Pengguna:DedeBOT/Customized warnings

Mbak Dede provides customised warnings for certain rules:

  1. media files:
    "Jika pranala luar yang Anda masukkan atau ubah kepada file media (contohnya, sebuah gambar atau sebuah file suara atau video) pada server luar, kemudian catat baik-baik mem-pranala ke beberapa file mungkin diatur dalam kebijakan Hak cipta Wikipedia dan oleh karena itu mungkin jangan mem-pranala ke situs tersebut. Tolong pertimbangkan menggunakan fasilitas Pengunggahan untuk mengunggah sebuah media file yang sesuai."
  2. petition sites:
    "If the external link you inserted or changed was to a petition site then please note that wikipedia is not a soapbox, and that such links generally should not be included."
  3. Free host sites:
    "If the external link you inserted or changed was to a blog, forum, free web hosting service, or similar site, then please check the information on the external site thoroughly. Note that such sites should probably not be linked to if they contain information that is in violation of the creators copyright (see Linking to copyrighted works), or they are not written by a recognised, reliable source. Linking to sites that you are involved with is also strongly discouraged (see conflict of interest)."
  4. Pay-per-view sites:
    "If the external link you inserted or changed was to a site that provides payment for people visiting the that page, then note that Wikipedia is not an advertising service. Linking to sites that you are involved with is also strongly discouraged (see conflict of interest)."