|americas}}, although relations between the two countries were cool during the period due to the [[Carter administration]]'s criticisms of the regime's [[human rights]] record. However, [[John Negroponte]], U.S. ambassador to [[Honduras]] at the time, is known to have had collaborated with the Argentinian army to train the Contras.
Tactics included [[Death squads]], [[Forced disappearance]], [[Torture]], [[Child stealing]], and [[Ideological persecution]].
Baris 64 ⟶ 89:
Numerous actions of the French government and military forces during the [[Algerian War of Independence]] in the late 1950s, when Algeria fought France, of which it was then a dependency, for independence, have been alleged as human rights violations. The Algerian war is considered by many to be a significant "black eye" in French history. Some hold that the [[Indochina War]] (1949-1954) has similar implications.
In the [[Weimar Republic]] of the [[1920s]] and early [[1930s]], the [[Nazi Party]]'s paramilitary organisation ([[Sturmabteilung]], or SA for short) terrorized political opponents and minorities. Although the SA committed their crimes in the open, they were only forbidden for short periods of time in [[1924]] and [[1932]]. In 1932, power shifted from SA to the other [[Nazi]] paramilitary organisation, the [[SS]]. During [[Adolf Hitler]]'s rule of Germany ([[1933]]-[[1945]]) the SS played a key role in building a system of state terror. It controlled the [[Gestapo]], and was responsible for the persecution of the [[Jew]]s and other races, brutalities and killings in [[concentration camp]]s, excesses in the administration of occupied territories, the administration of the [[slave labor]] program and the maltreatment and murder of [[prisoners of war]].
During the [[1950s]] in [[East Germany]], labor revolts and [[labor strike]]s were often put down with what most would consider hugely disproportionate force, the goal likely being to terrorize workers into conforming behavior. Also, East Germany provided assistance to the [[Red Army Faction]], a [[West Germany|West German]] militant organization.
Baris 75 ⟶ 94:
The actions by [[Indian military]] against many [[secession]]ist movements are labeled as state terrorism by certain [[human rights]] organizations and victims of the actions. These actions include [[extrajudicial]] [[Execution (legal)|execution]]s and the alleged killing of innocent civilians. Examples are the military operations in [[Kashmir]], [[Punjab, India|Punjab]] and [[Assam]]. [http://www.revolutionarydemocracy.org/rdv10n2/manipur.htm]
On [[December 21]], [[2005]], a video surfaced showing police officers, male and female, [http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051221/od_nm/india_dating_dc;_ylt=AqgbapKagdrPoNb8_8sowoQZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy beating and dragging men and women] in [[Meerut]] city in the province of [[Uttar Pradesh]]. The brutality is part of [[Operation Romeo]], which specifically targets citizens suspected of dating. The police who were shown in the video claim they were "preventing sexual harassment of women." Students in Meerut have taken to the streets in protest, chanting "Down with police dictatorship" and burning effigies of police officers. Two police officers have been suspended. Police often force daters to bribe them or face incarceration. -->
Pembunuhan atas anggota-anggota [[Partai Komunis Indonesia]] (PKI), yang termasuk salah satu partai berkuasa, dari [[1965]] - [[1969]] diduga telah menghilangkan nyawa satu juta orang dan digambarkan sebagai "pogrom anti-komunis". Jumlah korban yang resmi sekurang-kurangnya adalah 500.000 orang.
Pemerintah [[Indonesia]] juga dituduh telah melakukan terorisme negara untuk mengendalikan dan menindas beberapa kelompok [[separatis]], yaitu [[Nanggröe Aceh Darussalam|Aceh]] ([[Sumatra]]), [[Timor Timur]] dan [[Papua]] (Irian Jaya).
Selain itu pada [[1998]] sejumlah 24 aktivis diculik dan hilang (sebagian telah kembali), antara lain [[Pius Lustrilanang]], [[Widji Thukul]], [[Desmon J. Mahesa]], [[Haryanto Taslam]], dll. yang kesemuanya diduga dilakukan sebagai bagian dari terorisme negara untuk menindas perlawanan rakyat terhadap rezim yang berkuasa saat itu. <!--
[[Iran]] under the Shah (1953-79) was a notorious employer of state terrorism, most notably through its covert intelligence agency [[SAVAK]], founded in 1957 with the aid of the [[CIA]], which arbitrarily detained and tortured suspected dissidents as a matter of course with the aim of squelching opposition to the Shah's autocratic rule.
