Ir. Indah Megahwati, MP
Pengguna Wikipedia

Nama lahirIndah Megahwati
Tanggal lahir15 Januari 1968 (umur 56)
Tempat lahirMalang, East Java, Indonesia
Negara Indonesia

Life History

lr. Indah Megahwati, MP (born in Malang on 15 January 1968) Marital Status : Married with one husband named dr. Ayik Prayitno and blessed with a child named: Muahmammad Alwan Pramedisca (has earned his degree S.Ked. Faculty of Medicine at the State Islamic University Jakarta. Home Address :COMP. Bank Niaga No 10 A RT 015/RW 003 Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu.

Education taken

Elementary school completed in 1980 at SDN Cilandak 05 Pagi, Junior High School completed in 1983 at the First Level High School Negeri 6 Malang, Senior High School completed in 1986 at the State Senior High School of Agriculture Malang (SPP SPMA). In 1989 graduated from Diploma3/Sarmud at Brawijaya University[1]. 1992 graduated from Agriculture Cultivation Starata 1 Brawijaya University. In 2004 has graduated from the Postgraduate Program Plant Ecology Agriculture at Brawijaya University. 2022 entered the Doctorate Program of Science Economics Postgraduate Program at Borobudur University[2] Jakarta.

Work Experience

2008 worked in the civil service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Penata Tingkat I (III/d) at Dep. Agriculture. In 2009 as PNS Ministry of Coordination. Bid. Economy Pembina (IV/a) at the Dep. Agriculture. In 2018 as ASN Ministry of Agriculture Pembina Tingkat I (IV/b) Ministry of Agriculture. In 2019-2022 as ASN Ministry of Ministry of Agriculture Pembina Utama Muda (IV/c). In 2023 as ASN Ministry of Agriculture, Senior Advisor (IV/d) Ministry of Agriculture. Currently serving as Director of Financing[3]/Echelon II-A at the Ministry of Agriculture.[4]

Scientific works researched

  1. The Reatization af the Government's Role in ereating F'aad Securitv in lndonesia
  2. Talent Management Implementation as a Step Towards Creating a Competitive Advantage for the Company.
  3. The Effect Of Agricultural Sector Development.On Employment Opportunities And Income Distribution In Banten.
  4. Testing Validity and Reliability of Local Products Using the Digital Market Mouth to Mouth Abouth Purchase Decisions Consumer.


  1. ^ "Universitas Brawijaya", Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, 2023-09-03, diakses tanggal 2023-09-08 
  2. ^ "Universitas Borobudur", Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, 2022-12-11, diakses tanggal 2023-09-08 
  3. ^ "Direktorat Pembiayaan Pertanian". (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2022-07-04. Diakses tanggal 2023-09-08. 
  4. ^ "Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia", Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, 2023-09-04, diakses tanggal 2023-09-08