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MULTILINGUAL BEHAVIOR OF PESANTREN IMMIM STUDENTS IN MAKASSAR Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir University of Iqra Buru, Indonesia
To Cite the Article: Bin Tahir, S. Z. Multilingual Behavior of Pesantren IMMIM Students in Makassar. The Asian EFL Journal/ Professional Teaching Articles/ August 2015, Issue 86. Pp. 45-64.
Bioprofile Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir is a lecturer of English Educational Department at the University of Iqar Buru, Indonesia. He is a doctoral candidate in English Education Program from the State University of Makassar. His areas of interest and research include teaching media, TEFL, Arabic and Linguistics, and Multilingual. He can be contacted at
Abstract This study aimed to determine 1) the pattern of language choice in various situations covering languages such as Indonesian, Arabic, English, and other local languages used at the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) of IMMIM, 2) an overview of a linguistic phenomenon that occurs at the Pesantren of IMMIM, and 3) the factors affecting students’ languages selection. This study was a part of a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach. To meet the need of the article, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were a group of 20 students who were purposively sampled to participate in this study. The instruments used to collect the data included observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptively through a three-stage model, namely data display, data reduction, and data presentation and verification. The researcher found that 1) the pattern of language choice that was observed indicated that Indonesian was the instructional language for general school subjects and was used as a communication tool inside the classroom. Arabic was found to be the language hugely associated with Islamic subjects and also the language that must be used on certain days inside of pesantren. English was the language choice for the science subjects and must also be used on certain days. The local language was used to interact with students’ families at the guest house during their visits to the pesantren; 2) aspects of monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, code-switching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference and Peslanglish (Pesantren’s Slang English) were observed which helped describe the overall linguistic situation at the pesantren; 3) The general factors affecting students’ language selection were locations, topics, interlocutors, participants, and other determined factors (i.e., the students’ educational backgrounds, motivation, habits, students’ ages, mother tongues, teachers’ educational backgrounds, and the environment).
Keywords: Language behavior, Multilingual, Language selection
Introduction Multilingualism has played an important role in globalization era as a tool to drive competitiveness among people or countries all over the world in such areas as economy, trade, politics, culture, and education. It was defined ordinarily as the ability to speak or to communicate in three or more languages (Vildomec, 1963; McArthur, 1992; Edwards, 1994; Kemp, 2009). The benefit of being multilingual outweighs the benefit of being monolingual because multilingualism is not restricted to linguistic knowledge only, but extends outside the area of language. The substantial long-lived cognitive, social, personal, academic, and professional benefits of enriched multilingual contexts have been well documented (Cummins, 1981; Diaz & Klingler, 1991; Cook, 2001; Lam & Rosario-Ramos, 2009). Therefore, in 2013, the United Nation (UN) took into account such multilingual advantages by organizing an essay writing contest on multilingualism (UN, 2013). In 2015, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will become ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which demands that each country of ASEAN enhance their individual competence in order to be able to stay competitive in this era. Although the ASEAN Community is based on three pillars (Political-Security Community, Economic Community and Socio-Cultural Community), education appears to be a cross cutting element which supports a successful and stable formation of the ASEAN Community (Umezaki, 2012). Indonesia is one country amongst the ASEAN members which provides its students with a foreign language education since the early age or in secondary school through a program called bilingual school or Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI). Unfortunately, the program has been unsuccessful due to the unpreparedness of schools to deal with such a program and also due to the lack of students and teachers’ competence in mastering English (Haryana, 2007; Mariati, 2007; Widowati et al., 2013). To fill the gap, it should be brought to the authorities’ attention that there are still many schools out there that are capable of running the program such as the schools that are managed by various social foundations in Indonesia including Pesantrens. These schools do possess the students and teachers’ multilingual competence required to make the program successful. Pesantren or Islamic boarding school is an educational institution that