Chevrolet S-10
Artikel ini membutuhkan rujukan tambahan agar kualitasnya dapat dipastikan. (May 2010) |
Chevrolet S-10 adalah truk pikap kompak yang diproduksi oleh Chevrolet. Itu adalah pickup kompak pertama yang dibuat di dalam negeri dari tiga besar pembuat mobil Amerika. Ketika pertama kali diperkenalkan sebagai "pickup seperempat ton" pada tahun 1981 untuk model tahun 1982, versi GMC dikenal sebagai S-15 dan kemudian berganti nama menjadi GMC Sonoma. Sebuah versi performa tinggi dirilis pada tahun 1991 dan diberi nama GMC Syclone. Pickup ini juga dijual oleh Isuzu sebagai Hombre dari tahun 1996 hingga 2000, tetapi hanya di Amerika Utara. Ada juga versi SUV, Chevrolet S-10 Blazer/GMC S-15 Jimmy. Sebuah versi elektrik disewakan sebagai kendaraan armada pada tahun 1997 dan 1998. Bersama-sama, pickup ini sering disebut sebagai S-series.
Chevrolet S-10 GMC S-15/Sonoma | |
Informasi | |
Produsen | General Motors |
Masa produksi | 1981–2004 (Amerika Serikat) 1995–2012 (2nd gen Amerika Serikat S-10) 2012-sekarang (2nd gen Colorado as S-10) (Brasil) |
Bodi & rangka | |
Kelas | Pick up kompak |
Tata letak | mesin depan, Penggerak roda belakang / Penggerak 4 roda |
Kronologi | |
Pendahulu | Chevrolet LUV |
Penerus | Chevrolet Colorado / GMC Canyon |
Di Amerika Utara, S-series digantikan oleh Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, dan Isuzu i-Series pada tahun 2004.
S-Series berakhir produksi di Brasil pada tahun 2012, digantikan oleh Chevrolet Colorado, tetapi masih dengan nama S-10.
First generation (1982)
First generation | |
Informasi | |
Juga disebut |
Masa produksi | 1981–1993 |
Model untuk tahun | 1982–1993 |
Perakitan |
Bodi & rangka | |
Platform | GMT325 |
Mobil terkait | |
Penyalur daya | |
Mesin | |
Transmisi |
Dimensi | |
Jarak sumbu roda |
Truk kompak pertama dari pembuat mobil Tiga Besar adalah Isuzu KB rebadged yang dijual sejak 1972 sebagai Chevrolet LUV, dan Ford dengan cepat merespons dengan Ford Courier buatan Mazda pada tahun yang sama. Namun, embargo minyak Arab 1973 memaksa GM untuk mempertimbangkan merancang truk pickup kompak yang diproduksi di dalam negeri.[butuh rujukan] Seperti biasa, suku cadang dari lini sasis GM lainnya (terutama dari GM G-body intermediate) digabungkan. Lebar lintasan mirip dengan GM H-body subkompak sebelumnya (Vega/Monza). Pickup S-series pertama diperkenalkan pada tahun 1981 untuk model tahun 1982. Mesin dasar (diproduksi di Jepang dan diimpor) adalah Isuzu empat silinder 1,9 L (RPO LR1) yang digunakan bersama dengan LUV dan Isuzu P'up, dengan 2,8 L V6 sebagai sebuah pilihan. Model Chevrolet dan GMC identik terlepas dari gril, bak truk dan berbagai macam lencana. Untuk tahun 1983, kabin yang diperluas, yang disebut "Maxi-Cab" pada model Chevrolet dan "Club Coupe" pada GMC, dan penggerak empat roda "Insta-Trac" ditambahkan, bersama dengan dua mesin baru: mesin empat silinder 2.0 L (RPO LQ2) dari mobil J-platform bersama dengan mesin diesel empat silinder Isuzu 2.2 L (RPO LQ7).
