{{Navbox with collapsible groups
| name = Statistika | state = uncollapsed | bodyclass = hlist
| title = Statistika | image = | selected =
| above =
| abbr1 = descriptive | section1 = Statistika Deskriptif | list1 = {{Navbox |child | groupwidth = 12.5em
| group1 = Continuous data | list1 = {{Navbox |child | groupstyle = font-weight:normal; | group1 = Pusat | list1 =
| group2 = Sebaran | list2 =
- Varian
- Standar deviasi
- [[Koefisien variasi]
- Persentil
- Jangkauan
- Jangkauan Interkuartil
| group3 = Shape | list3 =
| group2 = Count data | list2 =
| group3 = Summary tables | list3 =
| group4 = Dependence | list4 =
| group5 = Graphics | list5 =
- Bar chart
- Biplot
- Box plot
- Control chart
- Correlogram
- Fan chart
- Forest plot
- Histogram
- Pie chart
- Q–Q plot
- Run chart
- Scatter plot
- Stem-and-leaf display
- Radar chart
| abbr2 = collection | group2 = Pengumpulan Data | list2 =
Study design | |
Survey methodology | |
Controlled experiments | |
Uncontrolled studies |
| abbr3 = inference | section3 = Statistika inferensia | list3 =
Statistical theory | |||||||||
Frequentist inference |
| ||||||||
Specific tests |
| ||||||||
Bayesian inference |
Correlation | |
Regression analysis | |
Linear regression | |
Non-standard predictors | |
Generalized linear model | |
Partition of variance |
| abbr5 = analysis | section5 = Categorical / Multivariate / Time-series / Survival analysis | list5 =
Categorical | |||||||||
Multivariate | |||||||||
Time-series |
| ||||||||
Survival |
| abbr6 = applications | section6 = Applications | list6 =
Biostatistics | |
Engineering statistics | |
Social statistics | |
Spatial statistics |