has its roots in the Hinduism-Islamic educational system which was founded by Ki Hajar Dewantara as the indigenous education system of Indonesia since 1062 (Mastuhu, 1994; Yasmadi, 2002; Daulay, 2009; Madjid, 2013; Nizar, 2013; Engku & Zubaidah, 2014). Their educational learning system prioritizes the use of two foreign languages, Arabic and English, besides Indonesian and local languages, both as the medium of instruction in the teaching and learning process and in daily communication. The obligation to use these foreign languages is intended to improve students’ knowledge in Islamic studies, and at the same time, expand their language repertoire. Today, there are around 27.218 pesantrens in Indonesia including 240 pesantrens located in South Sulawesi/Makassar (Depag, 2011). Pesantren of IMMIM, one of the pesantrens of Makassar, was chosen as a research site for this study because of its interesting linguistic traditions. Since 1974, the two foreign languages, namely Arabic and English, have been taught at this school. Its students generally come from various tribes of eastern Indonesia with different ethnicities and languages, and also from other provinces in Indonesia such as Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Palu, Kalimantan, Moluccas, Papua, and Java, making the pesantren community a very multilingual one. Some previous studies that involved pesantren still focused on the method of language teaching and learning (Bin Tahir, 2011; Melor & Hadi, 2012). Some researchers studied linguistic and sociolinguistic issues related to the speech style, bilingualism, code-mixing and code-switching at pesantren (Hanidah, 2009; Rhohmatillah, 2013; Tantri, 2013), and some others discussed teaching morality, teaching Kitab Kuning, and religious learning (Van Bruinessen, 1994; Lukens-Bull, 2000; Zakaria, 2010). Those studies, however, did not consider thoroughly the multilingual education that occurred at pesantren. These reasons motivated the researcher to conduct a research on the multilingual education at pesantren. Based on the preliminary observation of the language use at pesantren of IMMIM, an interesting phenomenon related to diglossia surfaced that raised the question of whether there was a distinctive pattern that could be drawn from the trends of language selection performed by the students at the school. In daily language use, the students are generally exposed to a variety of language usage patterns: (1) Indonesian, (2) Arabic, (3) English, and (4) the local languages. The choice of the language of courses depends on several factors such as the participants’ linguistic background, interlocutors, the atmosphere, and topics. The multilingualism phenomenon observed at this school was interesting to the researcher because such a linguistic situation, where a multilingual learning process and multilingual communication had become norms, was quite unique compared to the linguistic situations at other educational institutions. The pattern of language choice in such a multilingual community, such as that of pesantren of IMMIM, also can presumably lead to a variety of linguistic events. The linguistic events and the factors that influence language selection have been largely little known about. Yet, according to prevalent views in sociolinguistics, it is necessary to know one's awareness of and his or her loyalty in using language. Despite the fact that Indonesia is a multilingual society with 726 languages (Crystal, 2000; Martí, at al., 2005), the multilingual education is still a new issue that must be examined in great depth to explore many sites which have contributed to the multilingual education. Thus, there are many aspects and approaches that should be considered before developing the multilingual education for pesantrens. The researcher applied a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach to collect the data from a number of sites and employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection to explore the curriculum of several pesantrens in Makassar, languages choice and languages behavior, students and teachers’ attitude toward the multilingual education, and the strategy used by students and teachers to develop their multilingual competence. The data will endorse the designing of needs analysis and situational analysis of the multilingual education for pesantren. It also enriches syllabus design, lesson plan, instruction, and course books of the multilingual education development for pesantren through research and development (Johnson, 1992). This study focused on one variable that is multilingual behavior of pesantren IMMIM students in Makassar. In particular, the study addressed the following research questions in relation to the multilingual behavior of the students at this pesantren. 1) What is the pattern of the students’ language choice in the classroom, outside the classroom and outside of pesantren? 2) How is the pattern of such linguistic events formed? 3) What factors have influenced students’ language selection? The significance of this research is expected to be used as information and reference before conducting further steps of a multimethod approach in designing needs analysis and situational analysis of the multilingual education development for pesantrens in Makassar.