Utilitas olahraga S-10 Blazer dan S-15 Jimmy memulai debutnya pada tahun 1983; GM adalah yang pertama memperkenalkan utilitas sport kompak, diikuti oleh Ford dan kemudian Jeep pada tahun berikutnya. Mengikuti popularitas Jeep Cherokee, varian SUV 4 pintu diperkenalkan pada bulan Maret 1990 sebagai model pada tahun 1991 bersama dengan rekayasa lencana Oldsmobile Bravada. Suspensi tugas berat dan off-road baru muncul pada tahun 1984 bersama dengan kopling hidrolik, sedangkan berita besar untuk tahun 1985 adalah penghentian 2.0 L OHV Cavalier 2.0 L OHV I4 mendukung Pontiac 2.5 L "Iron Duke" OHV I4 Pontiac. Mesin diesel 2,2 L turunan OHV dan mesin gas SOHC 1,9 L, keduanya dari Isuzu, hilang tahun berikutnya, hanya menyisakan Iron Duke dan diperbarui 2,8 L V6. Sebuah 4.3 L V6 yang sangat disambut baik ditambahkan untuk tahun 1988, dan rem anti-lock datang tahun berikutnya.
GMC S-15 menjadi GMC Sonoma pada tahun 1991, dan paket trim Sierra dijatuhkan untuk menghindari kebingungan dengan pickup GMC Sierra ukuran penuh yang baru. GMC Syclone juga muncul tahun itu. Sonoma GT membungkuk pada tahun 1992. Ditambah dengan mesin 4.3 L V6 Vortec W-code. Tahun terakhir generasi ini adalah 1993..
The GMC S-15 became the GMC Sonoma in 1991, and the Sierra trim packages were dropped to avoid confusion with the new GMC Sierra full-size pickup. The GMC Syclone also appeared that year. The Sonoma GT bowed in 1992. Added to this was the 4.3 L V6 Vortec W-code engine. This generation's last year was 1993.
Paket penampilan
S-10 Baja adalah paket tampilan opsional yang dipasang pada penggerak empat roda S-10 (regular-cab dengan short-box, regular-cab dengan long box dan extended-cab dengan short box) dari tahun 1989 hingga 1991. Baja tersedia dalam tiga warna: Midnight Black, Apple Red dan Frost White. Opsi Baja juga termasuk roll bar dengan lampu off-road, pelindung grille tubular depan dengan lampu kabut, bumper belakang tubular, paket pelindung bagian bawah bodi mobil (pelindung kotak transfer, pelindung diferensial depan, pelindung tangki bahan bakar, pelindung sambungan pan/kemudi oli) , paket suspensi, spanduk kaca depan Chevrolet, stiker Baja di sisi kotak, dan striping bodi selebar satu inci. Opsi Baja dengan biaya tambahan termasuk gerbang akhir jaring kargo, roda aluminium "Outlaw", dan pembawa ban cadangan yang dipasang di kotak khusus dengan roda aluminium. 1991 S-10 Bajas datang dengan "BAJA" bordir khusus kursi ember merah dan abu-abu dan trim panel pintu merah yang unik.
Cameo S-10 dan Cameo EL adalah paket penampilan yang tersedia untuk penggerak dua roda S-10 antara tahun 1989 dan 1991. Ketika pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1989, Cameo memiliki tiga pilihan warna; Apple Red, Frost White atau Midnight Black. Pada tahun 1991, skema cat dua warna tersedia, serta fitur eksterior tambahan seperti bumper depan sampul dengan lampu kabut, cetakan efek tanah tubuh bagian bawah dan flare roda, kelambu bak truk yang pas, roll pan belakang (undang-undang negara bagian mengizinkan), dan tulisan "Cameo" di pintu dan bak truk. Paket penampilan lainnya termasuk S-10 Back Country, pendahulu Baja, edisi S-10 Top Gun, GMC Sonoma SST, GMC S-15 Gypsy Magic dan GMC Jimmy Magic.
