Al Jazeera

Stasiun televisi
Al Jazeera
JenisJaringan TV satelit
Tanggal peluncuran1996
Tokoh kunciSheikh Hamad bin Thamer al-Thani


S'HAMAS - is a shame on us Irish.....

Hamas is being warned to cease causing any further conflict between themselves or third parties.


The Heroin Cartel are using a ship/submarine/oil rig for the production of their

Heroin and communicate using a mobile phone network to land line then fire-

walled to satellite to satellite phone receiver on a private network. This is how you cannot trace their calls. The crash into The Hudson river was planned by using migrating geese (possibly

from Yugoslavia or Uganda) brought to the locality by Satanists-Heroin-

Scientology-Cartel-Sophonpanich Some of the people involved are hiding out in Pattaya Thailand and come from

many different countries. They are all connected to the Heroin Scientology world

started by a member of a Nazi WW2 family who escaped to America and avoided

prosecution. Erik Young (brother of Christopher M Young) son of Mervyn F S Young a WW2 Spitfire Fighter Pilot who was murdered in 2006 by the Scientology-Satanic-Heroin-Cartel-of-Sophonpanich-Thailand Pattaya Thailand Still searching for Netnapa Taenjamras (my former wife) and one of the daughter's

of The Sultan of Brunei (who I had hoped to become my wife one day). I know two of my children are dead and cremated and bgelieve my daughter Panadta Mercedes N Young may also have been killed by the Heroin-Sophonpanich-Satanists. I am going to start killing more of them myself they are beyond evil totally SATANIC. If you think this is madness then the saints who wrote the books of the Bible are madmen.

It is the Sophonpanich-Heroin Cartel that caused the foundation of Hamas a heroin trading group. Hamas used the facade of political factors to disguise their true identity and business. I know this because I know the people they met in Amsterdam 40 years ago when they were starting up in business. Some of the Satanists are here in Pattaya so please come here and help me to kill them. Erik Young Pattaya Thailand. Silver is the suit of armo(u)r that protects Humanity from Satan's diseases. Gold is the purity within that shines out and prolongs life allows us to live life not have an evil life.

Al Jazeera (الجزيرة yang berarti "pulau" atau "jazirah") adalah stasiun televisi berbahasa Arab dan Inggris yang berbasis di Doha, Qatar. Stasiun TV ini menjadi populer setelah serangan 11 September 2001, ketika stasiun ini menyiarkan rekaman pernyataan Osama bin Laden dan pimpinan al-Qaeda lainnya.

Selain saluran berita utama, Al Jazeera juga mengoperasikan beberapa saluran TV khusus lainnya, antara lain Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera Sports, Al Jazeera Live, dan Al Jazeera Children's Channel. Selain itu, Al Jazeera juga mengoperasikan situs web berita berbahasa Arab [1] dan Inggris [2].


Al Jazeera mengklaim sebagai satu-satunya stasiun TV yang independen secara politik di Timur Tengah. Saat ini Al Jazeera menyaingi BBC dalam skala jumlah pemirsa yang diperkirakan mencapai 50 juta pemirsa. Al Jazeera berawal dengan modal dari dana raja Qatar sejumlah 150 juta dolar Amerika, dan memulai siaran pada akhir 1996. Pada bulan April tahun tersebut, siaran BBC World dalam bahasa Arab mengalami masalah dengan pemerintah Arab Saudi, dan akhirnya harus menutup operasinya. Banyak mantan staf BBC yang kemudian bergabung dengan Al Jazeera.

Pada 15 November 2006 saluran Al Jazeera berbahasa Inggris mulai mengudara.

Al Jazeera dan Irak

Pada 3 Maret 2003, menjelang invasi AS ke Irak, New York Stock Exchange melarang Al Jazeera (dan juga beberapa organisasi berita lainnya yang tidak disebutkan) dari pemberitaan dengan menggunakan alasan resmi karena "masalah keamanan". Langkah ini kemudian juga diikuti oleh para pejabat pasar bursa Nasdaq.

Pada 8 April 2003, kantor Al Jazeera di Baghdad diserang oleh tentara AS, yang menewaskan reporter Tareq Ayyoub dan melukai seorang lainnya, meskipun sebelumnya AS telah menerima informasi tentang lokasi kantor tersebut. Hal ini juga pernah terjadi sebelumnya, yaitu pada 13 November 2001, ketika AS meluncurkan serangan roket ke kantor Al Jazeera di Kabul pada saat invasi AS ke Afghanistan, yang juga setelah AS menerima informasi tentang lokasi kantor tersebut. Awak kamera Al Jazeera, Sami Al-Haj,yang berwarganegara Sudan, juga ditahan oleh tentara AS pada awal tahun 2002 di Teluk Guantanamo, Kuba. Pada 23 November 2005, pengacara Sami Al-Haj yang bernama Clive Stafford-Smith melaporkan bahwa dalam lebih dari seratus interogasi yang dialami Sami, petugas AS selalu menanyakan apakah Al Jazeera merupakan corong al-Qaeda. Alasan penahanan Sami hingga kini tidak diketahui, meski pernyataan dari petugas AS selalu menyebutkannya sebagai ancaman keamanan.


  • Philip Auter, Mohamed M. Arafa, Khaled Al-Jaber. Who Is Al Jazeera's Audience? Deconstructing the Demographics and Psychographics of an Arab Satellite News Network.
  • Arafa, M., Auter, P.J., & Al-Jaber, K. (2005). Hungry for news and information: Instrumental use of Al-Jazeera TV among viewers in the Arab World and Arab Diaspora. Journal of Middle East Media, 1(1), 21-50.
  • Al-Jaber, Khaled. The Credibility of Arab Broadcasting: The Case of Al Jazeera. Doha: National Council for Culture, Arts and Heritage, 2004. Hard cover. 118 pages.
  • Auter, P. J., Arafa, M., & Al-Jaber, K. (2004, October). News credibility in the Arab World: An analysis of Arabic peoples’ usage patterns of Al-Jazeera after September 11, 2001 and before the Iraq War. Paper presented to the annual Global Fusion conference, St. Louis, MO. (
  • Auter, P. J., Arafa, M., & Al-Jaber, K. (2003, October). Identifying with Arabic journalists: How Al-Jazeera tapped parasocial interaction gratifications in the Arab World. Paper presented at the annual international convention of the Arab-US Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Tatham, Steve (2006), 'Losing Arab Hearts & Minds: The Coalition, Al-Jazeera & Muslim Public Opinion' Hurst & Co (London) Published 1 Jan 06 [3]
  • Mohamed Zayani (2005), The Al Jazeera Phenomenon: Critical Perspectives On New Arab Media, Paradigm Publishers
  • Marc Lynch (2005), Voices of the New Arab Public: Iraq, al-Jazeera, and Middle East Politics Today, Columbia University Press
  • Hugh Miles (2004), Al Jazeera: how Arab TV news challenged the world, Abacus
  • Mohammed El-Nawawy and Adel Iskandar (2003), Al Jazeera: The story of the network that is rattling governments and redefining modern journalism, Basic Books
  • Naomi Sakr (2002), Satellite Realms : Transnational Television, Globalization and the Middle East, I.B. Tauris
  • Mohammed El-Nawawy and Adel Iskandar (2002), Al Jazeera: How the Free Arab News Network Scooped the World and Changed the Middle East, Westview Press

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