Language Choice and Multilingual Behavior The use of language is a form of social interaction that occurs in a variety of situations. The social interaction will live on due to the fact that language users regularly engage in activity of talking. Such activity would be more successful if it is supported by tools and other determining factors such as situation (Labov, 1972). Language behavior and attitude are two things that are closely related, which can determine the choice of language as well as the survival of a language. Language behavior is a mental attitude in selecting and using a language. Basically, one is free to choose the language and also to freely use the language. This freedom is a certain part of human rights. Although one is free to choose and use languages, but there are many factors that limit a person in selecting and using such languages (Burridge, 2010). Language behavior and language attitude are part of a language community; the second term is almost difficult to give a meaningful difference. The research conducted by Ajzen (2002) concluded that language behavior was determined by the four main factors, namely attitudes, social norms, habits, and a result that may occur. Among these four factors, the habit is the most powerful factor, whereas the attitude is the weakest factor. Therefore, it is clear that most of the language behavior is habitual and the attitude is not the only factor that determines the behavior. Gumpers and Hymes (1972) confirmed the meaning of language behavior as the appropriate designation and definition of the domain of language behavior that obviously calls for considerable insight into socio-cultural dynamicity of particular multilingual speech communities. Language behavior domains reflect not only on a multilingual setting in which a number of activities have occurred but also in multilingual settings such as which permissiveness which sought by a number of interested parties. Those domains concerned the following 9 domains: the family, the playground and the street, the school, the church, literature, the press, the military, the courts, and the administration governmental. Based on the expert definition of the language behavior, it is known that language behavior is closely related to the dynamic language community taking part in a variety of activities and groups. The use of language is also in tune with the cultural background of the community itself. The selection or the use of language occurs in the domains of variety of speaking behavior. Amongst those domains, there are 9 domains or regions, namely the social use of language families, group play, on the road, school, church, literature, journalism, military, judicial areas, and administration. Some writers and researchers tried to define multilingualism based on the definition of monolingualism and bilingualism. The definitions, however, are still confused. For instance, Bloomfield (1933: 56) defined bilingualism as “the native-like control of two languages” whereas it is rigorous to be native-like caused by the fossilization of organ of speech in the early edge (12 years old) and it is tricky to master all skills of language that even a native cannot master them all (Zhaohong & Odlin, 2004). Consequently, the definition of bilingualism is still debated by the researchers and writers. Thus, the discussion of the definitions of multilingualism is complex. In general, multilingual is a person who has the ability to use three or more languages, either separately or in various degrees of code-mixing. Different languages are used for different purposes and competence in each language varies and depends on such factors as register, occupation, and education (Vildomec, 1963; McArthur, 1992; Edwards, 1994). Multilingual individuals may not have equal proficiency in or control over all the languages they know. The term ‘polyglot’ is also sometimes used to describe multilingual individuals. In a multilingual society, the attitude of one's language choice is determined by several factors. Among them are the topic of conversation, users of social classes, age groups, gender, and usage situations. A person who speaks two or more languages will choose one of the languages to use, and sometimes this is called code switching. Softer thing than code switching is code-mixing that can be described as the pieces of the language used by a speaker, but basically he or she is using one language after another. The pieces of the language taken from other languages are usually in the form of words, but also phrases or larger units of language, the use of flake form of words of language is called the borrowing (Bullock & Toribio, 2009). Language contact results in multilingualism that often surfaces in the form of mixes, a label used here as a cover term for code-switching, code-mixing and borrowing in order to describe the utterances containing features of more than one language. Mixes are a multilingual norm of language use. They have had a mixed fate in the literature on multilingual acquisition. They are taken as evidence of linguistic shortcoming and linguistic proficiency, of language separation and language confusion, and of typical versus atypical developmental progress (Cruz-Ferreira, 2010). The phenomenon of a speaker interfere the code basically using a variant of a language. On the use of it, the speaker used pieces of code and other languages. Once again, the speakers on the phenomenon of interference use codes only in a particular language variant. Someone who switches codes when talking to his or her interlocutor would be motivated. The motives underlying code switching by examining the use made by speakers for rhetorical purposes of linguistics. There has also been a good deal of interest in specifying the constraints on linguistic patterns of code mixing. Some progress has been made toward formalizing these constraints. Although there is likely to be much in these approaches which illuminate the dynamicity of monolingual style-switching, they have been developed mainly in bilingual communities (Milroy, 1998). The views above imply that one's motivation to switch codes can be seen by observing the use of language for the purpose of linguistic rhetoric. Linguistic constraints on code switching patterns can also be seen by combining the labor theory of a universal language. Some improvement is classified into the code mixing, code switching, diglossia, and interference especially in people who use two or more languages.