Sonoma GT
Memulai debutnya pada tahun 1992, GMC Sonoma GT adalah paket kinerja yang tersedia di Sonoma dengan penggerak dua roda biasa dan ditawarkan sebagai versi alternatif dengan harga lebih rendah dari pendahulunya, Syclone 1991. Sonoma GT didukung oleh Vortec non turbocharged 4.3L L35 V6 yang disempurnakan. Ini menampilkan injeksi bahan bakar multi-port pusat dan diproduksi195 hp (145 kW) and 260 lb⋅ft (353 N⋅m) of torque.[1] Itu dilengkapi dengan transmisi otomatis 4L60 dan limited-slip differential dengan persneling 3.42:1. Karena Sonoma GT tidak dibangun sebagai setan kecepatan yang berorientasi pada trek seperti Syclone, ia masih mempertahankan kapasitas muatan dan peringkat penariknya yang berarti bahwa pemiliknya masih dapat menggunakannya seperti truk pikap jika diinginkan. Dimodifikasi oleh Production Automotive Services dari Troy, Michigan, Sonoma GT menampilkan kit cladding unik "terinspirasi Syclone". Meskipun berbagi bumper depan dan belakang yang sama dengan Syclone (dan 92-93 GMC Typhoon masa depan), paket aero tidak memiliki tampilan agresif seperti Syclone tetapi masih menampilkan bumper, rok pintu bawah, dan sudut tempat tidur belakang. untuk melengkapi paket cladding. GMC juga memutuskan untuk menindaklanjuti dengan tema Syclone ke interior yang menampilkan sisipan pintu pipa hitam dan merah yang sama dan kursi ember - tanpa logo sandaran kepala (Syclone menampilkan logo sandaran kepala bersulam), bersama dengan konsol tengah dan shifter yang sama seperti yang terlihat di Siklon. Cluster pengukur juga memiliki pengaturan yang sama, namun karena pembangkit listrik Sonoma GT non-turbocharged, pengukur dorongan tidak termasuk dalam cluster RPM. Produksi Sonoma GT hanya berlangsung selama tahun 1992.
Dimodifikasi oleh Production Automotive Services dari Troy, Michigan, Sonoma GT menampilkan kit cladding unik "terinspirasi Syclone". Meskipun berbagi bumper depan dan belakang yang sama dengan Syclone (dan 92-93 GMC Typhoon masa depan), paket aero tidak memiliki tampilan agresif seperti Syclone tetapi masih menampilkan bumper, rok pintu bawah, dan sudut tempat tidur belakang. untuk melengkapi paket cladding. GMC juga memutuskan untuk menindaklanjuti dengan tema Syclone ke interior yang menampilkan sisipan pintu pipa hitam dan merah yang sama dan kursi ember - tanpa logo sandaran kepala (Syclone menampilkan logo sandaran kepala bersulam), bersama dengan konsol tengah dan shifter yang sama seperti yang terlihat di Siklon. Cluster pengukur juga memiliki pengaturan yang sama, namun karena pembangkit listrik Sonoma GT non-turbocharged, pengukur dorongan tidak termasuk dalam cluster RPM. Produksi Sonoma GT hanya berlangsung selama tahun 1992.
Hanya 806 Sonoma GT yang pernah diproduksi, dalam berbagai warna seperti monocromatic standard black, apple red, white, aspen blue, teal, dan forest green.
Daftar warna Sonoma GT;
- 1991 Black w/ Black (1 Total)
- Black w/ Black (406 Total)
- Black w/ Gray (30 Total)
- Frost White w/ Gray (107 Total)
- Apple Red w/ Gray (179 Total)
- Bright Teal w/ Gray (54 Total)
- Forest Green Metallic w/ Gray (15 Total)
- Aspen Blue w/ Gray (15 Total)
1993 Sonoma
Beberapa Sonoma tahun 1992 dan 1993 datang dengan mesin kode-W L35 yang dilengkapi pabrik. Untuk tahun 1993 tidak ada pelabelan khusus atau tag edisi terbatas yang diketahui digunakan dengan mesin kode-W. Total produksi untuk kendaraan ini tidak diketahui.
