Inflasi: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 37:
Bank sentral umumnya mengandalkan jumlah [[uang]] beredar dan/atau tingkat [[suku bunga]] sebagai instrumen dalam mengendalikan harga. Selain itu, bank sentral juga berkewajiban mengendalikan tingkat nilai tukar mata uang domestik. Hal ini disebabkan karena nilai sebuah mata uang dapat bersifat internal (dicerminkan oleh tingkat inflasi) maupun eksternal ([[kurs]]). Saat ini pola ''[[inflation targeting]]'' banyak diterapkan oleh bank sentral di seluruh dunia, termasuk oleh [[Bank Indonesia]].
== Lihat juga ==
* [[Aturan 72]] (sebuah aturan "ibu jari" untuk menghitung periode untuk inflasi menyetengahkan harga pembelian dari jumlah tetap)
* [[Bank sentral]]
* [[Deflasi]]
* [[Devaluasi]]
* [[Ekonomi]]
* [[Ekonomi makro]]
* [[Inflasi dan perekonomian Indonesia]]
* [[Hiperinflasi]]
* [[Monetarisme]]
* [[Revolusi harga]]
* [[Uang]]
== Pranala luar ==
*[ Arguments for and against inflation and inflation targeting]
*[ The Inflation Calculator]
*[ Another Inflation Calculator by the Bureau of Labor Statistics]
*[ Project Gutenberg Edition of Fiat Money Inflation in France: How ... - November 2004]
*[ The mechanics of inflation] ''The great government swindle and how it works'' is one of a series of documents about economics and money at
*[ Basics of Inflation]
== Referensi ==
# Barro, Robert J. Macroeconomics
# Brown, A. World Inflation Since 1950
# Case, Karl E. and Fair, Ray C. Principles of Macroeconomics
# [ Bureau of Labor Statistics]
# Kieler, Mads The ECB's Inflation Objective
# George Reisman, [ ''Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics''] (Ottawa : Jameson Books, 1990), 503-506 & Chapter 19 ISBN 0915463733
# [[Murray N. Rothbard]], ''[ What has government done to our money?]'' ISBN 0945466102. Good introduction to [[Austrian school]]'s view on money, inflation etc.
[[Category:Konsep finansial dasar]]
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