Method This study was a part of a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach (Johnson, 1992). To meet the need of the article, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. 20 students from class II & III of senior high school of pesantren of IMMIM were purposively sampled. The following tow criteria were used to choose the subjects: 1) They have lived in the pesantren for at least one year; 2) They can speak Indonesian, Arabic, English, and the local language well. The study was conducted from October, 07th 2013 to July, 05th 2014 in city of Makassar, Indonesia. The primary data collection instrument was the researcher himself (Gay, Mills, & Airasian, 2006) as an observer and an interviewer. It means that he decided what to be observed related to the problem statements. Then, he interpreted the data and confirmed the information about what has been observed by interviewing the students, the fellow students, and the teachers. The secondary instruments were an observation scheme and an interview protocol. In collecting the data, the researcher employed three of the primary data collection techniques as follows: a. Observation The researcher as a nonparticipant observer or external observer was not directly involved in the situation that was being observed. The activities of observation were 1) the students’ speaking activities in the classroom, language choice, and the reasons behind their use of such languages, 2) the students’ speaking activities outside the classroom, language choice, and the reasons for using those languages, and 3) language use in the community, and the reasons behind their use of these languages. The researcher cross checked the data of the students’ languages activities with their fellow students and teachers. The researcher wrote the field notes on the activities and used a videotape to record the verbal and nonverbal communication amongst the students, the fellow students, and the teachers, which later was confirmed and adjusted to field notes. Also, a volunteer assisted the researcher in the interview section. b. Interview In this study, the researcher interviewed the students, the fellow students, and the teachers using the voice recorders. The type of the interview was the semi-structured interview in which some questions were prepared before interviewing and some additional questions were asked on the spot. The students and fellow students’ interview was used to collect the qualitative data or confirmation toward what had been observed. c. Documentation In addition to the observation and interviews, the data also were gathered through documentary evidence. The data analysis began with the selection of all the data collected from the various sources such as interview, observation, and documentation. The procedure of data analysis in this study coincided with the data collection process through a three stage model, namely data display, data reduction, data presentation and verification. However, these three stages took place simultaneously. Checking the validity of the data in the study referred to the formulation of the research result which involves three things, namely (1) persistence of observation, (2) triangulation of data, and (3) referential adequacy. The validity of the data was tested with the relevant reference sources through books, documents, and activities of students’ speaking (Kothari, 2004; Cohen, Lawrence, & Keith, 2007).
Findings and Discussion The observation and the interview data were derived from the teaching and learning process in the classroom, outside the classroom, and inside or outside of the pesantren environment. The data for students’ spoken language were obtained from the tape recordings of the students’ speaking and conversation activities. The data were also obtained from the documentation of the students’ essays on the bulletin board, the administration documents, and the field notes. All of the data were analyzed based on a sociological approach, a psychological approach, and a sociolinguistic approach which were all intended to cover the factors that may have affected the students’ multilingual behavior. Sociological Approach Based on the findings related to the sociological approach, especially in the educational domain, the interpretation that can be drawn is that the Indonesian usage patterns are more likely to be required in a formal situation for general subjects, whether in the classroom or outside the classroom, and as the language choice for the activities outside the classroom such as scouts, ceremonial and sports. The pattern of Arabic usage reveals that Arabic was used more as an instructional language for religious subjects in the classroom, and as a communication tool that must be used by the students outside the classroom on certain days. It was also used as an instructional language for the religious activities like speech practicing, reciting holy Quran, formal ceremonial, art, and writing on the wall board magazine. The discovered pattern also suggests that English was used more as an instructional language for English and science subjects inside or outside the classroom. The use of English was also required during the specified time frame and in the certain activities such as the speech training, courses, ceremonial party, art, and writing on the wall magazine. The pattern of local language usage indicates that the local languages were treated more as an alternative option especially when the students needed to interact with each other or with the people from the same ethnic background in order to share secrets. The function of the local language itself was to enable its users to integrate into a particular ethnic community within the boarding school environment. When the students met their families, they also tended to use the local languages. The use of the local languages was seen as a form of devotion and reverence to the parents and family. The sociological approach of language behavior domains reflect not only on a multilingual setting in which a number of activities have occurred but also in multilingual settings such as which permissiveness which sought by a number of interested parties. It is in line to what Gumpers and Hymes (1972) pointed out that language behavior obviously calls for considerable insight into socio-cultural dynamicity of particular multilingual speech communities.