1991 Syclone
Syclone adalah paket kinerja tinggi untuk model tahun 1991. Itu datang dengan penggerak semua roda, rem anti-lock 4 roda, V6 LB4 4,3 liter dengan piston kompresi lebih rendah, turbocharger, dan sistem intercooler air , Mereka menghasilkan ~280 hp. Produksi dibatasi hanya 2.998 unit.[2]
1982–1990 Chevrolet S-10 single cab
1982–1990 GMC S-15 single cab
1st generation GMC S-15/Sonoma, rear view
1990 Chevrolet S-10 Cameo in Apple Red
Years | Engine | Power | Torque |
1982–1985[4][5][6][7] | 1.9 L LR1 Isuzu I4, 2-barrel | 82 hp (61 kW; 83 PS) at 4600 rpm | 101 lb⋅ft (137 N⋅m) at 3000 rpm |
1983–1984[5][6] | 2.0 L LQ2 GM 122 I4, 2-barrel | 83 hp (62 kW; 84 PS) at 4600 rpm | 108 lb⋅ft (146 N⋅m) at 2400 rpm |
1984–1985[6][7] | 2.2 L LQ7 Isuzu Diesel I4 | 62 hp (46 kW; 63 PS) at 4300 rpm | 96 lb⋅ft (130 N⋅m) at 2200 rpm |
1985–1986[7][8] | 2.5 L LN8 Iron Duke I4, TBI | 92 hp (69 kW; 93 PS) at 4400 rpm | 134 lb⋅ft (182 N⋅m) at 2800 rpm |
1987-1989[9][10][11] | 92 hp (69 kW; 93 PS) at 4400 rpm | 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) at 3200 rpm | |
1990[12] | 94 hp (70 kW; 95 PS) at 4400 rpm | 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) at 3200 rpm | |
1991-1993[13][14][15] | 2.5 L L38 Iron Duke I4, TBI | 105 hp (78 kW; 106 PS) at 4800 rpm | 135 lb⋅ft (183 N⋅m) at 3200 rpm |
1982[4] | 2.8 L LR2 60° V6, 2-barrel | 110 hp (82 kW; 112 PS) at 4800 rpm | 148 lb⋅ft (201 N⋅m) at 2000 rpm |
1983-1984[5][6] | 110 hp (82 kW; 112 PS) at 4800 rpm | 145 lb⋅ft (197 N⋅m) at 2100 rpm | |
1985[7] | 115 hp (86 kW; 117 PS) at 4800 rpm | 150 lb⋅ft (203 N⋅m) at 2100 rpm | |
1986[8] | 2.8 L LL2 60° V6, TBI | 125 hp (93 kW; 127 PS) at 4800 rpm | 150 lb⋅ft (203 N⋅m) at 2200 rpm |
1987-1993[9][10][11][12][13][14][15] | 125 hp (93 kW; 127 PS) at 4800 rpm | 150 lb⋅ft (203 N⋅m) at 2400 rpm | |
1988–1992[10][11][12][13][14] | 4.3 L LB4 90° V6, TBI | 160 hp (119 kW; 162 PS) at 4000 rpm | 230 lb⋅ft (312 N⋅m) at 2800 rpm |
1993[15] | 165 hp (123 kW; 167 PS) at 4000 rpm | 235 lb⋅ft (319 N⋅m) at 2400 rpm | |
1992-1993 (GMC Sonoma only) | 4.3 L L35 90° V6, CPI | 195 hp (145 kW; 198 PS) at 4500 rpm | 260 lb⋅ft (353 N⋅m) at 3600 rpm |
Second generation (1994)
Second generation | |
Informasi | |
Juga disebut | GMC Sonoma Isuzu Hombre |
Masa produksi | 1993–2004 (North America) 1995–2012 (Brazil) 1996–2000 (Isuzu Hombre) |
Model untuk tahun | 1994–2004 (S-10/Sonoma) 1996-2000 (Isuzu Hombre) |
Perakitan | Shreveport, Louisiana, United States Linden, New Jersey, United States São José dos Campos, Brazil (GM Brazil) Shenyang, China (Jinbei GM) |
Perancang | Jack Finegan (Brazilian version)[16] |
Bodi & rangka | |
Platform | GMT325 |
Mobil terkait | |
Penyalur daya | |
Mesin | |
Transmisi | 4-speed 4L60-E automatic 5-speed Borg-Warner T-5 manual (1994–95 I4) 5-speed NV1500 manual (1996+ I4) 5-speed NV3500 manual (V6) |
Dimensi | |
Jarak sumbu roda | 1.083 in (27.508 mm) (reg. cab short bed) 1.179 in (29.947 mm) (reg. cab long bed) 1.229 in (31.217 mm) (ext. cab short bed) |
