Pembicaraan:Pemberontakan PKI 1948
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Rasanya artikel ini perlu dikembalikan ke judul "Peristiwa Madiun", karena kejadiannya masih diperdebatkan. Sejumlah pihak merasa tuduhan bahwa PKI yang mendalangi peristiwa ini sebetulnya adalah rekayasa Orde Baru (dan sebagian pelaku Orde Lama). Lihat --Stephensuleeman 07:07, 25 Januari 2006 (UTC)
- OK, saya rasa memang di Indo juga lebih dikenal dgn nama "Peristiwa Madiun". Hayabusa future 08:25, 25 Januari 2006 (UTC)
Mungkin juga harus ditulis di artikel bahwa sebenarnya pemberontakan tidak hanya terjadi di Madiun saja tapi juga merembet ke beberapa daerah di Jateng. Adik nenek buyut saya yang waktu itu menjabat sebagai bupati Sukoharjo dibunuh oleh PKI. Jadi saya kira ini tidak hanya rekayasa para penguasa Orba dan Orla. Yang rekayasa itu Peristiwa G-30-S. Saya juga belum pernah ketemu Ibrahim Isa ini. Nanti saya carikan referensi dulu. Meursault2004 09:47, 25 Januari 2006 (UTC)
Di buku saya Historical Atlas of Indonesia (Robert Cribb 2000:159) terdapat:
- Deep tensions developed in the Republican camp during 1948. Resources were scarce in those parts of Central and East Java still in Republican hands, and local armed units competed for living space with each other and with more than 20,000 troops of the Siliwangi Division 'repatriated' from West Java under the Renville Agreement. Strikes in state enterprises and cuts in the civil services exacerbated tensions. The Left, which had dominated government from late 1945 until January 1948, was now excluded from power by the non-parliamentary government of vice-president Hatta, and saw its influence in the government and armed forces rapidly eroded. Led by members recently returned Moscow, the communist party (PKI) began a campaign a radical mobilization in the towns and countryside, appealing especially to the followers of Javanist Islam (Kejawen).
- Driven from Surakarta by Siliwangi troops in mid-September 1948 pro-PKI units assembled in Madiun, where they seized the administration and declared a national front government. Party leaders then joined the revolt, which was ferociously condemned by president Sukarno. In the ensuing civil war, about eight thousand people were killed, many of them in communal clashes between santri and Kejawen villagers. The rebels were defeated by the beginning of December and most of the leaders were shot. The 'Madiun Affairs' helped to create a legacy of bitterness in the Javanese countryside, and to confirm the enmity of the dominant Siliwangi group in the army high command towards the PKI. The defeat of the communists, however made the United States more sympathetic to the Republic and in 1949 led the Americans to oppose a Dutch attempt to settle the conflict by force.
Jadi kalaupun ada hal yg kontroversial mungkin karena adanya konflik dan perseteruan antara kaum santri (Islam taat) dan Kejawen. Meursault2004 11:04, 25 Januari 2006 (UTC)