Moreover, most of the students indicated that Arabic and English were widely used in the teaching of both languages in the classroom or outside the classroom. Arabic and English were also used in the religious celebrations and formal ceremonies. This means that there is a positive attitude that relates to the issue of pride when the students use these two foreign languages. On the other hand, they seemed to feel embarrassed and afraid when they did not use these foreign languages in certain situations. This phenomenon was mainly caused by the prohibition of Indonesian language or local language use in students’ interactions with others within the pesantren environment. This is reinforced by various sanctions if they break the rules. The sanctions are usually in the form of requiring the students to memorize new vocabulary in Arabic or English, clean the dormitory or barrack toilets, or pay certain fees for breaking the rules.
Furthermore, the students’ multilingual behavior observed in the community outside of pesantren tended to favor the use of the native languages during family-related occasions (Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Maluku, and Javanese). Generally, the dominance of the Makassar language use by the students during familiar occasions can be interpreted as a positive attitude which reflects their pride toward their local language. Psychological Approach Language choice was analyzed using an approach that places an emphasis on the process of human psychology, which pays attention to individual motivation. In other words, social psychological research on language choice is more individual-oriented than social-oriented. Based on the findings on students’ motivation in studying Arabic, English, and Indonesian, it was found that most of them believed that the use of Arabic and English at school would increase their knowledge, expand relationships, and at the same time fulfill certain school language requirements. In addition, the sanctions or punishment imposed on the students who did not use Arabic or English were also believed to be a determining factor for language choice. This shows that some elements of the motivation are related to the personal needs such as the need to avoid punishment that is imposed when the students do not use these languages. Sociolinguistic Approach As mentioned earlier, the linguistic phenomena that frequently occurred at Pesantren of IMMIM were code switching, code mixing, monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, diglossia, interference and Peslanglish (Pesantren’s Slang English). In a multilingual situation, the students tended to use their first language features when using the foreign languages. As a result, the various linguistic phenomena related to language selection occurred, one of which was code-mixing as in the following example: Student said (in Indonesian): Saya tahu ji itu Student said (in Arabic): أَنَا عَارِفْ جِي ذٰلِك (Anaa ‘aaref ji zaalik) Student said (in English): I know ji that The frequent occurrence of the sentences similar to those three sentences in Indonesian, Arabic, and English shows that the students were heavily influenced by their local language, which was evident in their use of stem Ji. This means that code-mixing may occur in almost every sentence, indicating the heavy interference of the students’ mother tongue. They also made use of some slang type of language, which the researcher has called it Peslanglish, as a medium to share secrets between them. Student 1: Be quite, Herbamount comes Student 2: Just relax, he wouldn’t teach us today, but Galaxy will The word Herbamount in the above instance refers to the students’ description of the quick-tempered teacher, and the word Galaxy refers to the teacher who has a horrible face, large and big body, who is strict in giving punishment. Those words were used as slang and a way to share secrets and to humiliate the teacher they hated. This pattern of language selection is predicted to always be created and developed by the students to show intimacy within their group. The influence of the first language will eventually diminish and disappear in formal speaking when the students live for about 8-11 months at the pesantren, in line with the increase in their second and third language proficiency. In their daily communication or non-formal speaking settings, it was observed that they were still influenced by their mother tongue, as depicted in Table 1.