Panjang | 190 in (4.826 mm) (short bed) 203 in (5.156 mm) (ext. cab) 205 in (5.207 mm) (long bed) |
Lebar | 679 in (17.247 mm) |
Tinggi | 635 in (16.129 mm) |
The second-generation trucks arrived for the 1994 model year. All of the special models (the Syclone, Typhoon, and Sonoma GT) were discontinued, but the changes to the pickup brought it in line with its major competitor the Ford Ranger. The Iron Duke 4-cylinder and 2.8 L 60° V6 engines were retired, the 4.3 L Vortec V6 was enhanced, and a new 2.2 L 4-cylinder engine (which had been introduced in 1990 on various front-wheel drive GM compact and mid-size platforms) became the engines of choice to power the second generation of S-10s. In compliance with the Clean Air Act, all second generation S-10s and Sonomas equipped with air conditioning used CFC-free R134a refrigerant beginning in the 1994 model year. The all new 1994 S-10 didn't offer any airbag, presumably as a temporary measure to economize the introduction of the new body styles, as well as to gradually phase out steering wheel designs that didn't accommodate for airbags, though the vehicle itself was slated for airbag capability.
Many of the chassis components were the same as the first generation (the control arms between the first and second generation were the same, originally sourced from GM's G-body platform), along with the steering knuckle, leaf springs, and differential assembly but suspension and axles were greatly enhanced. Lower control arms for the two-wheel drive model had 1/4-inch thicker steering stops - the second generation control arms are commonly used as an upgrade for the first generation. Sport utility models (Blazer, Jimmy, Bravada) came with thicker front and rear sway bars.
Generally, for the two-wheel drive trucks, the 8.5-inch rear end was only used when it came with both a manual transmission and the L35 W-code 4,3 L (262 cu in) V6 engine; it was an option for four-wheel drive trucks with either transmission. This was also the year that GM introduced the ZR2 off-road package.
For 1995, a driver's side airbag was added as well as daytime running lights. In 1996 the 4.3 L engine was refreshed, and a third (rear) door was added for extended cab models, along with the sportside bed option. In 1998, the exterior, interior,[17] brakes, and 2.2 L I4 engine were refreshed, along with a "next-generation" supplemental restraint system that added a passenger-side air bag. The SS package was replaced by the "Xtreme" package. In 2001, a crew cab option was added and was only available with four-wheel drive and an automatic transmission. For the 2004 model year, the regular and extended cab models were discontinued; only the crew cab model was retained.
Base two-wheel drive models came with 15 x 6.5-inch wheels with directional vents, Xtreme and ZQ8 models came with 16 x 8-inch wheels while four-wheel drive models (including the ZR2) used 15 x 7-inch wheels. The 14-inci (360 mm) wheels used on the first generation were discontinued.