After the toppling of the Shah in 1979, revolutionary Iran sponsored several terrorist organizations through aid and training. Iran continues to fund organizations such as [[Hamas]], [[Islamic Jihad]], and [[PFLP-GC]]; as well as providing "financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid" to [[Hizbullah]] and the [[Kurdistan Workers Party]]{{ref|pgtrpt_2002}}. -->
[[Irak]] pada masa pemerintahan [[Saddam Hussein]] ([[1979]] - [[2003]]), dianggap terlibat banyak serangan [[senjata kimia]] terhadap penduduknya sendiri, untuk menggagalkan aksi-aksi yang mengarah kepada [[revolusi]], dan menenangkan kelompok-kelompok [[etnik|etnis]]. Irak juga melakukan serangan gas kimia terhadap [[Iran]] selama [[Perang Iran-Irak]]. Kejadian yang paling dikenal adalah [[Serangan gas racun Halabja]] pada [[Maret 1988|Maret]] [[1988]] yang menewaskan 5,000 orang.
[[Israel]] terlibat dalam operasi militer dan taktik-taktik yang kontroversial. Menurut mantan [[Menteri Pendidikan Israel]] Shulamit Aloni, "teror yang digunakan Israel di wilayah [[Palestina]] lebih buruk dari terorisme Palestina]]." <ref>[http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3119885,00.html Israeli terror is worse] by Roee Nahmias for [[The Arab-Israeli]] [[29 July]] [[2005]].</ref> [[Perdana Menteri Turki|Perdana Menteri]] [[Turki]] [[Recep Tayyip Erdoğan]] dan pendiri [[CNN]] [[Ted Turner]] juga menunjuk tindakan-tindakan Israel sebagai terorisme negara.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3772609.stm Turkey slams 'Israeli terrorism'] [[BBC]] [[3 June]], [[2004]]</ref><ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,739466,00.html CNN chief accuses Israel of terror] by Oliver Burkeman in New York and Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem [[June 18]], [[2002]] for [[The Guardian]]</ref> Contoh tindakan-tindakan Israel yang dikritik melanggar [[hak asasi manusia]] antara lain, serangan-serangan ke teritori Palestina, pelecehan dan penggunaan rakyat sipil Palestina sebagai [[tameng manusia]], operasi-operasi [[pembunuhan]] yang dilakukan Israel dan [[Mossad]], serta operasi pembunuhan tokoh Arab yang menimbulkan korban sipil besar. Misalnya, upaya pembunuhan [[Yasser Arafat]] pada 1982 menewaskan 200 orang di [[Beirut]], dan upaya lain menewaskan 73 orang di [[Tunis]]. <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4007159.stm Arafat: End of a charmed life] BBC [[12 November]], [[2004]]</ref>.
{{main|strategy of tension|Gladio}}
The relationship between the [[Italy|Italian]] state security forces and neo-fascist paramilitary groups could be regarded as crossing over into state terrorism. The [[strategy of tension]] begun in the late 1960s to counter the perceived threat of communist groups involved collusion and provocation culminating in the [[1980]] [[Bologna massacre|bombing of Bologna railway station]]. The 85 deaths were immediately blamed by the government on [[Red Brigades|left-wing terrorists]] but the bombing appears to have been the work of neo-fascists. The exact level of collusion remains unknown but in 1995, two [[SISMI|intelligence agents]] were among people sentenced for investigation diversion.
Selama [[Perang Dunia II]], [[Satuan 516]] dari Tentara [[Kekaisaran Jepang]] menggunakan [[senjata biologis]] terhadap rakyat sipil [[Cina]] dan [[Manchuria]]. Hal ini menewaskan ribuan warga sipil.
It is claimed that during the [[1970s]] [[Mexico|Mexican]] security authorities employed [[torture]] and [[assassination]] against guerrilla members, student protesters and their sympathizers. Since the mid to late [[1990s]] illegal [[paramilitary]] groups have clashed with the [[Zapatista Army of National Liberation|EZLN]] in the [[Chiapas]] region, and acted against their supporters, leading to several massacres and forced displacements of civilians. Critics claim that some of these violent actions occurred with local military and police tolerance or cooperation. {{ref|Mexico}}