Table 1 Languages use at pesantren of IMMIM
Situation Code Switching Code Mixing Monolingual Bilingual/ Multilingual Diglossia Interference 1 Indonesian in the classroom √ √ √ √ √ √ 2 Arabic in the classroom √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 English in the classroom √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 PPKn and Math subjects √ √ √ √ √ √ 5 Religious Program √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 Scout Program, art, and sport √ √ √ √ √ 7 Writing on the bulletin board √ √ √ 8 Individual letter √ 9 In the kitchen √ √ √ √ √ 10 In the environment of pesantren √ √ √ √ √ 11 In community outside pesantren √ √ √ √ √
(Source: Data of observation, 2014)
Factors affecting students’ multilingual behavior The selection of a particular language over another may have influenced by several factors: the situation, the content of the conversation, and interaction functions. In addition, there were several other determining factors described as follows: a. Students 1) The students’ educational background The majority of the students came from state primary schools, not from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah or Islamic elementary schools. This suggests that their Indonesian language was better as compared to their Arabic or English. 2) Motivation and habit The students were motivated to choose Arabic and English, as well as Indonesian because of their desire to communicate with other students at the school and also to benefit from the available opportunity to practice their foreign languages. In addition, the habit of using foreign languages inside the pesantren was the most powerful factor in determining language behavior. 3) The age The study found that age was a crucial factor which affected language learning. Students who were exposed to Multilingualism at an early age, especially the students of pesantren were found to be more successful than their peers who had a later start. Early age was also found to be responsible for the children’s increase in their multilingual proficiency level through the second/third language learning and practices. 4) Mother tongue Mother tongues (Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, Moluccas, Java, and Indonesia) were very influential in determining language choice in the second as well as the third language acquisition and learning process. The results showed that the mother tongue became interrupted during the process of learning Arabic and English. This was a common occurrence; the students consciously or subconsciously made use of their first language features when using both Arabic and English. As a result, cases of code-switching, code-mixing, bilingual, multilingual, digglossia and interference were the common phenomena in the students’ communication. b. Teachers The teachers and counselors at pesantren were also found to be influential in the students’ language selection. The teachers of pesantren of IMMIM were found to be competent and had a good level of Arabic and English proficiency. Teachers were able to speak Arabic, English, or Indonesian well and they were able to respond to the students using the same language the students used. c. Environment The quality of language atmosphere was very important for the students to be successful in learning the languages. The results showed that language learning in the classroom environment can be characterized as a social and psychological factor which includes adjustments to the language selection, language use, and discipline. The existence of the disciplinary measures forced the students to speak a certain required language in accordance with the situation and the pesantren’s rule, such as using Indonesian for general subjects and classroom activities, using Arabic for religious instruction, and using English for science subjects. At certain times outside of the classroom while being unsupervised, the students used Arabic, English, Indonesian and local language, except for extracurricular activities such as scouts and sports in which the students chose to use Indonesian. In general, the environment, the interlocutors, and the situation did influence language choice at pesantren.
Conclusion Based on the results and discussion, the following conclusions were drawn: a. The Indonesian language functioned as the instructional language of general subjects and was used as a communication tool in the classroom. In addition, the Indonesian language was also used for extracurricular activities such as scouts, sports, ceremony, arts, and Indonesian speech competitions. Arabic was the choice for Islamic subjects and used by the students on certain days inside pesantren to communicate with other fellow students. It was also the language used by the teachers of religious subjects for the recitation of the holy Qur'an and books of Hadits, and for communicating in a variety of activities such as Arabic speech practice, arts, debating, writing, formal ceremony, writing letters, announcements, calls, and conversations in or outside of the classroom. English became the language choice for science subjects and was also used on certain days. English was used in a variety of activities with other fellow students and the English teachers such as in speech practice, arts, debating, formal ceremony, writing for the wall magazine, writing letters, announcements, calls and conversations in and outside of the classroom. The local languages were treated as tools to communicate or interact with other the fellow students from the same ethnic background, especially to share secrets. The local languages were particularly useful when students’ families visited the pesantren or met the students outside of pesantren. b. The cases of language selection that occurred at pesantren of IMMIM were monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, code-switching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference, and Peslanglish. In a language contact situation, the students tended to do a transfer of the features from their first language to the foreign language they used. c. The factors affecting the language selection were the educational background of the students at the previous school, their level of motivation in selecting the languages, habits, ages, mother tongues, environment, and the teachers who were able to master two foreign languages and who have facilitated the process of knowledge transfer to the students.
Implication of the study The present study aimed at investigating the languages selection and multilingual behavior of pesantren of IMMIM students in Makassar. Some implications of the study can be concluded as follows: First, based on the result of the study, it can be found that the in-depth consideration of language function, language selection, and the factors affecting the languages selection is essential to strengthen the designing of needs analysis and situational analysis before developing multilingual education for pesantren. It is also beneficial to researchers who aim at designing needs analysis to consider in great depth the sociological, psychological, and linguistic approaches. Second, the study contributes to understanding the case of language selection that occurred at pesantren such as monolingual, bilingual, multilingual, code-switching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference, peslanglish, and transferring of the features from the first language to the foreign languages as information and reference in developing multilingual instructional model of pesantren. However, the result of the present study is not intended to be generalized to all contexts/schools of multilingual behavior since the design of this research was qualitative approach and the aim of this study was to investigate the language function, language selection, and the factors affecting the languages selection at pesantren of IMMIM and how it can benefit the researchers to design needs analysis and situational analysis accurately.
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