1998 Restyling
For 1998, the Chevrolet S-10, GMC Sonoma, and Isuzu Hombre received a mid-cycle refresh. On the exterior, the front fascia was redesigned, and new wheel designs were added. The interior received a full redesign, with "TheftLock" anti-theft functionality for most radios, improved audio systems (including newly designed radios), new interior front door panels, an optional combination cassette and CD player radio, redesigned keyless entry remotes, a new steering wheel, dual airbags, a new instrument cluster with digital odometer and gear shift indicator for automatic transmission-equipped models, and new seat fabrics.
Crew Cab (2001-2004)
In 2001, a four-door Crew Cab configuration was introduced for the Chevrolet S-10 and GMC Sonoma. Available exclusively in LS or SLS trims, the Crew Cab included many features that were optional on other S-10 models, such as full power accessories (windows, door locks, exterior side mirrors, and keyless entry), dual front bucket seats, fifteen-inch (15"), five-spoke aluminum-alloy wheels, an A/M-F/M stereo radio with TheftLock capabilities, a single-disc CD player, and Automatic Tone Control (ATC), a six-speaker audio system, a tachometer for the instrument cluster, and air conditioning. Leather-trimmed seating surfaces were also introduced for the Crew Cab for the first time for the 2001 model year.
ZR-5 Sport Package (Crew Cab Models)
Available exclusively on the Chevrolet S-10 and GMC Sonoma LS and SLS Crew Cab models, the ZR-5 Sport Package was a sport appearance package that added black front and rear bumpers, fifteen-inch (15") machined aluminum-alloy wheels, "ZR-5" pickup side box decals to the standard S-10 and Sonoma LS and SLS Crew Cab models.
The Chevrolet S-10 SS was a high-performance version of the S-10, introduced in 1994. Fewer than 3,000 SSs were produced yearly on average.[butuh rujukan] When introduced, the SS was only sold in three colors: Onyx Black, Summit White, and Apple Red. The SS was discontinued in 1998 and was replaced by the S-10 Xtreme for the 1999 model year.
A 4.3 L V6 (which was optional on regular S-10s) was the standard engine used in the SS, producing between 180 and 200 hp (149 kW). The SS included a limited slip differential, lowered suspension (starting with the 1996 model year), cosmetic changes such as a different grille, body-colored bumpers, 16-inch wheels (available from 1996 to 1998, similar in design to the 1991 and 1992 Camaro Z28 with Chevrolet "bowtie" logo center caps), and other minor cosmetic differences. All SS versions were regular cabs, Xtremes were available with the "third door" extended cab. A step-side version was available from 1996 to 1998 and until 2003 on the Xtreme.
The ZR2 package was an off-road package available for the second generation S-10. The ZR2 package included a 4-inci (100 mm) wider track width, a boxed ladder-type frame with modified suspension mounting points, larger wheel and axle bearings, 31-inch all-terrain tires, a suspension lift (approximately 3 inches more ground clearance versus a regular four-wheel drive S-10), upgraded Bilstein suspension, fender flares, alloy wheels, and an 8.5-inch Chevrolet 10-bolt rear differential with 3.73:1 gears and an Eaton MLocker (coded as G80).[butuh rujukan]
Isuzu Hombre
In 1996, Isuzu replaced its P'up with a version of the Louisiana-built Chevrolet S-10, the Isuzu Hombre, based on the Brazilian market S-10 (the front grille and fenders are based on the Brazilian S-10 along with the truck bed sheetmetal). The Hombre differed from its GM siblings mostly in the front sheetmetal, with different lights, grille, front bumper and front fenders, which were more flared out. The rear quarter panels were also different, as they had a slight flare over the wheel well to match the front fenders. The Hombre had a much smaller range of equipment options compared to the S-10 and Sonoma; a Spacecab extended cab, V6 engine and four-wheel drive were added for 1997 and available until 1998.
Two trim levels were offered: the base S and the uplevel XS. The XS had features like a cassette tape deck, higher-grade interior fabric, a tachometer, sliding rear window, and a split 60/40 seatback. Hombres were equipped with the Chevrolet S-series 15 x 7 steel wheels (with 8 directional vents) - the Hombre wheels were painted black (the S10, Sonoma, and Blazer/Jimmy wheels were painted silver) since a majority were equipped with wheel covers with the Isuzu logo. Hombres were also available with the S-10's aluminum wheels with Isuzu center caps.
Slow sales resulted in production ending in 2000. It would be another six years before Isuzu re-entered the pick-up market with the i-Series, which formed the basis for the S-10's successor, the Colorado.
1994–1997 GMC Sonoma regular cab
1994–1997 GMC Sonoma Extended Cab
1996 Chevrolet S-10 (European version)
2001 Chevrolet S-10 ZR2
South American (2004-2012)
Chinese and South American version (pre-facelift)
South American version (facelift)
South American version (second facelift)
Years | Engine | Power | Torque | VIN letter |
1994–1997[18][19][20][21] | 2.2 L Vortec 2200 (LN2) I4 | 118 hp (88 kW; 120 PS) @ 5200 RPM | 130 lb⋅ft (176 N⋅m) @ 2800 RPM | 4 |
1998-2003[22][23][24][25][26][27] | 2.2 L Vortec 2200 (L43) I4 | 120 hp (89 kW; 122 PS) @ 5000 RPM | 140 lb⋅ft (190 N⋅m) @ 3600 RPM | 5 |
1994[18] | 4.3 L 90° (LB4) V-6, TBI | 165 hp (123 kW; 167 PS) @ 4000 RPM | 235 lb⋅ft (319 N⋅m) @ 2400 RPM | Z |
1995[19] | 155 hp (116 kW; 157 PS) @ 4000 RPM | |||
1994[18] | 4.3 L Vortec 4300 (L35) V-6, SCPI | 195 hp (145 kW; 198 PS) @ 4500 RPM | 260 lb⋅ft (353 N⋅m) @ 3600 rpm | W |
1995[19] | 190 hp (142 kW; 193 PS) @ 4500 RPM | 260 lb⋅ft (353 N⋅m) @ 3400 rpm | ||
1996-2003 w/ 2WD[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] | 180 hp (134 kW; 182 PS) @ 4400 RPM | 245 lb⋅ft (332 N⋅m) @ 2800 RPM | ||
1996-2003 w/ 4WD[20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] | 190 hp (142 kW; 193 PS) @ 4400 RPM | 250 lb⋅ft (339 N⋅m) @ 2800 RPM | ||
2004 (Crew Cab 4WD only)[28] | 180 hp (134 kW; 182 PS) @ 4400 RPM | 245 lb⋅ft (332 N⋅m) @ 2800 RPM | ||
1996-1999 w/ 2WD[20][21][22][23] | 4.3 L Vortec 4300 (LF6) V-6, MPFI | 175 hp (130 kW; 177 PS) @ 4400 RPM | 240 lb⋅ft (325 N⋅m) @ 2800 RPM | X |
1996-1999 w/ 4WD[20][21][22][23] | 180 hp (134 kW; 182 PS) @ 4400 RPM |
- ^ Schroeder, Don (December 1992). "GMC Sonoma GT". Car and Driver. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2011-10-09. Diakses tanggal 2010-05-31.
- ^ Strohl, Daniel (2016-03-07). "Faster than a Corvette? GMC's Syclone sport truck celebrates a quarter-century". Hemmings Daily. American City Business Journals. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2019-03-27.
- ^ a b "Chevrolet Vehicle Information Kits".
- ^ a b "1982 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1983 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c d "1984 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c d "1985 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b "1986 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b "1987 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1988 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1989 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1990 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1991 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1992 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1993 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ "História da S10/Blazer".
- ^
- ^ a b c "1994 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "1995 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c d e "1996 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c d e "1997 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c d e "1998 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c d e "1999 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "2000 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "2001 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "2002 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ a b c "2003 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).
- ^ "2004 Chevrolet S10 Vehicle Information Kit" (PDF).